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Created January 19, 2020 11:51
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pug i18n
'use strict';
// Todo: Move to own repo
const {i18n} = require('intl-dom');
const walk = require('pug-walk');
const fileFetch = require('file-fetch');
global.fetch = fileFetch; // For `intl-dom`
module.exports = function (scoped = false) {
return async function (req, res, next = () => { /**/ }) {
const _ = await i18n({
// Detects locale from `req.headers['accept-language']` and
// requires appropriate i18n file; this is for Express;
// for non-Express, could use
locales: req.acceptsLanguages(),
localesBasePath: 'app/server'
res.locals.plugins = [{
// Other available methods:
// preLex, postLex, preParse, postParse, preLoad, postLoad,
// preFilters, postFilters, preLink, postLink, preCodeGen, postCodeGen
postParse (ast /* , postParseOptions */) {
// `postParseOptions` has functions (resolve, read, lex, parse) and
// strings (filename, src; basedir? (currently undefined))
return walk(ast, (node /* , replace */) => {
// `replace` may be an array if parent is block and when parent is
// Include and node is an IncludeFilter:
// Can replace more than just `val` if needed:
// replace({type: 'Text', val: 'bar', line: node.line});
// Todo: To allow processing dynamic content passed in at run-time,
// we could check for `_(#{dynamicVarName})` by checking for
1. `_(` with `node.type` 'Text'
2. `node.val` ("dynamicVarName" here) `node.type` 'Code'
(`node.mustEscape` will indicate whether this is `#{}` or `!{}`);
1. `)` with `node.type` 'Text'
// Todo: How to get AST of attributes for, e.g., internationalizing
// aria-label and such?
console.log('type', node.type);
if (node.type === 'Code') {
console.log('node', node);
if (node.type === 'Text') {
let templateName;
if (scoped) {
const {filename} = node;
const fn = filename.match(/(?<templateName>[^/]*?)\.pug/u);
({templateName} = (fn && fn.groups) || {});
// Todo: We could parse object options specified (as text) within
// templates, e.g., after a comma
node.val = node.val.replace(/_\((?<key>[^)]*)\)/u, (n0, key) => {
return _(scoped && templateName ? `${templateName}.${key}` : key);
// Return so business logic can use as well
return _;
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