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Christoph Dähne christoph-daehne

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christoph-daehne / CorsComponent.php
Last active July 4, 2017 06:31
Enable CORS in a Flow Framework Application
namespace Your\Package\Name\Http;
use Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentChain;
use Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentContext;
use Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentInterface;
* !!! be aware that this component enables CORS for the entire application !!!
christoph-daehne / CorsFilter.kt
Created July 3, 2017 09:12
Set CORS Headers in Spring Boot Kotlin project with WebFlux and Reactor
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
import org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange
import org.springframework.web.server.WebFilter
import org.springframework.web.server.WebFilterChain
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
class CorsFilter : WebFilter {
public class ZipUtils {
* @param source zip stream
* @param target target directory
* @throws IOException extraction failed
{{findAll persons field="isFriend" assignTo="friends"}}
{{#sort friends sortBy="name" assignTo="sorted"}}
{{#each sorted}}
{{x-sort-by list=friends property="name" as |sorted|}}
{{#each sorted as |friend|}}
import Ember from 'ember';
* use "{{yield sorted}}" as handlebars template
export default Ember.Component.extend({
list: undefined,
property: undefined,
sorted: function () {
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Context
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Helper
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Options
* filters a list and adds a variable to the context
* options:
* - assignTo: name of the variable to add to the context
* - field: (optional) filter by "trueness" of the given property (this is default)
christoph-daehne / rx.Observable.chaining.example.groovy
Created February 25, 2016 07:50
Example for rx.Observable chaining
@Grab(group='io.reactivex', module='rxjava-reactive-streams', version='0.5.0')
import rx.Observable
def in1 = Observable.from([1, 3, 5]).map { a -> a - 1 }
def in2 = Observable.from([2, 4, 6]).map { a -> a - 1 }
def in3 = Observable.error(new Exception("BAM!"))
def sumTimes2 =, in2) { a, b ->
a + b
}.map { a ->
// our configuration model
class BouquetConfiguration extends ArrayList<String> {
int howMany(String flower) {
return this.count { it == flower }
String toString() {
return "Bouquet: " + this.toString()
class BouquetConfiguration extends ArrayList<String> {
int howMany(String flower) {
return this.count { it == flower }
String toString() {
return "Bouquet: " + this.toString()