-- For posterity and "show your working". Below is the patched version of Hell that does compile |
-- with GHCJS. It's mostly commented out code. |
-- |
-- Welcome to Hell |
-- |
-- Haskell as a scripting language! |
-- |
-- Special thanks to Stephanie Weirich, whose type-safe typechecker |
-- this is built upon, and for the Type.Reflection module, which has |
-- made some of this more ergonomic. |
{-# options_ghc -Wno-unused-foralls #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeApplications, BlockArguments, NamedFieldPuns, DataKinds #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PolyKinds, TupleSections, StandaloneDeriving, Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternSynonyms, TemplateHaskell #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot, OverloadedStrings, MultiWayIf, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies, AllowAmbiguousTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ExtendedDefaultRules #-} |
module Main (main) where |
-- All modules tend to be imported qualified by their last component, |
-- e.g. 'Data.Graph' becomes 'Graph', and are then exposed to the Hell |
-- guest language as such. |
import Data.Containers.ListUtils |
-- import Language.Haskell.TH.Instances () |
-- import Lucid hiding (for_, Term, term) |
import Data.Void |
import Data.Foldable |
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH |
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH |
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q) |
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph |
import qualified Data.Eq as Eq |
import qualified Data.Either as Either |
import qualified Data.Ord as Ord |
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent |
import qualified System.Timeout as Timeout |
import qualified Data.Bool as Bool |
import qualified Data.Map as Map |
-- import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap |
import qualified Data.List as List |
import qualified Data.Set as Set |
-- import qualified Data.Aeson as Json |
-- import qualified Data.Vector as Vector |
import qualified Text.Show as Show |
import qualified Text.Read as Read |
import qualified Data.Function as Function |
import qualified Data.Generics as SYB |
import qualified Type.Reflection as Type |
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe |
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as HSE |
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString hiding (writeFile) |
import qualified Data.Text as Text |
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text (putStrLn) |
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text |
import qualified System.IO as IO |
-- import qualified UnliftIO.Async as Async |
-- import qualified System.Directory as Dir |
-- import qualified Options.Applicative as Options |
-- Things used within the host language. |
import Data.Traversable |
import Data.Bifunctor |
-- import System.Process.Typed as Process |
import Control.Monad (when, foldM) |
import Control.Monad.State.Strict |
import Control.Monad.Reader |
-- import System.Environment |
import Data.Map.Strict (Map) |
import Data.Set (Set) |
-- import Data.Vector (Vector) |
-- import Data.Aeson (Value) |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
import GHC.Types hiding (List) |
import GHC.TypeLits |
import Type.Reflection (SomeTypeRep(..), TypeRep, typeRepKind, typeRep, pattern TypeRep) |
-- Testing support |
-- import Test.Hspec |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-- Main entry point |
main = do |
t_putStrLn "Checking ..." |
dispatch (Run "main = Text.putStrLn \"Welcome to Hell!\"") |
data Command |
= Run ByteString |
| Check ByteString |
| Version |
-- main :: IO () |
-- main = do |
-- args <- getArgs |
-- case args of |
-- (x:ys) |
-- | not (List.isPrefixOf "-" x) -> withArgs ys $ dispatch (Run x) |
-- _ -> dispatch =<< Options.execParser opts |
-- where |
-- opts = Options.info (commandParser Options.<**> Options.helper) |
-- ( Options.fullDesc |
-- <> Options.progDesc "Runs and typechecks Hell scripts" |
-- <> Options.header "hell - A Haskell-driven scripting language" ) |
-- commandParser :: Options.Parser Command |
-- commandParser = |
-- Options.asum [ |
-- Run <$> Options.strArgument (Options.metavar "FILE" <> Options.help "Run the given .hell file"), |
-- Check <$> Options.strOption (Options.long "check" <> Options.metavar "FILE" <> Options.help "Typecheck the given .hell file"), |
-- Version <$ Options.flag () () (Options.long "version" <> Options.help "Print the version") |
-- ] |
dispatch :: Command -> IO () |
dispatch Version = putStrLn "2024-10-08" |
dispatch (Run filePath) = do |
result <- parseFile filePath |
case result of |
Left e -> error $ e |
Right binds |
| anyCycles binds -> error "Cyclic bindings are not supported!" |
| otherwise -> |
case desugarAll binds of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right terms -> |
case lookup "main" terms of |
Nothing -> error "No main declaration!" |
Just main' -> |
case inferExp mempty main' of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right uterm -> |
case check uterm Nil of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right (Typed t ex) -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind t) (typeRep @Type) of |
Nothing -> error $ "Kind error, that's nowhere near an IO ()!" |
Just Type.HRefl -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep t (typeRep @(IO ())) of |
Just Type.HRefl -> |
let action :: IO () = eval () ex |
in action |
Nothing -> error $ "Type isn't IO (), but: " ++ show t |
dispatch (Check filePath) = do |
result <- parseFile filePath |
case result of |
Left e -> error $ e |
Right binds |
| anyCycles binds -> error "Cyclic bindings are not supported!" |
| otherwise -> |
case desugarAll binds of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right terms -> |
case lookup "main" terms of |
Nothing -> error "No main declaration!" |
Just main' -> |
case inferExp mempty main' of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right uterm -> |
case check uterm Nil of |
Left err -> error $ prettyString err |
Right (Typed t _ex) -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind t) (typeRep @Type) of |
Nothing -> error $ "Kind error, that's nowhere near an IO ()!" |
Just Type.HRefl -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep t (typeRep @(IO ())) of |
Just Type.HRefl -> pure () |
Nothing -> error $ "Type isn't IO (), but: " ++ prettyString t |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Get declarations from the module |
parseModule :: HSE.Module HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> HSE.ParseResult [(String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] |
parseModule (HSE.Module _ Nothing [] [] decls) = |
traverse parseDecl decls |
where |
parseDecl (HSE.PatBind _ (HSE.PVar _ (HSE.Ident _ string)) (HSE.UnGuardedRhs _ exp') Nothing) = |
pure (string, exp') |
parseDecl (HSE.DataDecl _ HSE.DataType{} Nothing (HSE.DHead _ name) [qualConDecl] []) = |
parseDataDecl name qualConDecl |
parseDecl _ = fail "Can't parse that!" |
parseModule _ = fail "Module headers aren't supported." |
parseDataDecl :: (l ~ HSE.SrcSpanInfo) => HSE.Name l -> HSE.QualConDecl l -> HSE.ParseResult (String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo) |
parseDataDecl (HSE.Ident _ tyname) (HSE.QualConDecl _ Nothing Nothing (HSE.RecDecl _ (HSE.Ident _ consName) fields)) = do |
-- Note: the fields are sorted by name. |
fields' <- fmap (List.sortBy (Ord.comparing fst) . concat) $ traverse getField fields |
let names = map fst fields' |
-- Technically the type checker is quite capable of handling this in |
-- a sound manner, but it's weird and Haskell disallows it, so we |
-- turn it off. |
when (List.nub names /= names) $ |
fail "Field names cannot be repeated." |
pure (consName, makeConstructor tyname fields') |
where getField (HSE.FieldDecl _ names typ) = do |
names' <- for names \case |
(HSE.Ident _ n) -> pure n |
_ -> fail "Invalid field name." |
pure $ map (, typ) names' |
parseDataDecl _ _ = |
fail "Data declaration not in supported format." |
makeConstructor :: String -> [(String, HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] -> HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo |
makeConstructor name = appTagged . desugarRecordType where |
appTagged ty = |
HSE.App l |
(HSE.App l |
(HSE.Con l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Tagged") (HSE.Ident l "Tagged"))) |
(HSE.TypeApp l (tySym name))) |
(HSE.TypeApp l ty) |
tySym s = HSE.TyPromoted l (HSE.PromotedString l s s) |
l = HSE.noSrcSpan |
makeConstructRecord :: HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [HSE.FieldUpdate HSE.SrcSpanInfo] -> HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo |
makeConstructRecord qname fields = |
HSE.App l (HSE.Con l qname) $ |
foldr (\(name, expr) rest -> |
let tySym s = HSE.TyPromoted l (HSE.PromotedString l s s) |
in HSE.App l |
(HSE.App l |
(HSE.App l |
(HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Record") (HSE.Ident l "cons"))) |
(HSE.TypeApp l (tySym name))) |
expr) |
rest |
) |
(HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Record") (HSE.Ident l "nil"))) |
$ List.sortBy (Ord.comparing fst) $ map (\case |
HSE.FieldUpdate _ (HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident _ i)) expr -> (i, expr) |
f -> error $ "Invalid field: " ++ show f |
) |
fields |
where l = HSE.noSrcSpan |
desugarRecordType :: [(String, HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] -> HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo |
