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Brian Wood bwood

  • UC Berkeley. Central IT.
  • San Francisco, CA
View GitHub Profile
# Error.
# I forgot to use --debug on the terminus command.
# TOTAL RUN TIME: php -r "echo round((1459378996 - 1459378633)/60, 2);" : 6.05
$ php -r 'echo time() . "\n";';terminus --yes sites create --site=openucb-1119-newsite13 --name=openucb-1119-newsite13 --label=openucb-1119-newsite13 --upstream=87774fa4-b570-4300-a693-1c98b61457cd --org=430c1947-354f-459a-8755-f38293aef105;php -r 'echo time() . "\n";'
[2016-03-30 22:57:18] [info] Creating new Open Berkeley 7 installation ...
upstream: 'Open Berkeley 7'
[2016-03-30 22:59:11] [info] Created new site "openucb-1119-newsite13"
$ terminus --yes sites create --site=openucb-1119-newsite04 --name=openucb-1119-newsite04 --label=openucb-1119-newsite04 --upstream=87774fa4-b570-4300-a693-1c98b61457cd --org=430c1947-354f-459a-8755-f38293aef105 --debug
[2016-03-29 21:17:01] [debug] #### REQUEST ####
Params: {"headers":{"User-Agent":"Terminus\/0.11.0 (php_version=5.6.16&script=terminus)","Content-type":"application\/json","Authorization":"Bearer a5814357-ecde-46aa-af6e-82336848c660:8f4204fe-f5f3-11e5-ac45-bc764e10b0ce:w2BXqMkwECHxXUN1EXo2o"},"verify":true,"method":"get","absolute_url":false}
Method: get
params: '{"headers":{"User-Agent":"Terminus\/0.11.0 (php_version=5.6.16&script=terminus)","Content-type":"application\/json","Authorization":"Bearer a5814357-ecde-46aa-af6e-82336848c660:8f4204fe-f5f3-11e5-ac45-bc764e10b0ce:w2BXqMkwECHxXUN1EXo2o"},"verify":true,"method":"get","absolute_url":false}'
uri: 'https://dash
bwood / openucb-345 examples
Created October 15, 2014 00:48
openucb-345: starter content rollback
/*** openberkeley_news_starter.install ***/
* Implements hook_disable().
function openberkeley_news_starter_disable() {
* It's important to disable in this order because: Menu depends on Pages.
* If do things out of order one or more rollbacks
* will silently fail on disable. If you use drush migrate-rollback commands
bwood / gist:44427e08e409b8c1dc35
Last active April 2, 2016 18:16
.travis.yml for Pantheon CI. Very basic
language: php
# Important to note, this is the version of PHP used to run this build, not the
# one used to run your Drupal installation. Ensure compatibility with the Drush
# and Terminus versions you're using for this build.
- 5.3
bwood / gist:7225790
Created October 30, 2013 01:26
for josh: drush psites --nocache -v -d
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0.01 sec, 4.96 MB] [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drush() [0.01 sec, 5.25 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc "/Users/bwood/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush" [bootstrap]
scope. [0.02 sec, 5.25 MB]
Cache HIT cid: 5.9-commandfiles-0-a02164b1c005e7f8aeec807f256ccc47 [debug]
[0.02 sec, 5.27 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0.09 sec, 13.35 MB] [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0.12 sec, 13.36 MB] [bootstrap]
Found command: pantheon-sites (commandfile=terminus) [0.12 sec, 13.36[bootstrap]
bwood / gist:5536799
Created May 7, 2013 22:47
Contacting the user edudu on github....
Hello @edudu,
I notice that you haven't used your 'edudu' account since 2010. Edudu is the name of an University web development consortium that I'm co-organizing: We are presenting at DrupalCon soon:
Any chance you would be willing to remove your unused 'edudu' account on github so we could create an account using this name. Currently we are using, but we'd love to use edudu instead to avoid confusion.
Brian Wood
Applications Programmer, UC Berkeley
[email protected]