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Forked from LucasCalazans/
Created March 31, 2022 16:12
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If you need to add more items to the CSP go to the line 36 and add more items inside the object.

Here I used as an example the font-src. In this case I just needed to add 1 more URL, so I added a string to the font-src key.

If you need to add more than 1 item you can use the value as an array. Also, if you need to add more keys, just add it to the object, like this:

updateContentSecurityPolicy(definitions, {
    'font-src': ['', 'url-3', 'url-3'],
    'frame-src': '*'


After any changes on this file, you need to restart your server

function localIntercept(targets) {
const builtins = targets.of('@magento/pwa-buildpack');
* Add more options to the content security policy
* This example shows how to add a new font-src
* the is the domain used by adobe fonts
const updateContentSecurityPolicy = (definitions, values) => {
const securityHeaders = definitions['veniaSecurityHeaders'].inline;
const contentSecurityPolicy = securityHeaders['content-security-policy'].template.default.inline;
const parsed = contentSecurityPolicy.split('; ').reduce((current, next) => {
const [key, ...value] = next.split(' ');
current[key] = value;
return current;
}, {});
const newValuesEntries = Object.entries(values);
newValuesEntries.forEach(([key, value]) => {
const v = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
parsed[key] = [
securityHeaders['content-security-policy'].template.default.inline = Object.entries(parsed)
.map(([key, values]) => {
return [key, values.join(' ')].join(' ')
.join('; ');
builtins.transformUpward.tapPromise(async definitions => {
updateContentSecurityPolicy(definitions, {
'font-src': ''
module.exports = localIntercept;
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