desugarRecordType = appRecord . foldr appCons nilL where |
appCons (name, typ) rest = |
HSE.TyApp l (HSE.TyApp l (HSE.TyApp l consL (tySym name)) typ) rest |
appRecord x = |
HSE.TyApp l recordT x |
tySym s = HSE.TyPromoted l (HSE.PromotedString l s s) |
nilL = HSE.TyCon l (HSE.UnQual l (HSE.Ident l "NilL")) |
consL = HSE.TyCon l (HSE.UnQual l (HSE.Ident l "ConsL")) |
recordT = HSE.TyCon l (HSE.UnQual l (HSE.Ident l "Record")) |
l = HSE.noSrcSpan |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Typed AST support |
-- |
-- We define a well-typed, well-indexed GADT AST which can be evaluated directly. |
data Term g t where |
Var :: Var g t -> Term g t |
Lam :: Term (g, a) b -> Term g (a -> b) |
App :: Term g (s -> t) -> Term g s -> Term g t |
Lit :: a -> Term g a |
data Var g t where |
ZVar :: (t -> a) -> Var (h, t) a |
SVar :: Var h t -> Var (h, s) t |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Evaluator |
-- |
-- This is the entire evaluator. Type-safe and total. |
eval :: env -> Term env t -> t |
eval env (Var v) = lookp v env |
eval env (Lam e) = \x -> eval (env, x) e |
eval env (App e1 e2) = (eval env e1) (eval env e2) |
eval _env (Lit a) = a |
-- Type-safe, total lookup. The final @slot@ determines which slot of |
-- a given tuple to pick out. |
lookp :: Var env t -> env -> t |
lookp (ZVar slot) (_, x) = slot x |
lookp (SVar v) (env, _) = lookp v env |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- The "untyped" AST |
-- |
-- This is the AST that is not interpreted, and is just |
-- type-checked. The HSE AST is desugared into this one. |
data UTerm t |
= UVar HSE.SrcSpanInfo t String |
| ULam HSE.SrcSpanInfo t Binding (Maybe SomeStarType) (UTerm t) |
| UApp HSE.SrcSpanInfo t (UTerm t) (UTerm t) |
-- IRep below: The variables are poly types, they aren't metavars, |
-- and need to be instantiated. |
| UForall HSE.SrcSpanInfo t [SomeTypeRep] Forall [TH.Uniq] (IRep TH.Uniq) [t] |
deriving (Traversable, Functor, Foldable) |
typeOf :: UTerm t -> t |
typeOf = \case |
UVar _ t _ -> t |
ULam _ t _ _ _ -> t |
UApp _ t _ _ -> t |
UForall _ t _ _ _ _ _ -> t |
data Binding = Singleton String | Tuple [String] |
data Forall where |
NoClass :: (forall (a :: Type). TypeRep a -> Forall) -> Forall |
SymbolOf :: (forall (a :: Symbol). TypeRep a -> Forall) -> Forall |
ListOf :: (forall (a :: List). TypeRep a -> Forall) -> Forall |
OrdEqShow :: (forall (a :: Type). (Ord a, Eq a, Show a) => TypeRep a -> Forall) -> Forall |
Monadic :: (forall (m :: Type -> Type). (Monad m) => TypeRep m -> Forall) -> Forall |
GetOf :: |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (a :: Type) -> |
TypeRep (t :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (r :: List) -> |
((Tagged t (Record r) -> a) -> Forall) -> Forall |
SetOf :: |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (a :: Type) -> |
TypeRep (t :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (r :: List) -> |
((a -> Tagged t (Record r) -> Tagged t (Record r)) -> Forall) -> Forall |
ModifyOf :: |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (a :: Type) -> |
TypeRep (t :: Symbol) -> |
TypeRep (r :: List) -> |
(((a -> a) -> Tagged t (Record r) -> Tagged t (Record r)) -> Forall) -> Forall |
Final :: (forall g. Typed (Term g)) -> Forall |
lit :: Type.Typeable a => a -> UTerm () |
lit l = UForall HSE.noSrcSpan () [] (Final (Typed (Type.typeOf l) (Lit l))) [] (fromSomeStarType (SomeStarType (Type.typeOf l))) [] |
data SomeStarType = forall (a :: Type). SomeStarType (TypeRep a) |
deriving instance Show SomeStarType |
instance Eq SomeStarType where |
SomeStarType x == SomeStarType y = Type.SomeTypeRep x == Type.SomeTypeRep y |
pattern StarTypeRep t <- (toStarType -> Just (SomeStarType t)) where |
StarTypeRep t = SomeTypeRep t |
toStarType :: SomeTypeRep -> Maybe SomeStarType |
toStarType (SomeTypeRep t) = do |
Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind t) (typeRep @Type) |
pure $ SomeStarType t |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- The type checker |
data Typed (thing :: Type -> Type) = forall ty. Typed (TypeRep (ty :: Type)) (thing ty) |
data TypeCheckError |
= NotInScope String |
| TupleTypeMismatch |
| TypeCheckMismatch |
| TupleTypeTooBig |
| TypeOfApplicandIsNotFunction |
| LambdaIsNotAFunBug |
| InferredCheckedDisagreeBug |
| LambdaMustBeStarBug |
deriving (Show) |
typed :: Type.Typeable a => a -> Typed (Term g) |
typed l = Typed (Type.typeOf l) (Lit l) |
-- The type environment and lookup |
data TyEnv g where |
Nil :: TyEnv g |
Cons :: Binding -> TypeRep (t :: Type) -> TyEnv h -> TyEnv (h, t) |
-- The top-level checker used by the main function. |
check :: (UTerm SomeTypeRep) -> TyEnv () -> Either TypeCheckError (Typed (Term ())) |
check = tc |
-- Type check a term given an environment of names. |
tc :: (UTerm SomeTypeRep) -> TyEnv g -> Either TypeCheckError (Typed (Term g)) |
tc (UVar _ _ v) env = do |
Typed ty v' <- lookupVar v env |
pure $ Typed ty (Var v') |
tc (ULam _ (StarTypeRep lam_ty) s _ body) env = |
case lam_ty of |
Type.Fun bndr_ty' _ | |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind bndr_ty') (typeRep @Type) -> |
case tc body (Cons s bndr_ty' env) of |
Left e -> Left e |
Right (Typed body_ty' body') -> |
let checked_ty = Type.Fun bndr_ty' body_ty' |
in |
case Type.eqTypeRep checked_ty lam_ty of |
Just Type.HRefl -> Right $ Typed lam_ty (Lam body') |
Nothing -> Left InferredCheckedDisagreeBug |
_ -> Left LambdaIsNotAFunBug |
tc (ULam _ (SomeTypeRep{}) _ _ _) _ = |
Left LambdaMustBeStarBug |
tc (UApp _ _ e1 e2) env = |
case tc e1 env of |
Left e -> Left e |
Right (Typed (Type.Fun bndr_ty body_ty) e1') -> |
case tc e2 env of |
Left e -> Left e |
Right (Typed arg_ty e2') -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep arg_ty bndr_ty of |
Nothing -> |
-- error $ "Type error: " ++ show arg_ty ++ " vs " ++ show bndr_ty |
Left TypeCheckMismatch |
Just (Type.HRefl) -> |
let kind = typeRepKind body_ty |
in |
case Type.eqTypeRep kind (typeRep @Type) of |
Just Type.HRefl -> Right $ Typed body_ty (App e1' e2') |
_ -> Left TypeCheckMismatch |
Right{} -> Left TypeOfApplicandIsNotFunction |
-- Polytyped terms, must be, syntactically, fully-saturated |
tc (UForall _ _ _ fall _ _ reps0) _env = go reps0 fall where |
go :: [SomeTypeRep] -> Forall -> Either TypeCheckError (Typed (Term g)) |
go [] (Final typed') = pure typed' |
go (StarTypeRep rep:reps) (NoClass f) = go reps (f rep) |
go (SomeTypeRep rep:reps) (ListOf f) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind rep) (typeRep @List) = go reps (f rep) |
go (SomeTypeRep rep:reps) (SymbolOf f) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind rep) (typeRep @Symbol) = go reps (f rep) |
go (StarTypeRep rep:reps) (OrdEqShow f) = |
if |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Int) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Double) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Bool) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Char) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Text) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @ByteString) -> go reps (f rep) |
-- | Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @ExitCode) -> go reps (f rep) |
| otherwise -> error $ "type doesn't have enough instances " ++ show rep |
go (SomeTypeRep rep:reps) (Monadic f) = |
if |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @IO) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Maybe) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @[]) -> go reps (f rep) |
| Type.App either' _ <- rep, |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep either' (typeRep @Either) -> go reps (f rep) |
| otherwise -> error $ "type doesn't have enough instances " ++ show rep |
go reps (GetOf k0 a0 t0 r0 f) = |
case makeAccessor k0 r0 a0 t0 of |
Just accessor -> go reps (f accessor) |
Nothing -> error $ "missing field for field access" |
go reps (SetOf k0 a0 t0 r0 f) = |
case makeSetter k0 r0 a0 t0 of |
Just accessor -> go reps (f accessor) |
Nothing -> error $ "missing field for field set" |
go reps (ModifyOf k0 a0 t0 r0 f) = |
case makeModify k0 r0 a0 t0 of |
Just accessor -> go reps (f accessor) |
Nothing -> error $ "missing field for field modify" |
go tys r = error $ "forall type arguments mismatch: " ++ show tys ++ " for " ++ showR r |
where showR = \case |
NoClass{} -> "NoClass" |
SymbolOf{} -> "SymbolOf" |
ListOf{} -> "ListOf" |
OrdEqShow{} -> "OrdEqShow" |
Monadic{} -> "Monadic" |
GetOf{} -> "GetOf" |
SetOf{} -> "SetOf" |
ModifyOf{} -> "ModifyOf" |
Final{} -> "Final" |
-- Make a well-typed literal - e.g. @lit Text.length@ - which can be |
-- embedded in the untyped AST. |
lookupVar :: String -> TyEnv g -> Either TypeCheckError (Typed (Var g)) |
lookupVar str Nil = Left $ NotInScope str |
lookupVar v (Cons (Singleton s) ty e) |
| v == s = pure $ Typed ty (ZVar id) |
| otherwise = do |
Typed ty' v' <- lookupVar v e |
pure $ Typed ty' (SVar v') |
lookupVar v (Cons (Tuple ss) ty e) |
| Just i <- lookup v $ zip ss [0 :: Int ..] = |
case ty of |
Type.App (Type.App tup x) y |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep tup (typeRep @(,)) -> |
case i of |
0 -> pure $ Typed x $ ZVar \(a,_) -> a |
1 -> pure $ Typed y $ ZVar \(_,b) -> b |
_ -> Left TupleTypeMismatch |
Type.App (Type.App (Type.App tup x) y) z |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep tup (typeRep @(,,)) -> |
case i of |
0 -> pure $ Typed x $ ZVar \(a,_,_) -> a |
1 -> pure $ Typed y $ ZVar \(_,b,_) -> b |
