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Created October 29, 2019 19:58
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// ------------- Context API --------------
// Based on top of grpc.Context
// (We could also use it directly and add the automatic Scope handling).
// Note: Cannot use String directly for the keys, as an imposition done
// by grpc.Context.
// Questions:
// - Should we allow some form of extensibility to allow
// users to provide logic/storage?
public final class Context {
public static Context current();
public static Scope setCurrent(Context ctx);
public static Context getEmptyContext();
public static <V> Context.Key<V> createKey(String name);
public <V> Context setValue(Context.Key<V>, V value);
public V getValue(Context.Key<V> key);
// ------------- Propagation API --------------
public interface HttpInjector {
<C> void inject(Context ctx, C carrier, Setter<C> setter);
public interface HttpExtractor {
<C> Context extract(C carrrier, Getter<C> getter);
// ------------- Baggage API --------------
// Questions:
// - Should we allow values other than String?
public interface BaggageSetter {
public Context setValue(Context ctx, String key, String value);
public Context setValue(String key, String value); // Context.current()
public String getValue(Context ctx, String key);
public String getValue(String key); // Context.current()
public void removeValue(Context ctx, String key);
public void removeValue(String key); // Context.current()
public void clear(Context ctx);
public void clear(); // Context.current()
public HttpInjector getHttpInjector();
public HttpExtractor getHttpExtractor();
// ------------- Observability API --------------
public interface CorrelationSetter {
public Context setValue(Context ctx, <List>CorrelationLabel labels, HopLimit hopLimit);
public Context setValue(<List>CorrelationLabel labels, HopLimit hopLimit); // Context.current()
public HttpInjector getHttpInjector();
public HttpExtractor getHttpExtractor();
public CorrelationLabel {
public String key();
public String value();
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