edge count:
lncli describegraph | jq '.edges | length'
node count:
lncli describegraph | jq '.nodes | length'
recent edge count:
lncli describegraph | jq '[.edges[] | select(.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2)] | length'
23070 (71.97%)
stale edge count:
lncli describegraph | jq '[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2) | not)] | length'
8985 (28.03%)
only one stale edge count:
lncli describegraph | jq '[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | length'
8410 (26.24%)
both stale edge count:
lncli describegraph | jq '[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update < now-60*60*24*7*2) and (.node2_policy.last_update < now-60*60*24*7*2))] | length'
575 (1.79%)
only one stale, channels by node:
lncli describegraph | jq '[[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | map([{pubkey: .node1_pub, last_update: .node1_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}, {pubkey: .node2_pub, last_update: .node2_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}]) | add[] | select(.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2)] | group_by(.pubkey)[] | {(.[0].pubkey): [.[] | {chanid: .chanid, last_update: .last_update}]}'
only one stale, channels by node, sorted by highest count:
lncli describegraph | jq '[[[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | map([{pubkey: .node1_pub, last_update: .node1_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}, {pubkey: .node2_pub, last_update: .node2_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}]) | add[] | select(.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2)] | group_by(.pubkey)[] | {pubkey: (.[0].pubkey), length: length}] | sort_by(.length) | reverse'
nodes that participate in a channel where only one end is stale
lncli describegraph | jq '[[[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | map([{pubkey: .node1_pub, last_update: .node1_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}, {pubkey: .node2_pub, last_update: .node2_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}]) | add[] | select(.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2)] | group_by(.pubkey)[] | {pubkey: (.[0].pubkey), length: length}] | length'
2633 (46.42%)
nodes that participate in no more than X channels where only one end is stale:
lncli describegraph | jq '[[[[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | map([{pubkey: .node1_pub, last_update: .node1_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}, {pubkey: .node2_pub, last_update: .node2_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}]) | add[] | select(.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2)] | group_by(.pubkey)[] | {pubkey: (.[0].pubkey), length: length}] | sort_by(.length) | reverse[] | select(.length < X)] | length'
for X <= 3: 1758 (30.99%)
for X <= 2: 1257 (22.16%)
nodes that participate in at least X channels where only one end is stale:
lncli describegraph | jq '[[[.edges[] | select((.node1_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2) or (.node1_policy.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2 and .node2_policy.last_update > now-60*60*24*7*2))] | map([{pubkey: .node1_pub, last_update: .node1_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}, {pubkey: .node2_pub, last_update: .node2_policy.last_update, chanid: .channel_id}]) | add[] | select(.last_update <= now-60*60*24*7*2)] | group_by(.pubkey)[] | {pubkey: (.[0].pubkey), length: length} | select(.length >= X)] | length'
for X >= 3: 875 (15.42%)
for X >= 2: 1376 (24.26%)