2 -> pure $ Typed z $ ZVar \(_,_,c) -> c |
_ -> Left TupleTypeMismatch |
Type.App (Type.App (Type.App (Type.App tup x) y) z) z' |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep tup (typeRep @(,,,)) -> |
case i of |
0 -> pure $ Typed x $ ZVar \(a,_,_,_) -> a |
1 -> pure $ Typed y $ ZVar \(_,b,_,_) -> b |
2 -> pure $ Typed z $ ZVar \(_,_,c,_) -> c |
3 -> pure $ Typed z' $ ZVar \(_,_,_,d) -> d |
_ -> Left TupleTypeMismatch |
_ -> Left TupleTypeTooBig |
| otherwise = do |
Typed ty' v' <- lookupVar v e |
pure $ Typed ty' (SVar v') |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Desugar expressions |
data DesugarError = |
InvalidConstructor String | |
InvalidVariable String | |
UnknownType String | |
UnsupportedSyntax String | |
BadParameterSyntax String | |
KindError | |
BadDoNotation | |
TupleTooBig | |
UnsupportedLiteral |
deriving (Show, Eq) |
nestedTyApps :: HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Maybe (HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo, [HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo]) |
nestedTyApps = go [] where |
go acc (HSE.App _ (HSE.Var _ qname) (HSE.TypeApp _ ty)) = pure (qname, ty:acc) |
go acc (HSE.App _ (HSE.Con _ qname) (HSE.TypeApp _ ty)) = pure (qname, ty:acc) |
go acc (HSE.App _ e (HSE.TypeApp _ ty)) = go (ty:acc) e |
go _ _ = Nothing |
desugarExp :: Map String (UTerm ()) -> HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> |
Either DesugarError (UTerm ()) |
desugarExp globals = go mempty where |
go scope = \case |
HSE.Paren _ x -> go scope x |
HSE.If l i t e -> |
(\e' t' i' -> UApp l () (UApp l () (UApp l () (bool' l) e') t') i') |
<$> go scope e <*> go scope t <*> go scope i |
HSE.Tuple l HSE.Boxed xs -> do |
xs' <- traverse (go scope) xs |
pure $ foldl (UApp l ()) (tuple' (length xs) l) xs' |
HSE.List l xs -> do |
xs' <- traverse (go scope) xs |
pure $ foldr (\x y -> UApp l () (UApp l () (cons' l) x) y) (nil' l) xs' |
HSE.Lit _ lit' -> case lit' of |
HSE.Char _ char _ -> pure $ lit char |
HSE.String _ string _ -> pure $ lit $ Text.pack string |
HSE.Int _ int _ -> pure $ lit (fromIntegral int :: Int) |
HSE.Frac _ _ str | Just dub <- Read.readMaybe str |
-> pure $ lit (dub :: Double) |
_ -> Left $ UnsupportedLiteral |
app@HSE.App{} | Just (qname, tys) <- nestedTyApps app -> do |
reps <- traverse desugarSomeType tys |
desugarQName scope globals qname reps |
HSE.Var _ qname -> |
desugarQName scope globals qname [] |
HSE.App l f x -> UApp l () <$> go scope f <*> go scope x |
HSE.InfixApp l x (HSE.QVarOp l'op f) y -> UApp l () <$> (UApp l'op () <$> go scope (HSE.Var l'op f) <*> go scope x) <*> go scope y |
HSE.Lambda l pats e -> do |
args <- traverse desugarArg pats |
let stringArgs = concatMap (bindingStrings . fst) args |
e' <- go (foldr Set.insert scope stringArgs) e |
pure $ foldr (\(name,ty) inner -> ULam l () name ty inner) e' args |
HSE.Con _ qname -> |
desugarQName scope globals qname [] |
HSE.Do _ stmts -> do |
let squash [HSE.Qualifier _ e] = pure e |
squash (s:ss) = do |
case s of |
HSE.Generator l pat e -> do |
inner <- squash ss |
let (.>>=) = HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Monad") (HSE.Ident l "bind")) |
pure $ |
HSE.App l |
(HSE.App l (.>>=) e) |
(HSE.Lambda l [pat] inner) |
HSE.Qualifier l e -> do |
inner <- squash ss |
let (.>>) = HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Monad") (HSE.Ident l "then")) |
pure $ |
HSE.App l |
(HSE.App l (.>>) e) |
inner |
HSE.LetStmt l (HSE.BDecls _ [HSE.PatBind _ pat (HSE.UnGuardedRhs _ e) Nothing]) -> do |
inner <- squash ss |
pure $ HSE.App l (HSE.Lambda l [pat] inner) e |
_ -> Left BadDoNotation |
squash _ = Left BadDoNotation |
squash stmts >>= go scope |
HSE.RecConstr _ qname fields -> go scope $ makeConstructRecord qname fields |
e -> Left $ UnsupportedSyntax $ show e |
bindingStrings :: Binding -> [String] |
bindingStrings (Singleton string) = [string] |
bindingStrings (Tuple tups) = tups |
desugarQName :: Set String -> Map String (UTerm ()) -> HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ()) |
desugarQName scope globals qname [] = |
case qname of |
HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident l string) | Set.member string scope -> pure $ UVar l () string |
HSE.Qual _ (HSE.ModuleName _ "Main") (HSE.Ident _ string) |
| Just uterm <- Map.lookup string globals -> |
pure uterm |
HSE.Qual _ (HSE.ModuleName _ prefix) (HSE.Ident _ string) |
| Just (uterm, _) <- Map.lookup (prefix ++ "." ++ string) supportedLits -> |
pure $ uterm |
HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Symbol _ string) |
| Just (uterm, _) <- Map.lookup string supportedLits -> |
pure $ uterm |
_ -> desugarPolyQName qname [] |
desugarQName _ _ qname treps = desugarPolyQName qname treps |
desugarPolyQName :: HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ()) |
desugarPolyQName qname treps = |
case qname of |
HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName _ prefix) (HSE.Ident _ string) |
| Just (forall', vars, irep, _) <- Map.lookup (prefix ++ "." ++ string) polyLits -> do |
pure (UForall l () treps forall' vars irep []) |
HSE.UnQual l (HSE.Symbol _ string) |
| Just (forall', vars, irep, _) <- Map.lookup string polyLits -> do |
pure (UForall l () treps forall' vars irep []) |
_ -> Left $ InvalidVariable $ HSE.prettyPrint qname |
desugarArg :: HSE.Pat HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Either DesugarError (Binding, Maybe SomeStarType) |
desugarArg (HSE.PatTypeSig _ (HSE.PVar _ (HSE.Ident _ i)) typ) = |
fmap (Singleton i,) (fmap Just (desugarStarType typ)) |
desugarArg (HSE.PatTypeSig _ (HSE.PTuple _ HSE.Boxed idents) typ) |
| Just idents' <- traverse desugarIdent idents = |
fmap (Tuple idents',) (fmap Just (desugarStarType typ)) |
desugarArg (HSE.PVar _ (HSE.Ident _ i)) = |
pure (Singleton i,Nothing) |
desugarArg (HSE.PTuple _ HSE.Boxed idents) |
| Just idents' <- traverse desugarIdent idents = |
pure (Tuple idents',Nothing) |
desugarArg (HSE.PParen _ p) = desugarArg p |
desugarArg p = Left $ BadParameterSyntax $ HSE.prettyPrint p |
desugarIdent :: HSE.Pat HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Maybe String |
desugarIdent (HSE.PVar _ (HSE.Ident _ s)) = Just s |
desugarIdent _ = Nothing |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Desugar types |
desugarStarType :: HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Either DesugarError SomeStarType |
desugarStarType t = do |
someRep <- desugarSomeType t |
case someRep of |
StarTypeRep t' -> pure (SomeStarType t') |
_ -> Left KindError |
desugarSomeType :: HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Either DesugarError SomeTypeRep |
desugarSomeType = go where |
go :: HSE.Type HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Either DesugarError SomeTypeRep |
go = \case |
HSE.TyTuple _ HSE.Boxed types -> do |
tys <- traverse go types |
case tys of |
[StarTypeRep a,StarTypeRep b] -> |
pure $ StarTypeRep (Type.App (Type.App (typeRep @(,)) a) b) |
[StarTypeRep a,StarTypeRep b, StarTypeRep c] -> |
pure $ StarTypeRep (Type.App (Type.App (Type.App (typeRep @(,,)) a) b) c) |
[StarTypeRep a,StarTypeRep b, StarTypeRep c, StarTypeRep d] -> |
pure $ StarTypeRep (Type.App (Type.App (Type.App (Type.App (typeRep @(,,,)) a) b) c) d) |
_ -> Left TupleTooBig |
HSE.TyParen _ x -> go x |
HSE.TyCon _ (HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident _ name)) |
| Just rep <- Map.lookup name supportedTypeConstructors -> pure rep |
HSE.TyCon _ (HSE.Special _ HSE.UnitCon{}) -> pure $ StarTypeRep $ typeRep @() |
HSE.TyList _ inner -> do |
rep <- go inner |
case rep of |
StarTypeRep t' -> pure $ StarTypeRep $ Type.App (typeRep @[]) t' |
_ -> Left KindError |
HSE.TyFun _ a b -> do |
a' <- go a |
b' <- go b |
case (a', b') of |
(StarTypeRep aRep, StarTypeRep bRep) -> |
pure $ StarTypeRep (Type.Fun aRep bRep) |
_ -> Left KindError |
HSE.TyApp _ f a -> do |
f' <- go f |
a' <- go a |
case applyTypes f' a' of |
Just someTypeRep -> pure someTypeRep |
_ -> Left KindError |
HSE.TyPromoted _ (HSE.PromotedString _ string _) -> |
case someSymbolVal string of |
SomeSymbol p -> |
pure $ Type.someTypeRep p |
-- TODO: Remove later. |
HSE.TyPromoted _ (HSE.PromotedCon _ _bool (HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident _ name))) |
| Just rep <- Map.lookup name supportedTypeConstructors -> pure rep |
t' -> Left $ UnknownType $ show t' |
-- | Apply a type `f' with an argument `x', if it is a type function, |
-- and the input is the right kind. |
applyTypes :: SomeTypeRep -> SomeTypeRep -> Maybe SomeTypeRep |
applyTypes (SomeTypeRep f) (SomeTypeRep x) = |
case Type.typeRepKind f of |
Type.App (Type.App (-->) a) _b |
| Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (-->) (TypeRep @(->)) -> |
case Type.eqTypeRep (Type.typeRepKind x) a of |
Just Type.HRefl -> |
Just $ SomeTypeRep $ Type.App f x |
_ -> Nothing |
_ -> Nothing |
-- desugarTypeSpec :: Spec |
-- desugarTypeSpec = do |
-- it "desugarType" $ do |
-- shouldBe (try "Bool") (Right (SomeStarType $ typeRep @Bool)) |
-- shouldBe (try "Int") (Right (SomeStarType $ typeRep @Int)) |
-- shouldBe (try "Bool -> Int") (Right (SomeStarType $ typeRep @(Bool -> Int))) |
-- shouldBe (try "()") (Right (SomeStarType $ typeRep @())) |
-- shouldBe (try "[Int]") (Right (SomeStarType $ typeRep @[Int])) |
-- where try e = case fmap (desugarStarType) $ HSE.parseType e of |
-- HSE.ParseOk r -> r |
-- _ -> error "Parse failed." |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Desugar all bindings |
desugarAll :: [(String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] -> Either DesugarError [(String, UTerm ())] |
