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Last active August 5, 2017 17:40
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1–10 11–20 20–30
6940 5839 6007
6615 6957 6314
6169 6877 6224
6142 6324 6210
6492 6685 6961
6908 5964 6475
6604 6387 6192
6189 6860 6090
6444 6162 0
5812 6950 0

>>> print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="pipe") align to right and left

item qty
spam 42
eggs 451
bacon 0

no special alignment

item qty
spam 42
eggs 451
bacon 0

both align to right

item qty
spam 42
eggs 451
bacon 0

>>> print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="simple")

item qty

spam 42 eggs 451 bacon 0

is like tables formatted by Postgres' psql cli:

>>> print tabulate.tabulate() +--------+-------+ | item | qty | |--------+-------| | spam | 42 | | eggs | 451 | | bacon | 0 | +--------+-------+

>>> print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")

╒════════╤═══════╕ │ item │ qty │ ╞════════╪═══════╡ │ spam │ 42 │ ├────────┼───────┤ │ eggs │ 451 │ ├────────┼───────┤ │ bacon │ 0 │ ╘════════╧═══════╛

>>> print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="orgtbl")

| item | qty | |--------+-------| | spam | 42 | | eggs | 451 | | bacon | 0 |

jira follows the conventions of Atlassian Jira markup language:

>>> print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="jira") || item || qty || | spam | 42 | | eggs | 451 | | bacon | 0 |

rst formats data like a simple table of the reStructuredText format:

print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="rst") ====== ===== item qty ====== ===== spam 42 eggs 451 bacon 0 ====== =====

mediawiki format produces a table markup used in Wikipedia and on other MediaWiki-based sites:

print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="mediawiki") {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;" |+ |- ! item !! align="right"| qty |- | spam || align="right"| 42 |- | eggs || align="right"| 451 |- | bacon || align="right"| 0 |}

moinmoin format produces a table markup used in MoinMoin_ wikis:

print tabulate(d,headers,tablefmt="moinmoin") || ''' item ''' || ''' quantity ''' || || spam || 41.999 || || eggs || 451 || || bacon || ||

youtrack format produces a table markup used in Youtrack_ tickets:

print tabulate(d,headers,tablefmt="youtrack") || item || quantity || | spam | 41.999 | | eggs | 451 | | bacon | |

textile format produces a table markup used in Textile format:

print tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt='textile') |. item |. qty | |<. spam |>. 42 | |<. eggs |>. 451 | |<. bacon |>. 0 |

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