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Created August 18, 2014 03:37
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There's been a constant stream of crazy in my personal inbox as of late. I'm not quite sure what to make of the below, but someone seems to be seriously confused and assume I run/control all MyBB powered forums. How do I handle this?
Trolling on forums
Tracey Burt <****> Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 11:08 PM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Dear Chris
I have been subject to trolling for nearly three years now, among other
sinister things, on some of the forums you create the platform for. I am a bit
over it all.
The problem is though, that they have bought it into real life, and what they
have done is criminal. They will not stop, and I now have no choice but to
take legal action of some of the aspects of it.
Another problem is that the owners of these forums refuse to co-operate with
the victims, by providing enough details for people like myself to obtain what
we need to bring same criminal charges against the culprits.
Therefore, I am approaching you to ask for your assistance in identifying one
of the people people involved. As mentioned on Twitter, I am about to bring
some charges against two people in real life, and want to add one of the
internet players to my main complaint.
Yes, its not really your problem, but as I say, the people building these new
sites seem to have no morals, and in some cases, sinister ulterior motives for
setting these sites up. Therefore, you have some responsibility here. They
could delete their site and all signs of evidence, and their identity any time
they looked like being help accountable for whats going on at these places.
Which means you are the only one capable of looking behind their scenes,
especially if they did that.
I just want the details of the username of Zero Point. He pretends to live on
the Gold Coast, Australia. Does his IP match that? Could you obtain his email
address for me, of his internet account, not a gmail, etc, account. I also
would like to have his real name, if he has recorded them. In fact, all of the
information he registered when he set up the account, along with his main IP
address, and all others if it changes.
At a time when only 1% of rental properties are affordable by people on
welfare, like myself, they drove me out of one of those last year. I had to
send my son away. Now my children live in different states, and I have been
drifting between the two of them. I didn't get a reference, under the
circumstances I left in, and left a new internet connection which had a two
year duration. I also sold all my furniture cheap, or gave it away, just to
get away from the death threats, and mind games that were being played with me
via the net.
This year I was offered a house, furnished, for six months. I would have
gotten a reference from the lady upon leaving, and a chance to start again. It
was all good until Kanigo lured me to TOPS. Lots of veiled insults were
already interlaced around the various threads, aimed at myself. Kanigo2
implies they want to discuss my blog, which is about being on the run from
people attacking me over the internet forum, you host, Lunatic Outpost, for
the past year.
It wasn't long before my computer was hacked, even the tv soon after and the
trolling went into full swing. Again, there were other outside factors who
were playing via internet or other communications, rather than the forum. The
trolling is about a third of the case, but shows how complete and invasion the
onslaught was. I eventually fled that property too.
Now I am back to staying with friends or relatives or staying in cheap motels.
Even when doing that I had to move out occassionally, here and there.
So I want this to end. The bigger picture is a pretty severe crime and this
idiot on the internet has played a big part in it all. I want him held
accountable along with his co-conspirators.
I await your decision, but am willing to put the matter before the courts, if
need be.
Thanking you
Tracey Burt
Further to my last email
Tracey Burt <****> Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 12:57 AM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Since writing to you last, I see that a simple search reveals the tools for
members of a forum to surreptitiously track other members, by gaining not only
the IP, but confirmation of their precise location as well.
This is just so unacceptable its beyond a joke. The owners and moderators of
all forums would be able see who is running this. It also always seems to be
that the mods have friendships with the members who would appear to be doing
it to other members. Why would that be? Surely their role as a moderator
should be to ensure that no one is tracked so blatantly, especially if they
have no skills to settle actual disputes on the board.
I plan to make a noise about this. The software I found tonight has a link to
run on all of your forums, and a disclaimer by the person who wrote it,
absolving himself from any responsibility for revealing the private address of
a person, to strangers. In this day and age, you are well aware how dangerous
that really is.
As I said in my ragings at Jason whatshisname name, you people are starting to
have blood on your own hands, for allowing this to continue, unchecked.
Yours in complete disgust
Tracey Burt
I am just testing that product on TOPs forum right now. Its a shame it is
already very late here, and I have missed most of the Aussies, and my intended
target. Maybe the fishing will be better tomorrow.
Starting to get a bit messy for MyBB
Tracey Burt <****> Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 1:01 PM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Hi Chris
How you doing today?
I am about to go and join a whole heap of other forums, in particular David
Icke and Project Avalon, so that I can post this link there, and to as many
other places as I can find.
Sure you wouldn't like to just help me shut these corrupt sites down, and hold
the truly guilty accountable for what they are doing?
Or are you too busy surfing and snorting lines of coke, and living a great
life off the money you guys skim off the top of their illegal doings?
Have a big line for me mate! While I keep wandering around the streets,
homeless, thanks to your products.
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