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Created October 16, 2018 22:19
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Find G Suite users for a given list of domains
# Step 1: Create list of domains in url-list.txt
# Step 2: Run dig to output a list of MX records
while read url; do
dig $url mx | grep MX | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
done <url-list.txt > mx-results.txt
# Step 3: Grep to isolate and count the Google users
while read mxrecord; do
echo $mxrecord | grep -i google
done <mx-results.txt > google-users.txt
# Step 4 (optional): Grep to isolate the others
while read mxrecord; do
echo $mxrecord | grep -i -v google
done <mx-results.txt > other-users.txt
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