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Last active July 18, 2024 19:41
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Reset admin account password for Keycloak using SqlServer
-- Removes admin account and temporarily reassigns master realm users to a fake realm so that Keycloak will re-create the admin account using the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN and KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD env vars.
declare @adminId varchar(36);
set @adminId = (select ID from user_entity where USERNAME = 'admin');
delete from credential where user_id = @adminId;
delete from user_role_mapping where user_id = @adminId;
delete from user_required_action where user_id = @adminId;
delete from user_entity where id = @adminId;
declare @masterRealmId varchar(36);
set @masterRealmId = (select id from realm where = 'master');
update user_entity set realm_id='banana' from user_entity where realm_id = @masterRealmId;
-- Run after running remove-admin.sql and restarting Keycloak
declare @masterRealmId varchar(36);
set @masterRealmId = (select id from realm where = 'master');
update user_entity set realm_id=@masterRealmId where realm_id = 'banana';
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