- Implement the designs above using any mobile development language or framework but prefferably Flutter. Keep note of the bottom navigation and side nav
- For any missing assets eg logos, blobs, icons, color codes etc, please find a way to retrieve them online as you learn more about the product. Here are some links: https://mkononi.biz , https://app.mkononi.biz
- The sign up and sign in screen should be tied with their respective functionality.
sign up
POST https://api-stage.mkononi.biz/auth/register
{ "name": string, "email": string, "phone": string, "password": string }
sign in
POST https://api-stage.mkononi.biz/auth/login
{ "email": string, "password": string }
After signing up, a user should be requested to check their email for an email verification link then redirected to the login page.
After signing in, the user should be redirected to the products insights page.
When a user clicks sales analytics on the side nav, the sales analytics screen should be shown, the same for the customer insights screen.
The insights screens should be static. No functionality required.
Please provide user feedback whenever possible eg error messages
- Once done with the test, take a screen recording of your app functionality and screen shots of every screen.
- Send the github repo to the code, the app video recording and screenshots to
[email protected]
beforeWednesday May 18th 2022 5:00pm
. - Should you need any clarification, please comment to this gist.
are we using the api provided or can we create ours because of the response and editing the db?