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Last active November 4, 2024 10:53
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  • Save brunobord/5b4a4611fe45c4b7c6edd262fe9a03b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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format = "($conflicted$staged$modified$renamed$deleted$untracked$stashed$ahead_behind(fg:$style))"
conflicted = "[✖ ](bg:52 fg:white)[  ${count} ](bg:52 fg:white)"
staged = "[ $count ](green)"
modified = "[✚ ${count} ](208)"
renamed = "[ ${count} ](148)"
deleted = "[ ${count} ](fg:#cb4b16)"
untracked = "[…${count} ](117)"
stashed = "[ ${count} ](bg:darkblue fg:yellow)"
ahead = "[ ${count} ](214)"
behind = "[ ${count} ](214)"
diverged = "[⇕ ](bold red)[ ${ahead_count} ](red)[ ${behind_count} ](red)"
add_newline = false
format = """$username@$hostname\
full_symbol = "🔋"
charging_symbol = "⚡️"
discharging_symbol = "❗"
threshold = 15
style = "bold red"
truncation_length = 6
truncate_to_repo = false
ssh_only = false
format = "[$hostname]($style) "
trim_at = "."
disabled = false
format = "[$user]($style)"
style_root = "bold red"
style_user = "bold dimmed green"
show_always = true
format = '[\[$virtualenv\]]($style) '
style = 'bright-green'
detect_files = []
detect_extensions = []
disabled = false
symbol = '•'
format = '[$branch]($style) '
style = 'bold yellow'
format = '$all_status$ahead_behind'
ahead = '[⇡$count](bold purple) '
behind = '[⇣$count](bold purple) '
staged = '[✚ $count](green) '
deleted = '[✖ $count](red) '
renamed = '[➜ $count](purple) '
stashed = '[✭ $count](cyan) '
untracked = '[◼ $count](white) '
modified = '[✱ $count](blue) '
conflicted = '[═](bold red) '
diverged = '⇕ [⇡$ahead_count⇣$behind_count](fg:11)'
up_to_date = ''
wtg() {
bold=$(tput bold)
blue=$(tput setaf 4)
purple=$(tput setaf 5) # not really purple, but…
green=$(tput setaf 2)
red=$(tput setaf 1)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
white=$(tput setaf 7) # not really white…
n=$(tput sgr0)
echo " ${bold}${purple}⇡${n} : ahead"
echo " ${bold}${purple}⇣${n} : behind"
echo " ${green}✚${n} : staged"
echo " ${red}✖${n} : deleted"
echo " ${purple}➜${n} : renamed"
echo " ${cyan}✭${n} : stashed"
echo " ${white}◼${n} : untracked"
echo " ${blue}✱${n} : modified"
echo " ${bold}${red}═${n} : conflicted"
echo " ⇕ : diverged"
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