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Forked from mapledyne/oba.rb
Last active November 19, 2015 00:30
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Local bus info widget in Dashing
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
## Forked from
# To use, add an instance of the Meter widget to your dashboard for each route using the naming convention
# 'oba_<ROUTE>'. The <ROUTE> should match the display values for the routes you add to the rides hash below.
# Set walktime to the average walking time to the closest station(s) for the given routes
walktime = 5
# Add a new hash k/v pair for each route and stop
# The key name will be the display value for the corresponding widget instance.
# The values should be a two-element array, where the first value represents the
# stop ID and the second value represents the route ID.
# The easiest way to determine these values is to use the One Bus Away web interface to
# search on route number, then click on the appropriate stop, followed by "Real Time Arrival Info.
# The values will be displayed in the URL query parameters.
rides = {
"Link" => ["1_1108", "40_100479"],
"C-Line" => ["1_431", "1_102576"],
"E-Line" => ["1_578", "1_102615"],
"522" => ["1_682", "40_100232"],
"413" => ["1_970", "29_413"],
"511" => ["1_700", "29_511"],
"41" => ["1_1121", "1_100221"],
"312" => ["1_682", "1_100187"],
"157" => ["1_300", "1_100475"],
soonest = 15
SCHEDULER.every '1m', :first_in => '30s' do |job|
rides.each_pair do |k, v|
geturl = "{v[0]}&route=#{v[1]}"
response = Nokogiri::HTML(open(geturl))
buses = response.xpath("//td[contains(@class,'arrivalsStatusEntry')]/span/text()")
buses.each do |bus|
if bus.to_s == "NOW"
b = bus.to_s.to_i - walktime
if b < 0
nextbus = [soonest,b].min.to_i
send_event("oba_#{k}", {title: "Next #{k}", value: nextbus})
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Some small modifications to support multiple bus routes... useful if you have a larger number of people in your office. If you're playing with Dashing, you'll see that a lot of widgets use a similar method to make their feed jobs more flexible.

Don't panic if you deploy this and notice that some of the widgets are 'blank,' as this is how the data source from OneBusAway works. If a route is rush-hour-only, it will not return any data until the route itself is in service.

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