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chrishomer /
Created March 28, 2012 21:02 — forked from croaky/
A trail map shows different paths someone can take. Everyone starts at different places and wants to go different places. Pick the ones that make sense for you.


  • Have a breakable toy side Rails project. It anchors your learning. Apply new skills/techniques here.
  • Put the code in Github. Give mentors access to the project. They'll review your code.
  • Understand the code review process and other style guidelines.
  • Deploy your breakable toy to Heroku.
  • Set learning goals weekly (e.g. X chapters of the Pickaxe, X Railscasts/week).
  • Keep a text document (using vim) to record interesting commands/concepts/things you've learned.
  • Review the text document daily for comprehension.
chrishomer / .gitignore
Created March 4, 2012 20:12 — forked from atty303/.gitignore
Initial gitignore for iOS project.
# xcode noise
chrishomer /
Created October 24, 2010 21:25 — forked from BinaryMuse/
# Install RVM
bash < <( curl )
# Modify ~/.bash_profile as necessary and source it to bring in changes
echo "[[ -s \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
# Install and use Ruby 1.9.2
rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p0 && rvm use 1.9.2
# Create a gemset for and install Rails 3 RC
rvm gemset create tu3 && rvm use 1.9.2@tu3