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Created July 27, 2012 22:42
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This is the script I used to repair issue #202
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gittip import wireup
db = wireup.db()
names = open('affected.txt').read().splitlines()
for name in names:
recs = db.fetchall("select participant_id, amount, fee, timestamp "
"from exchanges "
"where participant_id=%s "
"and timestamp > '2012-07-27' "
"order by amount desc", (name,))
recs = list(recs)
assert len(recs) == 1
wrong_amount = recs[0]['amount']
print name.ljust(16), wrong_amount
db.execute("update exchanges set amount = 9.32, fee = 0.68 "
"where participant_id=%s and timestamp > '2012-07-27'", (name,))
db.execute("update participants set balance = balance + (9.32 - %s) "
"where id=%s", (wrong_amount, name))
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