desugarAll = flip evalStateT Map.empty . traverse go . Graph.flattenSCCs . stronglyConnected where |
go :: (String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo) -> StateT (Map String (UTerm ())) (Either DesugarError) (String, UTerm ()) |
go (name, expr) = do |
globals <- get |
uterm <- lift $ desugarExp globals expr |
modify' $ Map.insert name uterm |
pure (name, uterm) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Infer |
data InferError = |
UnifyError UnifyError |
| ZonkError ZonkError |
| ElabError ElaborateError |
deriving Show |
-- | Note: All types in the input are free of metavars. There is an |
-- intermediate phase in which there are metavars, but then they're |
-- all eliminated. By the type system, the output contains only |
-- determinate types. |
inferExp :: |
Map String (UTerm SomeTypeRep) -> |
UTerm () -> |
Either InferError (UTerm SomeTypeRep) |
inferExp _ uterm = |
case elaborate uterm of |
Left elabError -> Left $ ElabError elabError |
Right (iterm, equalities) -> |
case unify equalities of |
Left unifyError -> Left $ UnifyError unifyError |
Right subs -> |
case traverse (zonkToStarType subs) iterm of |
Left zonkError -> Left $ ZonkError $ zonkError |
Right sterm -> pure sterm |
-- | Zonk a type and then convert it to a type: t :: * |
zonkToStarType :: Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar) -> IRep IMetaVar -> Either ZonkError SomeTypeRep |
zonkToStarType subs irep = do |
zonked <- zonk (substitute subs irep) |
toSomeTypeRep zonked |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Occurs check |
anyCycles :: [(String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] -> Bool |
anyCycles = |
any isCycle . |
stronglyConnected |
where |
isCycle = \case |
Graph.CyclicSCC{} -> True |
_ -> False |
stronglyConnected :: [(String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] -> [Graph.SCC (String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)] |
stronglyConnected = |
Graph.stronglyConnComp . |
map \thing@(name, e) -> (thing, name, freeVariables e) |
-- anyCyclesSpec :: Spec |
-- anyCyclesSpec = do |
-- it "anyCycles" do |
-- shouldBe (try [("foo","\\z -> x * Z.y"), ("bar","\\z -> Main.bar * Z.y")]) True |
-- shouldBe (try [("foo","\\z -> Main.bar * Z.y"), ("bar","\\z -> Main.foo * Z.y")]) True |
-- shouldBe (try [("foo","\\z -> x * Z.y"), ("bar","\\z -> Main.mu * Z.y")]) False |
-- shouldBe (try [("foo","\\z -> x * Z.y"), ("bar","\\z -> Main.foo * Z.y")]) False |
-- where |
-- try named = |
-- case traverse (\(n, e) -> (n, ) <$> HSE.parseExp e) named of |
-- HSE.ParseOk decls -> anyCycles decls |
-- _ -> error "Parse failed." |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Get free variables of an HSE expression |
freeVariables :: HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [String] |
freeVariables = |
Maybe.mapMaybe unpack . |
SYB.listify (const True :: HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> Bool) |
where |
unpack = \case |
HSE.Qual _ (HSE.ModuleName _ "Main") (HSE.Ident _ name) -> pure name |
_ -> Nothing |
-- freeVariablesSpec :: Spec |
-- freeVariablesSpec = do |
-- it "freeVariables" $ shouldBe (try "\\z -> Main.x * Z.y / Main.P") ["x", "P"] |
-- where try e = case fmap freeVariables $ HSE.parseExp e of |
-- HSE.ParseOk names -> names |
-- _ -> error "Parse failed." |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Supported type constructors |
supportedTypeConstructors :: Map String SomeTypeRep |
supportedTypeConstructors = Map.fromList [ |
("Bool", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Bool), |
("Int", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Int), |
("Double", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Double), |
("Char", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Char), |
("Text", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Text), |
("Map", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Map), |
("ByteString", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @ByteString), |
-- ("ExitCode", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @ExitCode), |
("Maybe", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Maybe), |
("Either", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Either), |
("IO", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @IO), |
-- ("Vector", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Vector), |
("Set", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Set), |
-- ("Value", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Value), |
-- ("ProcessConfig", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @ProcessConfig), |
("Tagged", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Tagged), |
("Record", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @Record), |
("NilL", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @('NilL)), |
("ConsL", SomeTypeRep $ typeRep @('ConsL)) |
] |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Support primitives |
supportedLits :: Map String (UTerm (), SomeTypeRep) |
supportedLits = Map.fromList [ |
-- Text I/O |
("Text.putStrLn", lit' t_putStrLn), |
-- ("Text.hPutStr", lit' t_hPutStr), |
-- ("Text.putStr", lit' t_putStr), |
-- ("Text.getLine", lit' t_getLine), |
-- ("Text.writeFile", lit' t_writeFile), |
-- ("Text.readFile", lit' t_readFile), |
-- ("Text.appendFile", lit' t_appendFile), |
-- ("Text.readProcess", lit' t_readProcess), |
-- ("Text.readProcess_", lit' t_readProcess_), |
-- ("Text.readProcessStdout_", lit' t_readProcessStdout_), |
-- ("Text.getContents", lit' (fmap Text.decodeUtf8 ByteString.getContents)), |
-- ("Text.setStdin", lit' t_setStdin), |
-- Text operations |
("Text.decodeUtf8", lit' Text.decodeUtf8), |
("Text.encodeUtf8", lit' Text.encodeUtf8), |
("Text.eq", lit' ((==) @Text)), |
("Text.length", lit' Text.length), |
("Text.concat", lit' Text.concat), |
("Text.breakOn", lit' Text.breakOn), |
("Text.lines", lit' Text.lines), |
("Text.words", lit' Text.words), |
("Text.unlines", lit' Text.unlines), |
("Text.unwords", lit' Text.unwords), |
("Text.intercalate", lit' Text.intercalate), |
("Text.reverse", lit' Text.reverse), |
("Text.toLower", lit' Text.toLower), |
("Text.toUpper", lit' Text.toUpper), |
-- Needs Char operations. |
-- ("Text.any", lit' Text.any), |
-- ("Text.all", lit' Text.all), |
-- ("Text.filter", lit' Text.filter), |
("Text.take", lit' Text.take), |
("Text.splitOn", lit' Text.splitOn), |
("Text.takeEnd", lit' Text.takeEnd), |
("Text.drop", lit' Text.drop), |
("Text.stripPrefix", lit' Text.stripPrefix), |
("Text.stripSuffix", lit' Text.stripSuffix), |
("Text.isSuffixOf", lit' Text.isSuffixOf), |
("Text.isPrefixOf", lit' Text.isPrefixOf), |
("Text.dropEnd", lit' Text.dropEnd), |
("Text.strip", lit' Text.strip), |
("Text.replace", lit' Text.replace), |
("Text.isPrefixOf", lit' Text.isPrefixOf), |
("Text.isSuffixOf", lit' Text.isSuffixOf), |
("Text.isInfixOf", lit' Text.isInfixOf), |
("Text.interact", lit' (\f -> ByteString.interact (Text.encodeUtf8 . f. Text.decodeUtf8))), |
-- Int operations |
("Int.show", lit' (Text.pack . show @Int)), |
("Int.eq", lit' ((==) @Int)), |
("Int.plus", lit' ((+) @Int)), |
("Int.subtract", lit' (subtract @Int)), |
-- Double operations |
("Double.fromInt", lit' (fromIntegral :: Int -> Double)), |
("Double.show", lit' (Text.pack . show @Double)), |
("Double.eq", lit' ((==) @Double)), |
("Double.plus", lit' ((+) @Double)), |
("Double.subtract", lit' (subtract @Double)), |
-- Bytes I/O |
-- ("ByteString.hGet", lit' ByteString.hGet), |
-- ("ByteString.hPutStr", lit' ByteString.hPutStr), |
-- ("ByteString.writeFile", lit' bytestring_writeFile), |
-- ("ByteString.readFile", lit' bytestring_readFile), |
-- ("ByteString.readProcess", lit' b_readProcess), |
-- ("ByteString.readProcess_", lit' b_readProcess_), |
-- ("ByteString.readProcessStdout_", lit' b_readProcessStdout_), |
-- ("ByteString.interact", lit' ByteString.interact), |
-- ("ByteString.getContents", lit' ByteString.getContents), |
-- Handles, buffering |
-- ("IO.stdout", lit' IO.stdout), |
-- ("IO.stderr", lit' IO.stderr), |
-- ("IO.stdin", lit' IO.stdin), |
-- ("IO.hSetBuffering", lit' IO.hSetBuffering), |
-- ("IO.NoBuffering", lit' IO.NoBuffering), |
-- ("IO.LineBuffering", lit' IO.LineBuffering), |
-- ("IO.BlockBuffering", lit' IO.BlockBuffering), |
-- Concurrent stuff |
("Concurrent.threadDelay", lit' Concurrent.threadDelay), |
-- Bool |
("Bool.True", lit' Bool.True), |
("Bool.False", lit' Bool.False), |
("Bool.not", lit' Bool.not), |
-- Get arguments |
-- ("Environment.getArgs", lit' $ fmap (map Text.pack) getArgs), |
-- ("Environment.getEnvironment", lit' $ fmap (map (bimap Text.pack Text.pack)) getEnvironment), |
-- ("Environment.getEnv", lit' $ fmap Text.pack . getEnv . Text.unpack), |
-- Current directory |
-- ("Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing", lit' (\b f -> Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing b (Text.unpack f))), |
-- ("Directory.createDirectory", lit' (Dir.createDirectory . Text.unpack)), |
-- ("Directory.getCurrentDirectory", lit' (fmap Text.pack Dir.getCurrentDirectory)), |
-- ("Directory.listDirectory", lit' (fmap (fmap Text.pack) . Dir.listDirectory . Text.unpack)), |
-- ("Directory.setCurrentDirectory", lit' (Dir.setCurrentDirectory . Text.unpack)), |
-- ("Directory.renameFile", lit' (\x y -> Dir.renameFile (Text.unpack x) (Text.unpack y))), |
-- ("Directory.copyFile", lit' (\x y -> Dir.copyFile (Text.unpack x) (Text.unpack y))), |
-- ("Directory.removeFile", lit' (\x -> Dir.removeFile (Text.unpack x))), |
