(local fun (require "fun")) |
(local gears (require "gears")) |
(local awful (require "awful")) |
(require "awful.autofocus") |
(local naughty (require "naughty")) |
(macros |
{:with-selected-tag (fn [name body1 ...] |
`(let [,name (. mouse.screen :selected_tag)] |
(when ,name |
,body1 |
,...)))}) |
(local focus-colors |
; from https://colorhunt.co/palette/136945 |
["#cd4545" "#f3a333" "#f16821" "#fffe9a"] |
) |
(local background-color "#110022") |
(local unfocus-color background-color) |
; Tools |
(fn notify |
[text] |
(naughty.notify {:text text})) |
(fn ndebug |
[x] |
(notify (gears.debug.dump_return x))) |
(fn merge |
[t kvs] |
(fun.reduce #(doto $1 (tset $2 $3)) t kvs)) |
(fn cinv |
[k] |
(fn [c] |
(let [v (. c k)] |
(tset c k (not v))))) |
(local modifiers {:mod "Mod4" |
:shift "Shift" |
:ctrl "Control"}) |
(fn map-mods |
[mods] |
(->> mods |
(fun.map (partial . modifiers)) |
(fun.totable))) |
(fn key |
[mods key-code fun] |
(awful.key (map-mods mods) key-code fun)) |
(fn btn |
[mods btn-code fun] |
(awful.button (map-mods mods) btn-code fun)) |
(fn invert-screen |
[invert?] |
(os.execute "xcalib -c -a") ; clear |
(when invert? |
(os.execute "xcalib -i -a"))) |
(fn get-load |
[] |
(with-open [f (io.open "/proc/loadavg")] |
(tonumber |
(pick-values 1 |
(string.gsub (f:read) " .*" ""))))) |
(fn show-load |
[rgb ld] |
(naughty.notify {:text (tostring ld) |
:bg rgb |
:timeout 1 |
:border_color "#FFFFFF" |
:fg "#FFFFFF"})) |
(fn notify-load |
[] |
(let [ld (get-load)] |
(if (>= ld 8) (show-load "#7f0000" ld) |
(>= ld 6) (show-load "#7f7f00" ld) |
(>= ld 4) (show-load "#007f00" ld) |
(>= ld 2) (show-load "#007f7f" ld) |
(>= ld 1) (show-load "#00007f" ld) |
nil))) |
; Tag managment |
(fn set-client-colspan |
[colspan c] |
(tset c :colspan colspan) |
(awful.layout.arrange c.screen)) |
(fn client-colspan |
[c] |
(or (. c :colspan) 1)) |
; each client gets an equal share over the width of workarea |
(local layout-columns |
{:name |
"columns" |
:arrange |
(fn [p] |
(let [t (or p.tag (. screen p.screen :selected_tag)) |
wa p.workarea |
cs p.clients] |
(when (< 0 (length cs)) |
(let [client-steps (fun.map (fn [c] [(client-colspan c) c]) cs) |
client-step-count (fun.reduce (fn [x [y]] (+ x y)) 0 client-steps) |
col-width (math.floor (/ wa.width client-step-count))] |
(fun.reduce (fn [w [colspan c]] |
(let [client-width (* col-width colspan)] |
(tset p :geometries c {:x (+ wa.x w) |
:y wa.y |
:width client-width |
:height wa.height}) |
(+ w client-width))) |
0 |
client-steps)))))}) |
(local layouts [ |
layout-columns |
awful.layout.suit.fair |
awful.layout.suit.tile |
awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen]) |
(local tags {}) |
(var current-tag-pos [0 0]) |
(fn set-tag-pos |
[tag [x y]] |
(merge tag {:x-pos x |
:y-pos y})) |
(fn get-tag-pos |
[tag] |
[(. tag :x-pos) (. tag :y-pos)]) |
(fn translate-pos |
[[x y] [off-x off-y]] |
[(+ x off-x) (+ y off-y)]) |
(fn tag-name |
[[x y]] |
(.. "(" x " " y ")")) |
(fn get-or-create-tag |
[pos] |
(let [tn (tag-name pos)] |
(when (not (. tags tn)) |
(let [[tag] (awful.tag [tn] mouse.screen (. layouts 1))] |
(tset tags tn tag) |
(set-tag-pos tag pos))) |
(. tags tn))) |
(fn current-tag |
[] |
(get-or-create-tag current-tag-pos)) |
(fn view-only |
[tag] |
(: tag :view_only)) |
(fn view-current-tag |
[] |
(view-only (current-tag))) |
(local view-all-tag-name "view-all") |
(local view-all-tag |
(. (awful.tag [view-all-tag-name] mouse.screen awful.layout.suit.fair) 1)) |
(fn view-all-tags |
[] |
(view-only view-all-tag)) |
(fn select-tag-by-focused-client |
[c] |
(->> (c:tags) |
(fun.filter (partial not= view-all-tag)) |
(fun.each #(set current-tag-pos (get-tag-pos $1)))) |
(view-current-tag)) |
(fn select-current-tag-by-offset |
[off] |
(with-selected-tag tag |
(set current-tag-pos (get-tag-pos tag))) |
(set current-tag-pos (translate-pos current-tag-pos off)) |
(view-current-tag)) |
(fn move-client-relative |
[off c] |
(c:tags [(get-or-create-tag (translate-pos current-tag-pos off)) view-all-tag])) |
(fn move-client-relative-and-select |
[off c] |
(move-client-relative off c) |
(select-current-tag-by-offset off)) |
(fn move-all-clients-relative-and-select |
[off] |
(fun.each (partial move-client-relative off) |
(awful.client.visible)) |
(select-current-tag-by-offset off)) |
(fn focus-client-by-offset |
[off] |
(awful.client.focus.byidx off) |
(when client.focus |
(client.focus:raise))) |
(fn is-inverted? |
[t] |
(if (. t :inverted?) true false)) |
(fn set-inverted |
[t inverted?] |
(tset t :inverted? inverted?) |
(invert-screen inverted?)) |
(fn toggle-invert-screen |
[] |
(with-selected-tag t |
(let [inverted? (not (is-inverted? t))] |
(set-inverted t inverted?)))) |
(fn focus-client |
[c] |
(when c |
