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Created July 19, 2016 03:48
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Covariance Bug reproducer
using NamedArrays
function compute_covariance{T <: AbstractFloat}( M::AbstractArray{T,2}, I::AbstractArray{T,2})
return make_positive_definite( (M'*M) ./ (I'*I) )
make_positive_definite{T <: AbstractFloat}( m::AbstractArray{T,2}, epsilon::Real=1e-8 ) = nearPSD(m,epsilon)
nearPSD{T <: AbstractFloat}( A::NamedArrays.NamedArray{T,2}, epsilon::Real=1e-12 ) =
NamedArrays.NamedArray( nearPSD(A.array), (names(A,1), names(A,2)), A.dimnames )
function nearPSD{T <: AbstractFloat}( A::Array{T,2}, epsilon::Real=1e-12 )
n = size(A,1)
@assert size(A,1) == size(A,2)
A = 0.5(A+A')
λ, S = eig(A)
λ = max(λ,epsilon)
r = S * diagm(λ) * S'
return 0.5(r+r')
open("/tmp/r.ser") do f
global r = deserialize(f)
open("/tmp/I.ser") do f
global I = deserialize(f)
result = compute_covariance(r',I')
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