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Forked from Misophistful/core.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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(ns apples.core
(:require [play-clj.core :refer :all]
[play-clj.g2d :refer :all]
[play-clj.math :refer :all]))
(declare apples main-screen)
(def speed 14)
(defn- get-direction []
(is-pressed? :dpad-left) :left
(is-pressed? :dpad-right) :right))
(defn- update-player-position [{:keys [player?] :as entity}]
(if player?
(let [direction (get-direction)
new-x (case direction
:right (+ (:x entity) speed)
:left (- (:x entity) speed))]
(when (not= (:direction entity) direction)
(texture! entity :flip true false))
(assoc entity :x new-x :direction direction))
(defn- update-hit-box [{:keys [player? apple?] :as entity}]
(if (or player? apple?)
(assoc entity :hit-box (rectangle (:x entity) (:y entity) (:width entity) (:height entity)))
(defn- remove-touched-apples [entities]
(if-let [apples (filter #(contains? % :apple?) entities)]
(let [player (some #(when (:player? %) %) entities)
touched-apples (filter #(rectangle! (:hit-box player) :overlaps (:hit-box %)) apples)]
(remove (set touched-apples) entities))
(defn- move-player [entities]
(->> entities
(map (fn [entity]
(->> entity
(defn- spawn-apple []
(let [x (+ 50 (rand-int 1400))
y (+ 50 (rand-int 30))]
(assoc (texture "apple.png") :x x, :y y, :width 50, :height 65, :apple? true)))
(defscreen main-screen
(fn [screen entities]
(update! screen :renderer (stage))
(add-timer! screen :spawn-apple 1 2)
(let [background (texture "apple_orchard.png")
player (assoc (texture "cow.png") :x 50, :y 50, :width 400, :height 350, :player? true, :direction :right)]
[background player]))
(fn [screen entities]
(render! screen entities))
(fn [screen entities]
(is-pressed? :r) (app! :post-runnable #(set-screen! apples main-screen))
(get-direction) (move-player entities)
:else entities))
(fn [screen entities]
(case (:id screen)
:spawn-apple (conj entities (spawn-apple)))))
(defgame apples
(fn [this]
(set-screen! this main-screen)))
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