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Created August 17, 2021 03:54
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simple webdriver testing scripts
;(async () => {
const browser = await require('webdriverio').remote({
capabilities: {
"webkitgtk:browserOptions": {
binary: process.argv.slice(2)[0]
await browser.url("");
const header = await browser.$("body > h1");
const headerText = await header.getText();
console.log(`original header text: ${headerText}`);
const checks = await browser.$$("tr > td:nth-child(2)");
const compat = {
good: 0,
bad: 0,
for (const check of checks) {
const text = await check.getText();
if (text.trim() === "✔") {
} else {
await browser.closeWindow();
console.log(`compatibility: good ${compat.good} | bad ${compat.bad}`);
;(async () => {
const browser = await require('webdriverio').remote({
capabilities: {
"tauri:options": {
application: process.argv.slice(2)[0]
const mainWindow = await browser.getWindowHandle();
const checkRodaRoraDa = async () => {
let windows = await browser.getWindowHandles();
if (windows.length < 2) {
setTimeout(checkRodaRoraDa, 100)
} else {
const newWindow = windows.filter(w => w !== mainWindow).pop();
await browser.switchToWindow(newWindow);
const img = await browser.$("body > img");
console.log(await img.getAttribute("src"))
await browser.deleteSession();
await checkRodaRoraDa();
})()//"RODA RORA DA"
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