This will get you setup with Laravel & Valet on your Mac. Quentin Watt has a good video tutorial on getting setup here as well
Go to and copy the command and run in your terminal
It will be something like this...
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then update
brew update
brew install php
brew install composer
Run the following and see if it says "composer" anywhere
echo $PATH
If not, you have to add it to your path
Open your .zshrc (This command will open it with VS Code but you can open with any text editor)
code ~/.zshrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
NOTE: If you are using bash instead of zsh, you need to edit ~/bashrc instead of ~/zshrc
Restart your terminal and run this again and you should see "composer"
echo $PATH
composer global require laravel/valet
valet install
composer global require laravel/installer
Make sure you go to where you want to create your project folder
laravel new PROJECT_NAME
valet park
Go to your browser and type http://PROJECT_FOLDER.test
valet parked
valet tld dev
Try restarting your terminal. That should work