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Created December 12, 2021 10:30
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import { Field, ID, ObjectType, Int } from 'type-graphql'
import { UserGQL } from './User'
import { Prisma, PrismaClient, Post, prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import { plainToInstance } from 'class-transformer'
import { prismaClient } from './../../prisma/prismaClient'
type Constructor<T> = {
new (): T
relations: Record<keyof Prisma.PostInclude, Function>
baseRelations: Record<keyof Prisma.PostInclude, Function>
interface IPostWithPrismaClient {
prismaModel: typeof
mapQueryResultToInstances: typeof PostPrismaBase.mapQueryResultToInstances
class PostPrismaBase {
static prismaModel =
static baseRelations = {
author: UserGQL
static mapQueryResultToInstances<
IT extends Prisma.PostInclude | null,
CT extends PostPrismaBase
this: Constructor<CT>,
raw: Post & Partial<typeof this['baseRelations']>,
include?: IT
): CT {
if (!include) {
return plainToInstance(this, raw)
for (const key of Object.keys(raw)) {
if (include[key] && raw[key]) {
console.log('~ this', this.relations, key)
if (typeof include[key] === 'object') {
// @ts-expect-error
raw[key] = mapQueryResultToInstances(raw[key], include[key])
} else {
if (this?.relations && this?.relations[key]) {
raw[key] = plainToInstance(this?.relations[key], raw[key])
} else {
raw[key] = plainToInstance(
return plainToInstance(this, raw)
static async findFirst<T extends PostPrismaBase>(
this: Constructor<T> & IPostWithPrismaClient,
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.findFirst>
): Promise<T | null> {
const res = await this.prismaModel.findFirst(...args)
if (!res) {
return null
return this.mapQueryResultToInstances(res, args[0]?.include)
static async create<T extends PostPrismaBase>(
this: Constructor<T> & IPostWithPrismaClient,
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.create>
): Promise<T> {
const res = await this.prismaModel.create(...args)
return this.mapQueryResultToInstances(res, args[0]?.include)
static async aggregate(
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.aggregate>
) {
return this.prismaModel.aggregate(...args)
static async count(...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.count>) {
return this.prismaModel.count(...args)
static async findMany<T extends PostPrismaBase>(
this: Constructor<T> & IPostWithPrismaClient,
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.findMany>
) {
const res = await this.prismaModel.findMany(...args)
return =>
this.mapQueryResultToInstances(res, args[0]?.include)
static async findUnique(
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.findUnique>
) {
return this.prismaModel.findUnique(...args)
static async delete(...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.delete>) {
return this.prismaModel.delete(...args)
static async deleteMany(
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.deleteMany>
) {
return this.prismaModel.deleteMany(...args)
// static async groupBy(...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.groupBy>) {
// return this.prismaModel.groupBy(...args)
// }
static async update<T extends PostPrismaBase>(
this: Constructor<T> & IPostWithPrismaClient,
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.update>
) {
const res = await this.prismaModel.update(...args)
return this.mapQueryResultToInstances(res, args[0]?.include)
static async updateMany(
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.updateMany>
) {
return this.prismaModel.updateMany(...args)
static async upsert<T extends PostPrismaBase>(
this: Constructor<T> & IPostWithPrismaClient,
...args: Parameters<typeof this.prismaModel.upsert>
) {
const res = await this.prismaModel.upsert(...args)
return this.mapQueryResultToInstances(res, args[0]?.include)
export class PostGQLScalars extends PostPrismaBase {
@Field(() => ID)
id: number
createdAt: Date
updatedAt: Date
published: boolean
title: string
@Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
authorId?: number
export class PostGQL extends PostGQLScalars {
@Field(() => UserGQL, { nullable: true })
author?: UserGQL
// skip overwrite 👇
class CustomUser extends UserGQL {
methodOnCustomUser() {
class CustomPost extends PostGQL {
author?: CustomUser
static relations = {
author: CustomUser
;(async () => {
await prismaClient.user.deleteMany()
const post1 = await CustomPost.create({
data: {
title: 'Hello World',
published: true,
author: {
create: {
email: '[email protected]'
include: {
author: true
// const gpr = await PostGQL.groupBy({
// _sum: {
// id: true
// },
// by: ['title']
// })
// const post = await PostGQLScalars.findFirst({ include: { author: true } });
// post1.myMethod()
// console.log(post);
// const gpr2 ={
// _sum: {
// id: true
// },
// by: ['title']
// })
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