(let [focus-color (. c :focus_color)] |
; focus (e.g. from rules) is applied before arrange and the client might not yet have a color |
(when focus-color |
(tset c :border_color focus-color))))) |
(fn un-focus-client [c] |
(tset c :border_color unfocus-color)) |
(fn arrange-tag |
[screen] |
; focus from history |
(when (not client.focus) |
(let [c (awful.client.focus.history.get screen 0)] |
(when c |
(tset client :focus c)))) |
; set a border width, if there is more than one client on the tag |
(let [cs (awful.client.visible screen) |
csl (length cs) |
bw (if (= csl 1) 0 csl)] |
(fun.each |
(fn [c focus-color] |
(merge c {:border_width bw |
:focus_color focus-color})) |
(fun.zip cs (fun.cycle focus-colors)))) |
; set focus color for current client (focus event is before arrange and the colors are not there yet) |
(let [c (. client :focus)] |
(focus-client c)) |
; set inverted screen state from tag |
(notify-load) |
(with-selected-tag t |
(invert-screen (is-inverted? t)))) |
(fn unminimize-tag |
[tag] |
(fun.each (fn [client] |
(tset client :minimized false) |
(client:redraw)) |
(tag:clients))) |
;;; Main Config |
(local global-keys |
(gears.table.join |
(key [:mod :shift :ctrl] "Escape" awesome.restart) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "a" view-all-tags) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "w" #(notify (tag-name current-tag-pos))) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "i" toggle-invert-screen) |
(key [:mod ] "h" #(select-current-tag-by-offset [-1 0])) |
(key [:mod ] "l" #(select-current-tag-by-offset [ 1 0])) |
(key [:mod ] "k" #(select-current-tag-by-offset [ 0 -1])) |
(key [:mod ] "j" #(select-current-tag-by-offset [ 0 1])) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "h" #(move-all-clients-relative-and-select [-1 0])) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "l" #(move-all-clients-relative-and-select [ 1 0])) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "k" #(move-all-clients-relative-and-select [ 0 -1])) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "j" #(move-all-clients-relative-and-select [ 0 1])) |
(key [:mod ] "space" #(awful.client.focus.history.previous)) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "space" #(awful.layout.inc layouts 1)) |
(key [:mod :shift :ctrl] "space" #(awful.layout.inc layouts -1)) |
(key [:mod ] "Tab" #(focus-client-by-offset 1)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "Tab" #(focus-client-by-offset -1)) |
(key [:mod :ctrl] "Tab" #(awful.client.swap.byidx 1)) |
(key [:mod :shift :ctrl] "Tab" #(awful.client.swap.byidx -1)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "BackSpace" #(unminimize-tag (awful.tag.selected))) |
)) |
(local client-keys |
(gears.table.join |
(key [:mod ] "Escape" (fn [c] (c:kill))) |
(key [:mod ] "1" (partial set-client-colspan 1)) |
(key [:mod ] "2" (partial set-client-colspan 2)) |
(key [:mod ] "3" (partial set-client-colspan 3)) |
(key [:mod ] "a" select-tag-by-focused-client) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "f" (cinv :focusable)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "o" (cinv :floating)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "s" (cinv :sticky)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "x" (cinv :maximized_horizontal)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "y" (cinv :maximized_vertical)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "m" (cinv :maximized)) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "h" (partial move-client-relative-and-select [-1 0])) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "l" (partial move-client-relative-and-select [ 1 0])) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "k" (partial move-client-relative-and-select [ 0 -1])) |
(key [:mod :shift ] "j" (partial move-client-relative-and-select [ 0 1])) |
)) |
(local client-buttons |
(gears.table.join |
(btn [:mod] 1 awful.mouse.client.move) |
(btn [:mod] 3 awful.mouse.client.resize) |
)) |
(local rules [ |
{:rule {} |
:properties {:focus true |
:keys client-keys |
:buttons client-buttons}} |
]) |
(local client-event-handlers |
{"manage" (fn [c] |
(c:tags [(current-tag) view-all-tag])) |
"mouse::enter" (fn [c] |
(if (awful.client.focus.filter c) |
(tset client :focus c))) |
"focus" focus-client |
"unfocus" un-focus-client}) |
; Wire everything up |
(fun.each client.connect_signal client-event-handlers) |
(awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen |
(fn [s] |
(s:connect_signal "arrange" arrange-tag))) |
(root.keys global-keys) |
(tset awful.rules :rules rules) |
(view-current-tag) |
(gears.wallpaper.set background-color) |
{} |
To any future reader - notice that getting the
file now requires an additional step: bakpakin/Fennel@650f0ad