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Last active September 4, 2023 18:28
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HOWTO Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter

Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter

This is based on a guide on the Ubnt forums.

Log into your Edgerouter and run the following - sudo -i && vi /config/user-data/ This will switch you to the root user and open up vi.


#The IP address below should point to the IP of your router or to

curl -s $ad_list_url | sed "s/127\.0\.0\.1/$pixelserv_ip/" > $temp_ad_file

if [ -f "$temp_ad_file" ]
        #sed -i -e '/www\.favoritesite\.com/d' $temp_ad_file
        mv $temp_ad_file $ad_file
        echo "Error building the ad list, please try again."

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq force-reload
sudo -i
chmod a+x /config/user-data/
sh /config/user-data/
(crontab -l ; echo "56 4 * * 6  /config/user-data/") | crontab -

Visit the following sites to confirm the ad-blocker is working:


This is based on a YouTube video by Willie Howe.

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Thank you for this. I've forked it, and updated it to:

  • Include high risk malware domains from DShield. Although many of the domains are already blocked by most browsers.
  • Temp files are stored in /tmp and removed afterwards. Reason: any file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ will be read as a config file (with some exceptions)
  • Removing duplicate domains (because of multiple sources)
  • Update the blocklists every day instead of once per week

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thanks it worked on Edgerouter ER-X I recommend not touching DNS on DHCP Server-Lan

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JMRROCHA commented Apr 5, 2021

thanks it worked on Edgerouter ER-X I recommend not touching DNS on DHCP Server-Lan

Same here, works very well on a erpoe-5 for a few hours, and then crashes dns forwarder.

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Sir1980 commented Aug 30, 2021

Forgive my ignorance but how do I enter the script above in my EdgeRouter X? I've tried the CLI and I guess I'm not doing something right.

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