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Created May 6, 2021 20:56
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Kern parser combinator with bb
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.deps :as deps])
(deps/add-deps '{:deps {org.blancas/kern {:git/url ""
:sha "34a8c2f0c1ec5ab3e0e9aac56e6278abc3ed5a0b"}}})
(use 'blancas.kern.core
(declare json)
(def pair (bind [f string-lit _ colon v json]
(return [f v])))
(def array (brackets (comma-sep (fwd json))))
(def object (braces
(bind [fields (comma-sep pair)]
(return (apply hash-map (reduce concat [] fields))))))
(def json (<|> string-lit dec-lit float-lit object array bool-lit nil-lit))
(run json "{\"fst\": \"Joe\", \"lst\": \"Hacks\",\"id\":1122}")
;;=> {"fst" "Joe", "lst" "Hacks", "id" 1122}
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