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Last active December 22, 2022 18:07
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A proof of the Christmas stocking theorem in Lean
import data.nat.choose
import data.finset
import algebra.big_operators.basic
open finset
open_locale big_operators
/- The Christmas stocking theorem:
- If you start at any point on the edge of the binomial coefficients triangle and
- add up the numbers you see in a straight line inwards, the total is equal to the
- value in the next row down in the other direction.
theorem christmas_stocking {n k : ℕ} :
∑ i in finset.range (k+1), nat.choose (n+i) i = nat.choose (n+k+1) k :=
-- Induction on k: we travel k steps into the triangle.
induction k with k ih,
-- Base case: effectively, 1 = 1.
rw [ add_zero -- Get rid of +0
, zero_add
, nat.choose_zero_right -- n choose 0 is always 1
, range_one -- `range 1` is equivalent to the set {0}
, sum_singleton -- summing over a set with one element is just that element
, nat.choose_zero_right -- n choose 0 is always 1, again
/- Inductive step:
- My intuitive way of seeing this is this:
- We have the following setup:
n_(k+1) (n+1)_(k+1)
- and we've shown n_k = (n+1)_(k+1)
- Now, we add on n_(k+1) and the total should be (n+1)_(k+2).
- But each entry in the triangle is equal to the two entries above it,
- so (n+1)_(k+2) = n_(k+1) + (n+1)_(k+1), which is what we want!
rw nat.choose_succ_succ, -- each entry in the triangle is equal to the two above it.
repeat {rw nat.add_succ}, -- shift the (+1)s outwards.
rw ← ih, -- apply the inductive hypothesis, to rewrite the RHS as a sum and a binomial term.
rw add_zero, -- get rid of +0 that appeared for some reason.
rw sum_range_succ, -- separate out the last term of the sum on the LHS
rw nat.add_succ, -- shift the (+1) out of that term.
rw add_comm, -- now we have the same things on both sides, but in different order, so swap the terms on one side.
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