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Last active March 29, 2020 23:10
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Makefile for java projects
artifactId = a
directory = build
outputDirectory = $(directory)/classes/java/main
sourceDirectory = src/main/java
sources = $(shell find $(sourceDirectory) -name \*.java)
objects = $(sources:$(sourceDirectory)/$(outputDirectory)/%.class)
package = $(directory)/libs/$(artifactId).jar
JAR = jar
JAVA = java
JAVAC = javac
JAVAC_FLAGS = -g = $(JAVAC) -d $(outputDirectory) $(JAVAC_FLAGS)
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(package)
$(package): $(objects)
$(objects): $(outputDirectory)/%.class: $(sourceDirectory)/
$( $<
mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(JAR) $(JAR_FLAGS) $@ -C $(outputDirectory) $(^:$(outputDirectory)/%=%)
$(RM) -r $(directory)
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