-- Process |
-- ("Process.proc", lit' $ \n xs -> proc (Text.unpack n) (map Text.unpack xs)), |
-- ("Process.setEnv", lit' $ Process.setEnv @() @() @() . map (bimap Text.unpack Text.unpack)), |
-- ("Process.runProcess", lit' $ runProcess @IO @() @() @()), |
-- ("Process.runProcess_", lit' $ runProcess_ @IO @() @() @()), |
-- Lists |
("List.and", lit' (List.and @[])), |
("List.or", lit' (List.or @[])), |
-- Json |
-- ("Json.decode", lit' (Json.decode . L.fromStrict :: ByteString -> Maybe Value)), |
-- ("Json.encode", lit' (L.toStrict . Json.encode :: Value -> ByteString)), |
-- ("Json.Number", lit' (Json.toJSON :: Double -> Value)), |
-- ("Json.String", lit' (Json.toJSON :: Text -> Value)), |
-- ("Json.Bool", lit' (Json.toJSON :: Bool -> Value)), |
-- ("Json.Null", lit' Json.Null), |
-- ("Json.Array", lit' (Json.toJSON :: Vector Value -> Value)), |
-- ("Json.Object", lit' (Json.toJSON :: Map Text Value -> Value)), |
-- Records |
("Record.nil", lit' NilR) |
] |
where lit' :: forall a. Type.Typeable a => a -> (UTerm (), SomeTypeRep) |
lit' x = (lit x, SomeTypeRep $ Type.typeOf x) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Derive prims TH |
polyLits :: Map String (Forall, [TH.Uniq], IRep TH.Uniq, TH.Type) |
polyLits = Map.fromList |
$(let |
-- Derive well-typed primitive forms. |
derivePrims :: Q TH.Exp -> Q TH.Exp |
derivePrims m = do |
e <- m |
case e of |
TH.DoE Nothing binds -> do |
TH.listE $ map makePrim binds |
_ -> error $ "Expected plain do-notation, but got: " ++ show e |
nameUnique (TH.Name _ (TH.NameU i)) = i |
nameUnique _ = error "Bad TH problem in nameUnique." |
toTy :: TH.Type -> Q TH.Exp |
toTy = \case |
TH.AppT (TH.AppT TH.ArrowT f) x -> [| IFun $(toTy f) $(toTy x) |] |
TH.AppT f x -> [| IApp $(toTy f) $(toTy x) |] |
TH.ConT name -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep $(TH.appTypeE (TH.varE 'typeRep) (TH.conT name))) |] |
TH.VarT a -> [| IVar $(TH.litE $ TH.IntegerL $ nameUnique a) |] |
TH.ListT -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @[])) |] |
TH.TupleT 2 -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,))) |] |
TH.TupleT 3 -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,,))) |] |
TH.TupleT 4 -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,,,))) |] |
TH.TupleT 0 -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @())) |] |
ty@TH.PromotedT{} -> [| ICon (SomeTypeRep $(TH.appTypeE (TH.varE 'typeRep) (pure ty))) |] |
t -> error $ "Unexpected type shape: " ++ show t |
-- Make a well-typed primitive form. Expects a very strict format. |
makePrim :: TH.Stmt -> Q TH.Exp |
makePrim (TH.NoBindS (TH.SigE (TH.AppE (TH.LitE (TH.StringL string)) expr0) |
thtype@(TH.ForallT vars constraints typ))) = |
let constrained = foldl getConstraint mempty constraints |
vars0 = map (\case |
(TH.PlainTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec) -> TH.litE $ TH.IntegerL $ nameUnique v |
(TH.KindedTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec _k) -> TH.litE $ TH.IntegerL $ nameUnique v |
_ -> error "The type variable isn't what I expected.") |
vars |
vars0T = map (\case |
(TH.PlainTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec) -> TH.varT v |
(TH.KindedTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec _k) -> TH.varT v |
_ -> error "The type variable isn't what I expected.") |
vars |
ordEqShow = Set.fromList [''Ord, ''Eq, ''Show] |
monadics = Set.fromList [''Functor, ''Applicative, ''Monad] |
finalExpr = |
if | string == "Record.get" -> |
[| GetOf (TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 0))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 1))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 2))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 3))) |
\getter -> Final $ typed $(TH.sigE (TH.varE 'getter) (pure typ)) |
|] |
| string == "Record.set" -> |
[| SetOf (TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 0))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 1))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 2))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 3))) |
\setter -> Final $ typed $(TH.sigE (TH.varE 'setter) (pure typ)) |
|] |
| string == "Record.modify" -> |
[| ModifyOf (TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 0))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 1))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 2))) |
(TypeRep @($(vars0T !! 3))) |
\modif -> Final $ typed $(TH.sigE (TH.varE 'modif) (pure typ)) |
|] |
| otherwise -> [| Final $ typed $(TH.sigE (pure expr0) (pure typ)) |] |
builder = |
foldr |
(\case |
(TH.PlainTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec) -> \rest -> |
TH.appE |
(TH.conE (case Map.lookup v constrained of |
Nothing -> 'NoClass |
Just constraints' |
| Set.isSubsetOf constraints' ordEqShow -> 'OrdEqShow |
| Set.isSubsetOf constraints' monadics -> 'Monadic |
_ -> error "I'm not sure what to do with this variable.")) |
(TH.lamE [pure $ TH.ConP 'TypeRep [TH.VarT v] []] |
rest) |
(TH.KindedTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec (TH.ConT v_k)) | v_k == ''Symbol -> \rest -> |
TH.appE |
(TH.conE 'SymbolOf) |
(TH.lamE [pure $ TH.ConP 'TypeRep [TH.SigT (TH.VarT v) (TH.ConT v_k)] []] |
rest) |
(TH.KindedTV v TH.SpecifiedSpec (TH.ConT v_k)) | v_k == ''List -> \rest -> |
TH.appE |
(TH.conE 'ListOf) |
(TH.lamE [pure $ TH.ConP 'TypeRep [TH.SigT (TH.VarT v) (TH.ConT v_k)] []] |
rest) |
t -> error $ "Did not expect this type of variable! " ++ show t) |
finalExpr |
vars |
in [| (string, ($builder, $(TH.listE vars0), $(toTy typ), thtype)) |] |
makePrim e = error $ "Should be of the form \"Some.name\" The.name :: T\ngot: " ++ show e |
-- Just tells us whether a given variable is constrained by a |
-- type-class or not. |
getConstraint m (TH.AppT (TH.ConT cls') (TH.VarT v)) = |
Map.insertWith Set.union v (Set.singleton cls') m |
getConstraint _ _ = error "Bad constraint!" |
in |
derivePrims [| do |
-- Records |
"Record.cons" ConsR :: forall (k :: Symbol) a (xs :: List). a -> Record xs -> Record (ConsL k a xs) |
"Record.get" _ :: forall (k :: Symbol) a (t :: Symbol) (xs :: List). Tagged t (Record xs) -> a |
"Record.set" _ :: forall (k :: Symbol) a (t :: Symbol) (xs :: List). a -> Tagged t (Record xs) -> Tagged t (Record xs) |
"Record.modify" _ :: forall (k :: Symbol) a (t :: Symbol) (xs :: List). (a -> a) -> Tagged t (Record xs) -> Tagged t (Record xs) |
"Tagged.Tagged" Tagged :: forall (t :: Symbol) a. a -> Tagged t a |
-- Operators |
"$" (Function.$) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b |
"." (Function..) :: forall a b c. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c |
-- Monad |
"Monad.bind" (Prelude.>>=) :: forall m a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b |
"Monad.then" (Prelude.>>) :: forall m a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b |
"Monad.return" return :: forall a m. Monad m => a -> m a |
-- Monadic operations |
"Monad.mapM_" mapM_ :: forall a m. Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> [a] -> m () |
"Monad.forM_" forM_ :: forall a m. Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m ()) -> m () |
"Monad.mapM" mapM :: forall a b m. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] |
"Monad.forM" forM :: forall a b m. Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] |
"Monad.when" when :: forall m. Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m () |
-- IO |
"IO.mapM_" mapM_ :: forall a. (a -> IO ()) -> [a] -> IO () |
"IO.forM_" forM_ :: forall a. [a] -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () |
"IO.pure" pure :: forall a. a -> IO a |
"IO.print" (t_putStrLn . Text.pack . Show.show) :: forall a. Show a => a -> IO () |
"Timeout.timeout" Timeout.timeout :: forall a. Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a) |
-- Show |
"Show.show" (Text.pack . Show.show) :: forall a. Show a => a -> Text |
-- Eq/Ord |
"Eq.eq" (Eq.==) :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool |
"Ord.lt" (Ord.<) :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool |
"Ord.gt" (Ord.>) :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool |
-- Tuples |
"Tuple.(,)" (,) :: forall a b. a -> b -> (a,b) |
"Tuple.(,)" (,) :: forall a b. a -> b -> (a,b) |
"Tuple.(,,)" (,,) :: forall a b c. a -> b -> c -> (a,b,c) |
"Tuple.(,,,)" (,,,) :: forall a b c d. a -> b -> c -> d -> (a,b,c,d) |
-- Exceptions |
"Error.error" (error . Text.unpack) :: forall a. Text -> a |
-- Bool |
"Bool.bool" Bool.bool :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool -> a |
-- Function |
"Function.id" Function.id :: forall a. a -> a |
"Function.fix" Function.fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a |
-- Set |
"Set.fromList" Set.fromList :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a |
"Set.insert" Set.insert :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a |
"Set.member" Set.member :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool |
"Set.delete" Set.delete :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a |
"Set.union" Set.union :: forall a. Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a |
"Set.toList" Set.toList :: forall a. Set a -> [a] |
"Set.size" Set.size :: forall a. Set a -> Int |
"Set.singleton" Set.singleton :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a |
-- Lists |
"List.cons" (:) :: forall a. a -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.nil" [] :: forall a. [a] |
"List.length" List.length :: forall a. [a] -> Int |
"List.scanl'" List.scanl' :: forall a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] |
