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Created January 25, 2016 16:31
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  • Save citrusui/81cee6acfccf55c57244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save citrusui/81cee6acfccf55c57244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4/4.3.5 untethered, manually

unthredera1n and unthreadeh4il do not actually require the execution of a Linux binary to be installed on devices with a tethered jailbreak available.

  1. Jailbreak the device tethered with redsn0w. You may need to downgrade iTunes if you're on Windows.
  2. After jailbreaking and booting tethered, install OpenSSH in Cydia.
  3. Find the Internal Name of your device and its iOS version build. For example, 9B206_K93AP is for the iPad 2 on iOS 5.1.1.
  4. Use an SFTP client to transfer /var/unthreadedjb/launchd.conf to /etc/launchd.conf.
  5. Create /var/unthreadedjb and upload amfi.dylib and jb there.
  6. Change the mode of /var/unthreadedjb/jb to allow execution by the user (644).
  7. Create an empty file at /var/unthreadedjb/install.
  8. Reboot and ensure Cydia can be opened.
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