In this how-to it is being explained how to create a maven repository on github and how to use an existing one.
Clone your original project to a new local repository (change GROUP-NAME and PROJECT-NAME)
git clone PROJECT-NAME-maven2
Go to the clonned repository (use your PROJECT-NAME-maven2)
cd PROJECT-NAME-maven2
Create a branch for maven files
git branch maven2
Switch to this new branch
git checkout maven2
Remove project original files, this branch is just for releases
run mvn install for jar creation (change GROUP, ARTIFACT-NAME, ARTIFACT-VERSION, PATH-TO-THE-JAR and PATH-TO-EXISTING-POM). See *1 for details.
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=GROUP -DartifactId=ARTIFACT-NAME -Dversion=ARTIFACT-VERSION -Dfile=PATH-TO-THE-JAR -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=. -DcreateChecksum=true -DgeneratePom=true
Add all files to be commited
git add .
Commit these changes
git commit -m "Released version ARTIFACT-VERSION"
Push this commit. After that your maven structure for you project can be reached by github raw data address
git push origin maven2
On gradle you can add this repository on 'repositories'
maven { url "" }
- *1 Your PATH-TO-THE-JAR will be something like:
instead of-DgeneratePom=true
if you already have a POM.
If you already have a repository using this way explained above, you can use the following commands to setup another machine in order to update your repository.
Clone your maven2 branch to a local folder which name is followed by "-maven2" (change GROUP-NAME and PROJECT-NAME)
git clone PROJECT-NAME-maven2 --branch maven2
To update your maven2 repo, follow steps from run mvn install for jar creation
Sorry for shameless self-promotion, but I'd like to gather some feedbacks about one gradle plugin I've been working on: magik. Basically it allows to publish directly on a github repository acting as a maven repository. Github repos may serve for some nice custom solution since they allow up to 100GB total repo size with a max 100MB size for single file