"List.scanr" List.scanr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] |
"List.concat" List.concat :: forall a. [[a]] -> [a] |
"List.concatMap" List.concatMap :: forall a b. (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] |
"List.drop" List.drop :: forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.take" List.take :: forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.splitAt" List.splitAt :: forall a. Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) |
"List.break" List.break :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) |
"List.span" List.span :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) |
"List.partition" List.partition :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) |
"List.takeWhile" List.takeWhile :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.dropWhile" List.dropWhile :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.dropWhileEnd" List.dropWhileEnd :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.map" List.map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] |
"List.any" List.any :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.all" List.all :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.iterate'" List.iterate' :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a -> [a] |
"List.repeat" List.repeat :: forall a. a -> [a] |
"List.cycle" List.cycle :: forall a. [a] -> [a] |
"List.filter" List.filter :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.foldl'" List.foldl' :: forall a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b |
"List.foldr" List.foldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b |
"List.unfoldr" List.unfoldr :: forall a b. (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a] |
"List.zip" List.zip :: forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] |
"List.mapAccumL" List.mapAccumL :: forall s a b. (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b]) |
"List.mapAccumR" List.mapAccumL :: forall s a b. (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b]) |
"List.zipWith" List.zipWith :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] |
"List.lookup" List.lookup :: forall a b. Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b |
"List.find" List.find :: forall a b. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a |
"List.sort" List.sort :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a] |
"List.group" List.group :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] |
"List.isPrefixOf" List.isPrefixOf :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.isSuffixOf" List.isSuffixOf :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.isInfixOf" List.isInfixOf :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.isSubsequenceOf" List.isSubsequenceOf :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.groupBy" List.groupBy :: forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] |
"List.reverse" List.reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a] |
"List.nubOrd" nubOrd :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a] |
"List.inits" List.inits :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] |
"List.tails" List.tails :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] |
"List.deleteBy" List.deleteBy :: forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.elem" List.elem :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.notElem" List.notElem :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool |
"List.sortOn" List.sortOn :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.null" List.null :: forall a. [a] -> Bool |
"List.elemIndex" List.elemIndex :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int |
"List.elemIndices" List.elemIndices :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int] |
"List.findIndex" List.findIndex :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int |
"List.findIndices" List.findIndices :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int] |
"List.uncons" List.uncons :: forall a. [a] -> Maybe (a, [a]) |
"List.intersperse" List.intersperse :: forall a. a -> [a] -> [a] |
"List.intercalate" List.intercalate :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] -> [a] |
"List.transpose" List.transpose :: forall a. [[a]] -> [[a]] |
"List.subsequences" List.subsequences :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] |
"List.permutations" List.permutations :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] |
-- Vector |
-- "Vector.fromList" Vector.fromList :: forall a. [a] -> Vector a |
-- "Vector.toList" Vector.toList :: forall a. Vector a -> [a] |
-- Map |
"Map.fromList" Map.fromList :: forall k a. Ord k => [(k,a)] -> Map k a |
"Map.lookup" Map.lookup :: forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a |
"Map.insert" Map.insert :: forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.delete" Map.delete :: forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.singleton" Map.singleton :: forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a |
"Map.size" Map.size :: forall k a. Map k a -> Int |
"Map.filter" Map.filter :: forall k a. (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.filterWithKey" Map.filterWithKey :: forall k a. (k -> a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.any" any :: forall k a. (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Bool |
"Map.all" all :: forall k a. (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Bool |
"Map.insertWith" Map.insertWith :: forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.adjust" Map.adjust :: forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a) -> k -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.unionWith" Map.unionWith :: forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a |
"Map.map" Map.map :: forall a b k. (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b |
"Map.toList" Map.toList :: forall k a. Map k a -> [(k,a)] |
-- Maybe |
"Maybe.maybe" Maybe.maybe :: forall a b. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b |
"Maybe.Nothing" Maybe.Nothing :: forall a. Maybe a |
"Maybe.Just" Maybe.Just :: forall a. a -> Maybe a |
"Maybe.listToMaybe" Maybe.listToMaybe :: forall a. [a] -> Maybe a |
"Maybe.mapMaybe" Maybe.mapMaybe :: forall a b. (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b] |
-- Either |
"Either.either" Either.either :: forall a b x. (a -> x) -> (b -> x) -> Either a b -> x |
"Either.Left" Either.Left :: forall a b. a -> Either a b |
"Either.Right" Either.Right :: forall a b. b -> Either a b |
-- Async |
-- "Async.concurrently" Async.concurrently :: forall a b. IO a -> IO b -> IO (a,b) |
-- "Async.race" Async.race :: forall a b. IO a -> IO b -> IO (Either a b) |
-- "Async.pooledMapConcurrently_" Async.pooledMapConcurrently_ :: forall a. (a -> IO ()) -> [a] -> IO () |
-- "Async.pooledForConcurrently_" Async.pooledForConcurrently_ :: forall a. [a] -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () |
-- "Async.pooledMapConcurrently" Async.pooledMapConcurrently :: forall a b. (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] |
-- "Async.pooledForConcurrently" Async.pooledForConcurrently :: forall a b. [a] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO [b] |
-- JSON |
-- "Json.value" json_value :: forall a. a -> (Bool -> a) -> (Text -> a) -> (Double -> a) -> (Vector Value -> a) -> (Map Text Value -> a) -> Value -> a |
|]) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Internal-use only, used by the desugarer |
cons' :: HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> UTerm () |
cons' = unsafeGetForall "List.cons" |
nil' :: HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> UTerm () |
nil' = unsafeGetForall "List.nil" |
bool' :: HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> UTerm () |
bool' = unsafeGetForall "Bool.bool" |
tuple' :: Int -> HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> UTerm () |
tuple' 0 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.()" |
tuple' 2 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.(,)" |
tuple' 3 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.(,,)" |
tuple' 4 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.(,,,)" |
tuple' _ = error "Bad compile-time lookup for tuple'." |
unsafeGetForall :: String -> HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> UTerm () |
unsafeGetForall key l = Maybe.fromMaybe (error $ "Bad compile-time lookup for " ++ key) $ do |
(forall', vars, irep, _) <- Map.lookup key polyLits |
pure (UForall l () [] forall' vars irep []) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- UTF-8 specific operations without all the environment gubbins |
-- |
-- Much better than what Data.Text.IO provides |
-- bytestring_readFile :: Text -> IO ByteString |
-- bytestring_readFile = ByteString.readFile . Text.unpack |
-- bytestring_writeFile :: Text -> ByteString -> IO () |
-- bytestring_writeFile = ByteString.writeFile . Text.unpack |
-- t_setStdin :: Text -> ProcessConfig () () () -> ProcessConfig () () () |
-- t_setStdin text = setStdin (byteStringInput (L.fromStrict (Text.encodeUtf8 text))) |
-- t_readProcess :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO (ExitCode, Text, Text) |
-- t_readProcess c = do |
-- (code, out, err) <- b_readProcess c |
-- pure (code, Text.decodeUtf8 out, Text.decodeUtf8 err) |
-- t_readProcess_ :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO (Text, Text) |
-- t_readProcess_ c = do |
-- (out, err) <- b_readProcess_ c |
