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#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# | |
# Bootstrap script for setting up a new OSX machine | |
# | |
# This should be idempotent so it can be run multiple times. | |
# | |
# Some apps don't have a cask and so still need to be installed by hand. These | |
# include: | |
# | |
# - Twitter (app store) | |
# - Postgres.app (http://postgresapp.com/) | |
# | |
# Notes: | |
# | |
# - If installing full Xcode, it's better to install that first from the app | |
# store before running the bootstrap script. Otherwise, Homebrew can't access | |
# the Xcode libraries as the agreement hasn't been accepted yet. | |
# | |
# Reading: | |
# | |
# - http://lapwinglabs.com/blog/hacker-guide-to-setting-up-your-mac | |
# - https://gist.github.com/MatthewMueller/e22d9840f9ea2fee4716 | |
# - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8402079 | |
# - http://notes.jerzygangi.com/the-best-pgp-tutorial-for-mac-os-x-ever/ | |
echo "Starting bootstrapping" | |
# Check for Homebrew, install if we don't have it | |
if test ! $(which brew); then | |
echo "Installing homebrew..." | |
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" | |
fi | |
# Update homebrew recipes | |
brew update | |
# Install GNU core utilities (those that come with OS X are outdated) | |
brew tap homebrew/dupes | |
brew install coreutils | |
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names | |
brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names | |
brew install gnu-indent --with-default-names | |
brew install gnu-which --with-default-names | |
brew install gnu-grep --with-default-names | |
# Install GNU `find`, `locate`, `updatedb`, and `xargs`, g-prefixed | |
brew install findutils | |
# Install Bash 4 | |
brew install bash | |
ack | |
autoconf | |
automake | |
boot2docker | |
ffmpeg | |
gettext | |
gifsicle | |
git | |
graphviz | |
hub | |
imagemagick | |
jq | |
libjpeg | |
libmemcached | |
lynx | |
markdown | |
memcached | |
mercurial | |
npm | |
pkg-config | |
postgresql | |
python | |
python3 | |
pypy | |
rabbitmq | |
rename | |
ssh-copy-id | |
terminal-notifier | |
the_silver_searcher | |
tmux | |
tree | |
vim | |
wget | |
) | |
echo "Installing packages..." | |
brew install ${PACKAGES[@]} | |
echo "Cleaning up..." | |
brew cleanup | |
echo "Installing cask..." | |
brew install homebrew/cask | |
CASKS=( | |
colluquy | |
dropbox | |
firefox | |
flux | |
google-chrome | |
google-drive | |
gpgtools | |
iterm2 | |
macvim | |
skype | |
slack | |
spectacle | |
vagrant | |
virtualbox | |
vlc | |
) | |
echo "Installing cask apps..." | |
brew cask install ${CASKS[@]} | |
echo "Installing fonts..." | |
brew tap caskroom/fonts | |
FONTS=( | |
font-inconsolidata | |
font-roboto | |
font-clear-sans | |
) | |
brew cask install ${FONTS[@]} | |
echo "Installing Python packages..." | |
ipython | |
virtualenv | |
virtualenvwrapper | |
) | |
sudo pip install ${PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]} | |
echo "Installing Ruby gems" | |
bundler | |
filewatcher | |
cocoapods | |
) | |
sudo gem install ${RUBY_GEMS[@]} | |
echo "Installing global npm packages..." | |
npm install marked -g | |
echo "Configuring OSX..." | |
# Set fast key repeat rate | |
defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0 | |
# Require password as soon as screensaver or sleep mode starts | |
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1 | |
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPasswordDelay -int 0 | |
# Show filename extensions by default | |
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true | |
# Enable tap-to-click | |
defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad Clicking -bool true | |
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1 | |
# Disable "natural" scroll | |
defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.swipescrolldirection -bool false | |
echo "Creating folder structure..." | |
[[ ! -d Wiki ]] && mkdir Wiki | |
[[ ! -d Workspace ]] && mkdir Workspace | |
echo "Bootstrapping complete" |
have it read a text file, each program a separate line. just text.
How exactly do you go about testing this?? If you make a mistake, is there a way to revert all the changes??
How exactly do you go about testing this?? If you make a mistake, is there a way to revert all the changes??
I spin up MacOS in a few cloned virtualbox instances, keep testing the script until I get it right.
Brew Cask command is outdated:
Use the following command (and replace the given cask installation command - line 116)
brew install ${CASKS[@]} --cask
Also the command to tap casks is outdated
Replace the command on Line - 95 to the following
brew install homebrew/cask
Is this still up to date?
Is this still up to date?
It's definitely not. Homebrew changed the syntax for installing casks and the defaults re from an older OS version. You can look at my version that I based on this example
Anyway to specify the apps to install rather than doing them all in bulk?