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Created September 11, 2024 18:36
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// ColorSchemeApp.swift
// ColorScheme
// Created by Craig Hockenberry on 9/11/24.
import SwiftUI
struct ColorSchemeApp: App {
@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.onChange(of: preferredColorScheme) { oldValue, newValue in
print("ColorSchemeApp: preferredColorScheme: \(oldValue) -> \(newValue)")
// NOTE: This allows @AppStorage to store an optional ColorScheme
extension ColorScheme: RawRepresentable {
public init?(rawValue: Int) {
guard let userInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyle(rawValue: rawValue),
userInterfaceStyle != .unspecified,
let colorScheme = ColorScheme(userInterfaceStyle)
else {
//print("ColorScheme init: colorScheme = nil, rawValue = \(rawValue)")
return nil
//print("ColorScheme init: colorScheme = \(colorScheme), userInterfaceStyle = \(userInterfaceStyle)")
self = colorScheme
public var rawValue: Int {
let userInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyle(self)
//print("ColorScheme rawValue: self = \(self), userInterfaceStyle = \(userInterfaceStyle)")
return userInterfaceStyle.rawValue
// NOTE: This provides a display name for an optional ColorScheme
extension ColorScheme? {
public var displayName: String {
if let self {
switch self {
case .dark: return "Dark"
case .light: return "Light"
@unknown default:
return "Unknown"
else {
return "System"
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var presentSettings = false
@State private var identityHack: Int = 0
@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 40) {
Button("Show Settings") {
presentSettings = true
.sheet(isPresented: $presentSettings) {
.id(identityHack) // an attempt to force an update by changing structural identity
.onChange(of: identityHack) { oldValue, newValue in
print("SettingView: identityHack: \(oldValue) -> \(newValue)")
.onChange(of: preferredColorScheme) { oldValue, newValue in
print("ContentView: preferredColorScheme: \(oldValue) -> \(newValue)")
identityHack += 1
struct SettingsView: View {
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
@State private var path = NavigationPath()
@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
Form {
Section {
Picker("Theme", selection: $preferredColorScheme) {
Text("System").tag(nil as ColorScheme?)
Text("Dark").tag(ColorScheme.dark as ColorScheme?)
Text("Light").tag(ColorScheme.light as ColorScheme?)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button("Done") {
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chockenberry commented Sep 11, 2024

The workaround is to change line 87 to the following:

.preferredColorScheme(preferredColorScheme ?? colorScheme)

And add the colorScheme environment to ContentView:

@Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme

The optional chaining on preferredColorScheme causes the current colorScheme to be set explicitly.

Thanks to Dimitri Bouniol for the inspriation.

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A full working solution is below:

//  ColorSchemeApp.swift
//  ColorScheme
//  Created by Craig Hockenberry on 9/11/24.

import SwiftUI

struct ColorSchemeApp: App {
	@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

// NOTE: This allows @AppStorage to store an optional ColorScheme
extension ColorScheme: RawRepresentable {
	public init?(rawValue: Int) {
		guard let userInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyle(rawValue: rawValue),
			  userInterfaceStyle != .unspecified,
			  let colorScheme = ColorScheme(userInterfaceStyle)
		else {
			return nil

		self = colorScheme
	public var rawValue: Int {
		let userInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyle(self)
		return userInterfaceStyle.rawValue


// NOTE: This provides a display name for an optional ColorScheme
extension ColorScheme? {

	public var displayName: String {
		if let self {
			switch self {
			case .dark: return "Dark"
			case .light: return "Light"
			@unknown default:
				return "Unknown"
		else {
			return "System"

struct ContentView: View {
	@State private var presentSettings = false
	@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?

	@Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme

	var body: some View {
		VStack(spacing: 40) {
			Button("Show Settings") {
				presentSettings = true
		.sheet(isPresented: $presentSettings) {
			// NOTE: Using a nil value for .preferredColorScheme() _will not_ update the view. The workaround
			// is to get the current colorScheme from the environment and use it instead (via optional chaining).
				.preferredColorScheme(preferredColorScheme ?? colorScheme)

struct SettingsView: View {
	@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
	@State private var path = NavigationPath()
	@AppStorage("preferredColorScheme") private var preferredColorScheme: ColorScheme?
	var body: some View {
		NavigationStack(path: $path) {
			Form {
				Section {
					Picker("Theme", selection: $preferredColorScheme) {
						Text("System").tag(nil as ColorScheme?)
						Text("Dark").tag(ColorScheme.dark as ColorScheme?)
						Text("Light").tag(ColorScheme.light as ColorScheme?)
			.toolbar {
				ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
					Button("Done") {

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For reference, this method is not fully working and I can't really tell why.

I recorded a short video to showcase the issue (iOS 18 simulator, but same behavior in my device). As you'll see, I can toggle the system color scheme in the beginning and the app changes. However, when I change the setting to 'Dark' and then back to 'System', the app stays dark and no longer updates when the system color scheme changes.


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