-- pure (Text.decodeUtf8 out, Text.decodeUtf8 err) |
-- t_readProcessStdout_ :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO Text |
-- t_readProcessStdout_ c = do |
-- out <- b_readProcessStdout_ c |
-- pure (Text.decodeUtf8 out) |
t_putStrLn :: Text -> IO () |
t_putStrLn = ByteString.hPutBuilder IO.stdout . (<>"\n") . ByteString.byteString . Text.encodeUtf8 |
-- t_hPutStr :: IO.Handle -> Text -> IO () |
-- t_hPutStr h = ByteString.hPutBuilder h . ByteString.byteString . Text.encodeUtf8 |
-- t_putStr :: Text -> IO () |
-- t_putStr = t_hPutStr IO.stdout |
-- t_getLine :: IO Text |
-- t_getLine = fmap Text.decodeUtf8 ByteString.getLine |
-- t_writeFile :: Text -> Text -> IO () |
-- t_writeFile fp t = ByteString.writeFile (Text.unpack fp) (Text.encodeUtf8 t) |
-- t_appendFile :: Text -> Text -> IO () |
-- t_appendFile fp t = ByteString.appendFile (Text.unpack fp) (Text.encodeUtf8 t) |
-- t_readFile :: Text -> IO Text |
-- t_readFile fp = fmap Text.decodeUtf8 (ByteString.readFile (Text.unpack fp)) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- JSON operations |
-- -- Accessor for JSON. |
-- json_value :: forall a. |
-- a -- Null |
-- -> (Bool -> a) -- Bool |
-- -> (Text -> a) -- String |
-- -> (Double -> a) -- Number |
-- -> (Vector Value -> a) -- Array |
-- -> (Map Text Value -> a) -- Object |
-- -> Value |
-- -> a |
-- json_value null' bool string number array object = |
-- \case |
-- Json.Null -> null' |
-- Json.Bool s -> bool s |
-- Json.String s -> string s |
-- Json.Number s -> number (realToFrac s) |
-- Json.Array s -> array s |
-- Json.Object s -> object $ KeyMap.toMapText $ s |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- ByteString operations |
-- b_readProcess :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO (ExitCode, ByteString, ByteString) |
-- b_readProcess c = do |
-- (code, out, err) <- readProcess c |
-- pure (code, L.toStrict out, L.toStrict err) |
-- b_readProcess_ :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO (ByteString, ByteString) |
-- b_readProcess_ c = do |
-- (out, err) <- readProcess_ c |
-- pure (L.toStrict out, L.toStrict err) |
-- b_readProcessStdout_ :: ProcessConfig () () () -> IO ByteString |
-- b_readProcessStdout_ c = do |
-- out <- readProcessStdout_ c |
-- pure (L.toStrict out) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Inference type representation |
data IRep v |
= IVar v |
| IApp (IRep v) (IRep v) |
| IFun (IRep v) (IRep v) |
| ICon SomeTypeRep |
deriving (Functor, Traversable, Foldable, Eq, Ord, Show) |
data ZonkError |
= ZonkKindError |
| AmbiguousMetavar |
deriving (Show) |
-- | A complete implementation of conversion from the inferer's type |
-- rep to some star type, ready for the type checker. |
toSomeTypeRep :: IRep Void -> Either ZonkError SomeTypeRep |
toSomeTypeRep t = do |
go t |
where |
go :: IRep Void -> Either ZonkError SomeTypeRep |
go = \case |
IVar v -> pure (absurd v) |
ICon someTypeRep -> pure someTypeRep |
IFun a b -> do |
a' <- go a |
b' <- go b |
case (a', b') of |
(StarTypeRep aRep, StarTypeRep bRep) -> |
pure $ StarTypeRep (Type.Fun aRep bRep) |
_ -> Left ZonkKindError |
IApp f a -> do |
f' <- go f |
a' <- go a |
case applyTypes f' a' of |
Just someTypeRep -> pure someTypeRep |
_ -> Left ZonkKindError |
-- | Convert from a type-indexed type to an untyped type. |
fromSomeStarType :: forall void. SomeStarType -> IRep void |
fromSomeStarType (SomeStarType r) = fromSomeType (SomeTypeRep r) |
fromSomeType :: forall void. SomeTypeRep -> IRep void |
fromSomeType (SomeTypeRep r) = go r where |
go :: forall a. TypeRep a -> IRep void |
go = \case |
Type.Fun a b -> IFun (go a) (go b) |
Type.App a b -> IApp (go a) (go b) |
rep@Type.Con{} -> ICon (SomeTypeRep rep) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Inference elaboration phase |
newtype IMetaVar = IMetaVar0 Int |
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) |
data Elaborate = Elaborate { |
counter :: Int, |
equalities :: Set (Equality (IRep IMetaVar)) |
} |
data Equality a = Equality HSE.SrcSpanInfo a a |
deriving (Show, Functor) |
-- Equality/ordering that is symmetric. |
instance (Ord a) => Eq (Equality a) where |
Equality _ a b == Equality _ c d = Set.fromList [a,b] == Set.fromList [c,d] |
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Equality a) where |
Equality _ a b `compare` Equality _ c d = Set.fromList [a,b] `compare` Set.fromList [c,d] |
data ElaborateError = UnsupportedTupleSize | BadInstantiationBug | VariableNotInScope String |
deriving (Show) |
-- | Elaboration phase. |
-- |
-- Note: The input term contains no metavars. There are just some |
-- UForalls, which have poly types, and those are instantiated into |
-- metavars. |
-- |
-- Output type /does/ contain meta vars. |
elaborate :: UTerm () -> Either ElaborateError (UTerm (IRep IMetaVar), Set (Equality (IRep IMetaVar))) |
elaborate = fmap getEqualities . flip runStateT empty . flip runReaderT mempty . go where |
empty = Elaborate{counter=0,equalities=mempty} |
getEqualities (term, Elaborate{equalities}) = (term, equalities) |
go :: UTerm () -> ReaderT (Map String (IRep IMetaVar)) (StateT Elaborate (Either ElaborateError)) (UTerm (IRep IMetaVar)) |
go = \case |
UVar l () string -> do |
env <- ask |
ty <- case Map.lookup string env of |
Just typ -> pure typ |
Nothing -> lift $ lift $ Left $ VariableNotInScope string |
pure $ UVar l ty string |
UApp l () f x -> do |
f' <- go f |
x' <- go x |
b <- fmap IVar freshIMetaVar |
equal l (typeOf f') (IFun (typeOf x') b) |
pure $ UApp l b f' x' |
ULam l () binding mstarType body -> do |
a <- case mstarType of |
Just ty -> pure $ fromSomeStarType ty |
Nothing -> fmap IVar freshIMetaVar |
vars <- lift $ bindingVars l a binding |
body' <- local (Map.union vars) $ go body |
let ty = IFun a (typeOf body') |
pure $ ULam l ty binding mstarType body' |
UForall l () types forall' uniqs polyRep _ -> do |
-- Generate variables for each unique. |
vars <- for uniqs \uniq -> do |
v <- freshIMetaVar |
pure (uniq, v) |
-- Fill in the polyRep with the metavars. |
monoType <- for polyRep \uniq -> |
case List.lookup uniq vars of |
Nothing -> lift $ lift $ Left $ BadInstantiationBug |
Just var -> pure var |
-- Order of types is position-dependent, apply the ones we have. |
for_ (zip vars types) \((_uniq, var), someTypeRep) -> |
equal l (fromSomeType someTypeRep) (IVar var) |
-- Done! |
pure $ UForall l monoType types forall' uniqs polyRep (map (IVar . snd) vars) |
bindingVars :: HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> IRep IMetaVar -> Binding -> StateT Elaborate (Either ElaborateError) (Map String (IRep IMetaVar)) |
bindingVars _ irep (Singleton name) = pure $ Map.singleton name irep |
bindingVars l tupleVar (Tuple names) = do |
varsTypes <- for names \name -> fmap (name, ) (fmap IVar freshIMetaVar) |
-- it's a left-fold: |
-- IApp (IApp (ICon (,)) x) y |
cons <- makeCons |
equal l tupleVar $ foldl IApp (ICon cons) (map snd varsTypes) |
pure $ Map.fromList varsTypes |
where makeCons = case length names of |
2 -> pure $ SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,)) |
3 -> pure $ SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,,)) |
4 -> pure $ SomeTypeRep (typeRep @(,,,)) |
_ -> lift $ Left $ UnsupportedTupleSize |
equal :: MonadState Elaborate m => HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> IRep IMetaVar -> IRep IMetaVar -> m () |
equal l x y = modify \elaborate' -> elaborate' { equalities = equalities elaborate' <> Set.singleton (Equality l x y) } |
freshIMetaVar :: MonadState Elaborate m => m IMetaVar |
freshIMetaVar = do |
Elaborate{counter} <- get |
modify \elaborate' -> elaborate' { counter = counter + 1 } |
pure $ IMetaVar0 counter |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Unification |
data UnifyError = |
OccursCheck |
| TypeMismatch HSE.SrcSpanInfo (IRep IMetaVar) (IRep IMetaVar) |
deriving (Show) |
-- | Unification of equality constraints, a ~ b, to substitutions. |
unify :: Set (Equality (IRep IMetaVar)) -> Either UnifyError (Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar)) |
unify = foldM update mempty where |
update existing equality = |
fmap (`extends` existing) |
(examine (fmap (substitute existing) equality)) |
examine (Equality l a b) |
| a == b = pure mempty |
| IVar ivar <- a = bindMetaVar ivar b |
| IVar ivar <- b = bindMetaVar ivar a |
| IFun a1 b1 <- a, |
IFun a2 b2 <- b = |
unify (Set.fromList [Equality l a1 a2, Equality l b1 b2]) |
| IApp a1 b1 <- a, |
IApp a2 b2 <- b = |
unify (Set.fromList [Equality l a1 a2, Equality l b1 b2]) |
| ICon x <- a, ICon y <- b = |
if x == y then pure mempty |
else Left $ TypeMismatch l a b |
| otherwise = Left $ TypeMismatch l a b |
-- | Apply new substitutions to the old ones, and expand the set to old+new. |
extends :: Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar) -> Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar) -> Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar) |
extends new old = fmap (substitute new) old <> new |
-- | Apply any substitutions to the type, where there are metavars. |
substitute :: Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar) -> IRep IMetaVar -> IRep IMetaVar |
substitute subs = go where |
go = \case |
IVar v -> case Map.lookup v subs of |
Nothing -> IVar v |
Just ty -> ty |
ICon c -> ICon c |
IFun a b -> IFun (go a) (go b) |
IApp a b -> IApp (go a) (go b) |
-- | Do an occurrs check, if all good, return a binding. |
bindMetaVar :: IMetaVar -> IRep IMetaVar |
-> Either UnifyError (Map IMetaVar (IRep IMetaVar)) |
bindMetaVar var typ |
