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Created July 7, 2015 18:02
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createNewAdmin jQuery script
* This function is operatin with tables.
* It created opens up new form after the row
* that is being cliked. It slideToggles each
* of the active tr (if required) and removes
* name="" attribute if it is required.
function createServerAdmin($this) {
// Element that is bein clicked
var thiz = $this;
// slideToggle elements
$('.open-form-' + thiz.attr('data-openid')).slideToggle(800);
$('.open-form-' + thiz.attr('data-openid')).find('td div.height-block').slideToggle({
duration: 600,
complete: function() {
$('.open-form-' + thiz.attr('data-openid')).find('input, select').each(function() {
if( $(this).attr('data-name') ) {
$(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('data-name') );
$(this).removeAttr('data-name'); // Remove data-name=""
} else {
$(this).attr('data-name', $(this).attr('name') );
$(this).removeAttr('name'); // Remove name=""
// Remove any other, already opened tr and apply slidetoggle as well
thiz.closest('tbody').find('tr.hidden_form').each(function(index, element) {
var $this = $(this);
$(this).attr('data-id', index + 1); // add id to every div
This if() statement is checking if
css value of tr is eqaul to 'table-row' and
==== Explanation: ====
Value: $('.open-form-' + thiz.attr('data-openid')).attr('data-id')
Explanation: This value is taking '.open-form' and taking thiz value, which is $this (from the initial function)
and getting data-openid="" value from each tr and then taking attr('data-id') and checking whether this
is not equal to $(this).attr('data-id') value. (This is made on purpose, because otherwise we will close
active tr element.)
if( ( $(this).css('display') == 'table-row' ) && ( int_( $('.open-form-' + thiz.attr('data-openid')).attr('data-id') ) != int_( $(this).attr('data-id') ) ) ) {
// Toggling elements
$(this).find('td div.height-block').slideToggle({
duration: 600, // Duiration of the animation
complete: function() { // Complete function of the slideToggle event
// This console log is finding previously closed tr and gets it's data-id="" value
console.log( $(this).closest('tr').attr('data-id') );
// Defined previously found tr
$prev_closed_tr = $(this).closest('tr').attr('data-id');
// Check each input of the specified tr (data-id="") value
$('.open-form-' + $prev_closed_tr).find('input, select').each(function() {
// If input has name="" values, create face data-name value and remove actual name=""
if( $(this).attr('name') ) {
$(this).attr('data-name', $(this).attr('name') );
$(this).removeAttr('name'); // Remove name=""
} else {
// Do the oposite from the root if()
$(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('data-name') );
$(this).removeAttr('data-name'); // Remove data-name=""
// end of the each() event (each of the input type )
// end of the complete function
// end toggleSlide event
// end of the if statement
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