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Brandon Fryslie brandon-fryslie

View GitHub Profile
1A1-52, 1C1-52, 2A1-96, 2C1-96, 3A1-52, 3C1-52
1A106-53, 1C106-53, 2A199-97, 2C199-97, 3A106-53, 3C106-53
1A107-162, 1C107-162, 2A200-305, 2C200-305, 3A107-162, 3C107-162
1A217-163, 1C217-163, 2A412-306, 2C412-306, 3A217-163, 3C217-163
1B1-54, 1D1-54, 2A413-520, 2C413-520, 3B1-54, 3D1-54
1B105-55, 1D105-55, 2A625-521, 2C625-521, 3B105-55, 3D105-55
1B106-152, 1D106-152, 2B1-103, 2D1-103, 3B106-152, 3D106-152
1B194-153, 1D194-153, 2B201-104, 2D201-104, 3B194-153, 3D194-153
1B195-229, 1D195-229, 2B202-294, 2D202-294, 3B195-229, 3D195-229
1B257-230, 1D257-230, 2B376-295, 2D376-295, 3B257-230, 3D257-230
import jenkins.model.*
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.*
import net.sf.json.JSONObject
if (System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_URL) {
println "Configuring remote Jenkins instances"
def remoteJenkinsUrls = System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_URL.split(',')
def remoteJenkinsNames = System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_NAME.split(',')
def authMode = new JSONObject()
brandon-fryslie / gist:aa78aa2af085612165be13b9fb423e1b
Created July 6, 2018 17:33
configure remote trigger plugin
import jenkins.model.*
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.*
import net.sf.json.JSONObject
if (System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_URL) {
println "Configuring remote Jenkins instances"
def remoteJenkinsUrls = System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_URL.split(',')
def remoteJenkinsNames = System.env.REMOTE_JENKINS_NAME.split(',')
def authMode = new JSONObject()
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
class String
def colorize(color_code) "\e[#{color_code}m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bold; colorize(1) end
def red; colorize(31) end
def green; colorize(32) end
def yellow; colorize(33) end
Replacing text with iedit
Spacemacs uses the powerful iedit mode through evil-iedit-state to quickly edit multiple occurrences of a symbol or selection.
evil-iedit-state defines two new evil states:
* iedit state
* iedit-insert state
The color code for these states is red.
evil-iedit-state has also a nice integration with expand-region for quick edition of the current selected text by pressinge.
iedit states key bindings
State transitions
Key Binding From To
source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh"
# if the init scipt doesn't exist
if ! zgen saved; then
# Disable loading default Prezto modules
# This is necessary due to a quirk of zgen that will load these plugins after
# our custom plugins, overwriting our customizations
zgen prezto x x x x ?
bad_builds = []
if isList(build)
for b in build
if build.hasKey('builds')
brandon-fryslie / fix-sombrero-imports.fb
Last active April 7, 2016 15:32
Fix Sombrero Imports
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Build a map of component names to paths - conveniently, there's a file
# already containing that information
def build_component_map()
text ="#{ENV['HOME']}/projects/sombrero/components/index.js")
text.lines.reduce({}) do |res, line|
if /^\s+(\w+):\s*require\(\'\.([^']*)/ =~ line
key = $1
path = "sombrero/components#{$2}"
let startIndex = 0;
const pageSize = 200;
let promises = [];
while (startIndex < watches.length) {
promises.push(AlmApi.query('/artifact/', {
query: buildUUIDQuery(uuids.slice(startIndex, startIndex + pageSize)),
fetch: fetchFields,
pagesize: pageSize