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Albert Vallverdu byverdu

lost in translation
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const allInputs = document.querySelectorAll( 'a' );
const urlToSearch = '';
let found;
let position;
// Ways to iterate over a NodeList to find an element
// 1
allInputs.forEach(( link, index ) => {
if (link.href.indexOf( urlToSearch ) !== -1 ) {
// app/client/views/item.pug
block content
.wrapper(ng-controller="ImdbController as imdb")
div(ng-show="!imdb.contentReady") Loading ...
imdb-card(data="imdb.singleItem", call-action="imdb.showForm()" text-btn="Add Rating")
form(ng-submit="imdb.updateItem()", ng-show="imdb.revealForm")
h3 Add your Rating
input(type="text", ng-model="imdb.rating", placeholder="rating ...")
// app/client/js/controllers/imdbController.js
module.exports = function( service, $routeParams, broadcaster, $rootScope, $timeout, Notification ) {
const $imdb = this;
$imdb.title = `${$routeParams.collection}`;
$imdb.collection = [];
$imdb.contentReady = false;
$imdb.singleItem = {};
$imdb.rating = 0;
$imdb.revealForm = false;
// API, server side
router.get( '/api/all/:imdb', ( req, res ) => {
// === 'movie' || 'series'
Imdb.find({ type: })
.then(( response ) => {
res.type( 'json' );
res.json( response );
// app/client/js/controllers/homeController.js
module.exports = function ( service, broadcaster, $rootScope, $timeout, Notification ) {
const $home = this;
$home.title = 'Welcome to ImdbApp';
$home.imdbText = ''; // texto del formulario
$home.imdbType = 'movie'; // usar 'movie' como tipo por defecto
$home.imdbData = {};
$home.links = [
{ text: 'Movies', url: '/imdb/movie' },
// app/client/js/services/imdbService.js
module.exports = function ( $http ) {
return {
getImdbData( name, type ) {
return $http({
method: 'POST',
url: `./api/search?q=${name}&t=${type}`
// app/client/js/controllers/homeModule.js
import angular from 'angular';
import { buildImdbCard } from '../services/directives';
const imdbService = require( '../services/imdbService' );
const imdbBroadcaster = require( '../services/imdbBroadcaster' );
const homeController = require( './homeController' );
require( 'angular-ui-notification/dist/angular-ui-notification' );
// app/client/views/layout.pug
<!DOCTYPE html>
html(lang="en", ng-app="imdbApp")
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")
meta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="ie=edge")
link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="../static/styles.css")
link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="../static/notification.css")
// app/client/js/services/directive.js
export function buildImdbCard() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
templateUrl: './views/imdbItem',
scope: {
data: '<',
callAction: '&',
// app/client/js/router.js
const angular = require( 'angular' );
require( 'angular-route' );
require( './controllers/homeModule' );
require( './controllers/imdbModule' );
angular.module( 'imdbApp', ['ngRoute', 'homeModule', 'imdbModule'])
.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', ( $routeProvider, $locationProvider ) => {