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Created November 12, 2010 05:22
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Save christocracy/673761 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ext.CompositeElement extension to intelligently cluster dom-nodes so they don't overlap. Good for un-cluttering dense markers on a map.
* @class Ext.ux.PinOverlap
* An Ext.CompositeElement extension which intelligently moves dom-elements so they don't overlap each other.
* Created for clustering markers on a Map to not overlap. First picks the most efficient direction to move-off
* of overlapped element, keeping track of where it moved from. If it overlaps another, it'll back-track and attempt
* to move around the element based upon the MOVE_* CONSTANTS below. Eg.
* +---------------------------
* | +-------------------+
* | | |
* | | Subject |
* | +------------------+
* | Reference
* |
* |
* +------------------------
* Subject element would first be moved UP. If that overlaps, it'll rotate through combinations from beginning @see #findMove.
* TODO Some of the combinations vs implementation might be wrong. They could be looked through very closely and checked.
* TODO Add usage example from UnitLayer.js #pinOverlap
* Usage:
// Important to set {Boolean} returnElement (as opposed to DOMNode) or it won't work.
var markers ='.marker-unit', true).pinOverlap();
// Voila.
* @author Chris Scott <[email protected]>
Ext.override(Ext.CompositeElement, {
// Move strategies based upon the relative overlap
// TODO Might possibly define these class instances in #pinOverlap instead, created once only when not-detected.
// Ext.apply(this, {MOVES_LT: [...], ...});
MOVES_LT: ['tl', 'l', 'bl', 't', 'b', 'r', 'tr', 'br'],
MOVES_LB: ['bl', 'l', 'tl', 'b', 't', 'r', 'tr', 'br'],
MOVES_RT: ['tr', 'r', 'br', 't', 'b', 'l', 'tl', 'bl'],
MOVES_RB: ['br', 'r', 'tr', 'b', 't', 'r', 'tl', 'bl'],
MOVES_TL: ['tl', 't', 'tr', 'l', 'bl', 'r', 'tr', 'br'],
MOVES_TR: ['tr', 't', 'tl', 'r', 'br', 'l', 'tl', 'bl'],
MOVES_BL: ['bl', 'b', 'l', 'l', 'br', 'r', 'tr', 'br'],
MOVES_BR: ['br', 'b', 'r', 'r', 'bl', 'l', 'tr', 'bl'],
// Length of all move strategies so we don't have to calculate all the time.
pinOverlap: function(bounds) {
var modified =, el;
for (var n=0,len=modified.length;n<len;n++) {
el = modified[n];
return this;
initBoxes: function() {
var el;
for (var n=0,len=this.elements.length;n<len;n++) {
el = this.elements[n];
//if (! { having trouble resetting = el.getBox();
return this;
pinReset: function() {
for (var n=0,len=this.elements.length;n<len;n++) {
this.elements[n].pinned = false;
return this;
* pin
* @param {Object} bounds from Ext.Element#getBox
pin: function(bounds) {
// pre-cache Element.getBox()
var len, lenx, n, x,
x1, y1,
els = this.elements,
subject, ref,
modified = [],
pinned = false,
overlap = false,
ratioX, ratioY,
el, refEl;
for (n=0,len=els.length;n<len;n++) {
el = els[n];
subject =;
subject.moves = [];
subject.lastMove = null;
// recalc, might not need here.
subject.right = subject.x + subject.width;
subject.bottom = subject.y + subject.height;
while (!el.pinned) {
overlap = false;
for (x=0,lenx=els.length;x<lenx;x++) {
// Don't compare to self.
if ( n === x) {
ref = els[x].box;
// Re-calc right/bottom
ref.right = ref.x + ref.width;
ref.bottom = ref.y + ref.height;
// Calculate relative distances of subject-points wrt ref-node-points to determine overlap.
c1 = subject.x - ref.right,
c2 = subject.right - ref.x,
c3 = subject.y - ref.bottom,
c4 = subject.bottom - ref.y;
if (c1 < 0 && c2 > 0 && c3 < 0 && c4 > 0) {
overlap = true;
if (!subject.lastMove) {
// No last move detected, move the el by the most efficient distance.
xOffset = (c1 + c2) / (subject.width + ref.width);
yOffset = (c3 + c4) / (subject.height + ref.height);
// We load the Subject with its possible moves corresponding to its relative position against the reference el.
if (Math.abs(xOffset) > Math.abs(yOffset)) {
if (xOffset < 0) { // left
x1 = ref.x - subject.width;
subject.moves = (yOffset < 0) ? this.MOVES_LT : this.MOVES_LB; // tl || bl
} else { // right
x1 = ref.x + ref.width;
subject.moves = (yOffset < 0) ? this.MOVES_RT : this.MOVES_RB; // tr || br
els[n].x = subject.x = x1;
} else {
if (yOffset < 0) { // up
y1 = ref.y - subject.height;
subject.moves = (xOffset < 0) ? this.MOVES_TL : this.MOVES_TR; // tl || tr
} else { // down
y1 = ref.y + ref.height;
subject.moves = (xOffset < 0) ? this.MOVES_BL : this.MOVES_BR; // bl || br
els[n].y = subject.y = y1;
// Record the el we last moved against so we can back-track to rotate intelligently around it if we overlap with another.
subject.lastMove = els[x];
subject.lastMoveIndex = 0;
} else if(subject.lastMoveIndex < this.TOTAL_MOVES) { // Try to rotate subject around ref
} else {
// TODO give up. Not sure what happens here.
subject.lastMove = null;
subject.lastMoveIndex = 0;
// Commit the box right/bottom now that x/y have changed.
subject.right = subject.x + subject.width;
subject.bottom = subject.y + subject.height;
// If we haven't seen this el before, push the change.
if (modified.indexOf(subject) < 0) {
// Let's try that all again, shall we? This will determine if we overlap with another shape
x = n;
if (!overlap) {
els[n].pinned = el.pinned = true;
return modified;
* Rotate the subject around the lastMoved ref el
* @param {Object} Element box
* TODO Refactor the switch.
findMove: function(subject) {
var move = subject.moves[subject.lastMoveIndex++],
ref =,
x, y;
switch (move) {
case 'tl':
x = ref.x - subject.width;
y = ref.y - subject.height;
case 't':
x = ref.x + ref.width / 2 - subject.width;
y = ref.y - subject.height;
case 'tr':
x = ref.right;
y = ref.y - subject.height;
case 'l':
x = ref.x - subject.width;
y = ref.y + subject.height / 2;
case 'r':
x = ref.right;
y = ref.y + subject.height / 2;
case 'bl':
x = ref.x - subject.width;
y = ref.bottom;
case 'b':
x = ref.x + ref.width / 2 - subject.width;
y = ref.bottom;
case 'br':
x = ref.right;
y = ref.bottom;
subject.x = x;
subject.y = y;
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