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Created August 20, 2008 15:21
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Recursive, iterative and tail-recursive performance test for X86 (with factorial)
* Test for recursive, tail-recursive and iterative functions
* solving the same problem (factorial) to test execution speed
* on an X86 processor.
* Found:
* Cleaned up by Toby DiPasquale <[email protected]>
* Compile with:
* gcc -W -Wall -O2 facttest.c -o facttest
#include <stdio.h>
* Recursive implementation of the factorial function.
static int rfact(int n)
if (0 == n) {
return 1;
return n * rfact(n - 1);
* Iterative implementation of the factorial function.
static int ifact(int n)
int result = 1;
if (0 == n) {
return 1;
while (n > 0) {
result *= n;
return result;
* Tail-recursive helper function for tfact().
static int tfact_aux(int n, int acc)
return (0 == n) ? acc : tfact_aux(acc * n, n - 1);
* Tail-recursive implementation of the factorial function.
static int tfact(int n)
return tfact_aux(n, 1);
* Function to retrieve value from hardware clock timer on X86 CPUs.
static unsigned long long int rdtsc()
unsigned long long int x;
__asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
return x;
#define METER(func, str) \
{ \
int count; \
unsigned long long c0, cputime; \
c0 = rdtsc(); \
for (count = 0; count < 10000000; count++) { \
func; \
} \
cputime = rdtsc() - c0; \
printf(str " " # func ": %Lu\n", cputime); \
int main(void)
METER(ifact(5), "[iterative]");
METER(rfact(5), "[recursive]");
METER(tfact(5), "[tail-recursive]");
printf("possible measurement error (+/-): %Lu\n", rdtsc() - rdtsc());
return 0;
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