| occurs var typ = Left OccursCheck |
| otherwise = pure $ Map.singleton var typ |
-- | Occurs check. |
occurs :: IMetaVar -> IRep IMetaVar -> Bool |
occurs ivar = any (==ivar) |
-- | Remove any metavars from the type. |
-- |
-- <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31889048/what-does-the-ghc-source-mean-by-zonk> |
zonk :: IRep IMetaVar -> Either ZonkError (IRep Void) |
zonk = \case |
IVar {} -> Left AmbiguousMetavar |
ICon c -> pure $ ICon c |
IFun a b -> IFun <$> zonk a <*> zonk b |
IApp a b -> IApp <$> zonk a <*> zonk b |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Parse with #!/shebangs |
-- Parse a file into a list of decls, but strip shebangs. |
parseFile :: ByteString -> IO (Either String [(String, HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo)]) |
parseFile string = do |
pure $ case HSE.parseModuleWithMode HSE.defaultParseMode { HSE.parseFilename = filePath, HSE.extensions = HSE.extensions HSE.defaultParseMode ++ [HSE.EnableExtension HSE.PatternSignatures, HSE.EnableExtension HSE.DataKinds, HSE.EnableExtension HSE.BlockArguments, HSE.EnableExtension HSE.TypeApplications] } (Text.unpack (dropShebang (Text.decodeUtf8 string))) >>= parseModule of |
HSE.ParseFailed l e -> Left $ "Parse error: " <> HSE.prettyPrint l <> ": " <> e |
HSE.ParseOk binds -> Right binds |
where filePath = "ex" |
-- This should be quite efficient because it's essentially a pointer |
-- increase. It leaves the \n so that line numbers are in tact. |
dropShebang :: Text -> Text |
dropShebang t = Maybe.fromMaybe t do |
rest <- Text.stripPrefix "#!" t |
pure $ Text.dropWhile (/= '\n') rest |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Spec |
-- _spec :: Spec |
-- _spec = do |
-- freeVariablesSpec |
-- anyCyclesSpec |
-- desugarTypeSpec |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Records |
data Tagged (s :: Symbol) a = Tagged a |
data List = NilL | ConsL Symbol Type List |
data Record (xs :: List) where |
NilR :: Record 'NilL |
ConsR :: forall k a xs. a -> Record xs -> Record (ConsL k a xs) |
-- | Build up a type-safe getter. |
makeAccessor :: forall k r0 a t. |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> TypeRep (r0 :: List) -> TypeRep a -> TypeRep t -> Maybe (Tagged t (Record (r0 :: List)) -> a) |
makeAccessor k r0 a _ = do |
accessor <- go r0 |
pure \(Tagged r) -> accessor r |
where go :: TypeRep (r :: List) -> Maybe (Record (r :: List) -> a) |
go r = |
case Type.eqTypeRep r (Type.TypeRep @NilL) of |
Just {} -> Nothing |
Nothing -> |
case r of |
Type.App (Type.App (Type.App _ sym) typ) r' | |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind typ) (typeRep @Type), |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind sym) (typeRep @Symbol), |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind r') (typeRep @List) |
-> case (Type.eqTypeRep k sym, Type.eqTypeRep a typ) of |
(Just Type.HRefl, Just Type.HRefl) -> |
pure \(ConsR v _xs) -> v |
_ -> do |
accessor <- go r' |
pure \case |
ConsR _a xs -> accessor xs |
_ -> Nothing |
-- | Build up a type-safe setter. |
makeSetter :: forall k r0 a t. |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> TypeRep (r0 :: List) -> TypeRep a -> TypeRep t -> Maybe (a -> Tagged t (Record (r0 :: List)) -> Tagged t (Record (r0 :: List))) |
makeSetter k r0 a _ = do |
setter <- go r0 |
pure \a' (Tagged r) -> Tagged (setter a' r) |
where go :: TypeRep (r :: List) -> Maybe (a -> Record (r :: List) -> Record (r :: List)) |
go r = |
case Type.eqTypeRep r (Type.TypeRep @NilL) of |
Just {} -> Nothing |
Nothing -> |
case r of |
Type.App (Type.App (Type.App _ sym) typ) r' | |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind typ) (typeRep @Type), |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind sym) (typeRep @Symbol), |
Just Type.HRefl <- Type.eqTypeRep (typeRepKind r') (typeRep @List) |
-> case (Type.eqTypeRep k sym, Type.eqTypeRep a typ) of |
(Just Type.HRefl, Just Type.HRefl) -> |
pure \a' (ConsR _a xs) -> ConsR a' xs |
_ -> do |
setter <- go r' |
pure \a' (ConsR a0 xs) -> ConsR a0 (setter a' xs) |
_ -> Nothing |
-- | Simply re-uses makeAccessor and makeSetter. |
makeModify :: forall k r0 a t. |
TypeRep (k :: Symbol) -> TypeRep (r0 :: List) -> TypeRep a -> TypeRep t -> Maybe ((a -> a) -> Tagged t (Record (r0 :: List)) -> Tagged t (Record (r0 :: List))) |
makeModify k0 r0 a0 t0 = do |
getter <- makeAccessor k0 r0 a0 t0 |
setter <- makeSetter k0 r0 a0 t0 |
pure \f record -> setter (f (getter record)) record |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Pretty printing |
-- | Convenience. |
prettyString :: Pretty a => a -> String |
prettyString = |
Text.unpack . Text.decodeUtf8 . L.toStrict . ByteString.toLazyByteString . pretty |
class Pretty a where |
pretty :: a -> ByteString.Builder |
instance Pretty String where |
pretty r = |
ByteString.byteString (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack r) |
instance Pretty SomeTypeRep where |
pretty r = |
ByteString.byteString (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack $ show r) |
instance Pretty (TypeRep t) where |
pretty r = |
ByteString.byteString (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack $ show r) |
instance Pretty IMetaVar where |
pretty (IMetaVar0 i) = |
"t" <> |
ByteString.byteString (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack $ show i) |
instance Pretty a => Pretty (IRep a) where |
pretty = \case |
IVar a -> pretty a |
ICon a -> pretty a |
IApp f x -> "(" <> pretty f <> " " <> pretty x <> ")" |
IFun a b -> "(" <> pretty a <> " -> " <> pretty b <> ")" |
instance Pretty ZonkError where |
pretty = \case |
ZonkKindError -> "Kind error." |
AmbiguousMetavar -> "Ambiguous meta variable." |
instance Pretty ElaborateError where |
pretty = \case |
UnsupportedTupleSize -> "That tuple size is not supported." |
BadInstantiationBug -> "BUG: BadInstantiationBug. Please report." |
VariableNotInScope s -> "Variable not in scope: " <> pretty s |
instance Pretty UnifyError where |
pretty = \case |
OccursCheck -> "Occurs check failed: Infinite type." |
TypeMismatch l a b -> |
mconcat $ List.intersperse "\n\n" [ |
"Couldn't match type", |
" " <> pretty a, |
"against type", |
" " <> pretty b, |
"arising from " <> pretty l |
] |
instance Pretty HSE.SrcSpanInfo where |
pretty l = |
mconcat [pretty (HSE.fileName l),":", |
pretty $ show $ HSE.startLine l, |
":", |
pretty $ show $ HSE.startColumn l] |
instance Pretty TypeCheckError where |
pretty = \case |
NotInScope s -> "Not in scope: " <> pretty s |
TupleTypeMismatch -> "Tuple type mismatch!" |
TypeCheckMismatch -> "Type check mismatch." |
TupleTypeTooBig -> "Tuple type is too big." |
TypeOfApplicandIsNotFunction -> "Type of application is not a function." |
LambdaIsNotAFunBug -> "BUG: LambdaIsNotAFunBug. Please report." |
InferredCheckedDisagreeBug -> "BUG: Inferred type disagrees with checked type. Please report." |
LambdaMustBeStarBug -> "BUG: Lambda should be of kind *, but isn't. Please report." |
instance Pretty DesugarError where |
pretty = \case |
InvalidConstructor c -> "Invalid constructor: " <> pretty c |
InvalidVariable c -> "Invalid variable: " <> pretty c |
UnknownType t -> "Unknown type: " <> pretty t |
UnsupportedSyntax s -> "Unsupported syntax: " <> pretty s |
BadParameterSyntax s -> "Bad parameter syntax: " <> pretty s |
KindError -> "Kind error." |
BadDoNotation -> "Bad do notation." |
TupleTooBig -> "That tuple size is not supported." |
UnsupportedLiteral -> "That literal type is not supported." |
instance Pretty InferError where |
pretty = \case |
UnifyError e -> "Unification error: " <> pretty e |
ZonkError e -> "Zonk error: " <> pretty e |
ElabError e -> "Elaboration error: " <> pretty e |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Generate docs |
-- _generateApiDocs :: IO () |
-- _generateApiDocs = do |
-- css <- Text.readFile "docs/style.css" |
-- Lucid.renderToFile "docs/api/index.html" do |
-- doctypehtml_ do |
-- style_ css |
-- head_ do |
-- title_ "Hell's API" |
-- body_ do |
-- h1_ "Hell's API" |
-- p_ $ a_ [href_ "../"] $ "Back to homepage" |
-- h2_ "Types" |
-- ul_ do |
-- for_ (Map.toList supportedTypeConstructors) typeConsToHtml |
-- h2_ "Terms" |
-- let groups = Map.toList $ fmap (Left . snd) supportedLits |
-- let groups' = Map.toList $ fmap (\(_, _, _, ty) -> Right ty) polyLits |
-- for_ (List.groupBy (Function.on (==) (takeWhile (/= '.') . fst)) $ List.sortOn fst $ groups <> groups') \group -> do |
-- h3_ $ for_ (take 1 group) \(x, _) -> toHtml $ takeWhile (/='.') x |
-- ul_ do |
-- for_ group \(x, a) -> case a of |
-- Left e -> litToHtml (x, e) |
-- Right e -> polyToHtml (x, e) |
-- typeConsToHtml :: (String, SomeTypeRep) -> Html () |
-- typeConsToHtml (name, SomeTypeRep rep) = |
-- li_ do |
-- code_ do |
-- em_ "data " |
-- strong_ $ toHtml name |
-- em_ " :: " |
-- toHtml $ prettyString $ typeRepKind rep |
-- litToHtml :: (String, SomeTypeRep) -> Html () |
-- litToHtml (name, SomeTypeRep rep) = |
-- li_ do |
-- code_ do |
-- strong_ $ toHtml name |
-- em_ " :: " |
-- toHtml $ prettyString $ rep |
-- polyToHtml :: (String, TH.Type) -> Html () |
-- polyToHtml (name, ty) = |
-- li_ do |
-- code_ do |
-- strong_ $ toHtml name |
-- em_ " :: " |
-- toHtml $ TH.pprint $ cleanUpTHType ty |
-- cleanUpTHType :: TH.Type -> TH.Type |
-- cleanUpTHType = SYB.everywhere unqualify where |
-- unqualify :: forall a. Type.Typeable a => a -> a |
-- unqualify a = |
-- case Type.eqTypeRep (Type.typeRep @a) (Type.typeRep @TH.Name) of |
-- Nothing -> a |
-- Just Type.HRefl -> |
-- TH.mkName $ TH.nameBase a |