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Created March 4, 2011 14:23
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javascript master class with Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs: Homework part 1
// 1. Write a class to support the following code:
// var thomas = new Person('Thomas');
// var amy = new Person('Amy');
// // --> "Thomas"
var Person = function( name ){ = name;
var thomas = new Person('Thomas');
var amy = new Person('Amy');
console.log( ) // --> "Thomas"
// 2. Add a getName() method to all Person objects, that outputs the persons name.
// thomas.getName() // --> "Thomas"
var Person = function( name ){ = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function(){
console.log( );
var thomas = new Person('Thomas');
thomas.getName(); // --> "Thomas"
// 3. Write a statement that calls Thomas's getName function, but returns "Amy".; // --> "Amy"
// 4. Remove the getName() method from all Person objects.
delete Person.prototype.getName;
thomas.getName(); // --> "thomas.getName is not a function"
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