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# The goal: create a list of maps of subnet mappings so we don't have to statically hard-code them in aws_lb | |
# https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/lb.html#subnet_mapping | |
locals { | |
# These represent dynamic data we fetch from somewhere, such as subnet IDs and EIPs from a VPC module | |
subnet_ids = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2", "subnet-3"] | |
eips = ["eip-1", "eip-2", "eip-3"] | |
} | |
# Here's the hack! The null_resource has a map called triggers that we can set to arbitrary values. | |
# We can also use count to create a list of null_resources. By accessing the triggers map inside of | |
# that list, we get our list of maps! See the output variable below. | |
resource "null_resource" "subnet_mappings" { | |
count = "${length(local.subnet_ids)}" | |
triggers { | |
subnet_id = "${element(local.subnet_ids, count.index)}" | |
allocation_id = "${element(local.eips, count.index)}" | |
} | |
} | |
# And here's the result! We have a dynamic list of maps. I'm just outputting it here, but we should | |
# be able to take the same value and set it as the input to aws_lb's subnet_mapping param. | |
output "subnet_mappings" { | |
value = "${null_resource.subnet_mappings.*.triggers}" | |
} |
Mar 8, 2018
Update: it turns out that while this approach works for static values (i.e., hard-coded values, variables, local vars), it does not work in the general case for anything with "dynamic" or "computed" data such as a data source or resource. That's due to a Terraform limitation where it tries to validate the structure of the maps before doing any of the computations, and you'll get an error such as "required field is not set".
very useful thanks
sweet trick
https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/expressions.html#for-expressions For Loop is coming up natively in Terraform 0.12.x . Hope that solves our problem ..
@brikis98 thanks for this trick. Turns out I was looking for exactly this but I want to use the o/p of subnet_mappings as a input to a variable inside a resource. You did mention that it wont work with a resource, so what are my options?
Why not use the zipmap() function instead?
zipmap constructs a map from a list of keys and a corresponding list of values.
Currently doing this successfully with Terraform 0.12:
dynamic "subnet_mapping" {
for_each = zipmap(subnet_ids, eips)
content {
subnet_id = subnet_mapping.key
allocation_id = subnet_mapping.value
This Gist was written pre-Terraform 0.12. It is no longer necessary.
Sorry for not being clear, I didn’t mean this as a 0.12 thing, zipmap
works with < 0.12 too, it was added in version 0.7.8 (changelog).
Thanks for posting this,
True.. dynamic and for_each didn't exist before 0.12 either.
For cases where zipmap()
is not appropriate, for example you have a list(string)
type and need to produce a list(object({}))
, try this syntax in Terraform 0.12:
locals {
macs = [
module "servers" {
source = "./app-cluster"
workers = [
for index, x in local.macs : {
name = "node${index}"
mac = x
After I have switched from Terraform 0.11 to Terraform 0.12.. It's really got simple and easy to work with loops and other stuff. Try using this syntax
locals {
parameters = [
name : "rds.force_ssl",
value : "1"
apply_method : "pending-reboot"
name : "ssl",
value : "1",
apply_method : "pending-reboot"
resource "aws_db_parameter_group" "parameter_group" {
name = var.name
family = var.family
dynamic "parameter" {
for_each = var.parameters
content {
name = parameter.value["name"]
value = parameter.value["value"]
apply_method = parameter.value["apply_method"]