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Alberto Coletta boh717

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nikeee / preprocess.mjs
Last active October 3, 2024 09:37
replaces `#include filename` with the contents of the file
#!/usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check
import { createReadStream } from "node:fs";
import { realpath } from "node:fs/promises";
import * as rl from "node:readline/promises";
import * as path from "node:path";
const fileToProcess = process.argv[2];
if (!fileToProcess) {
JoeyBurzynski /
Last active January 11, 2025 13:42
58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere

58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere

When making this website, i wanted a simple, reasonable way to make it look good on most displays. Not counting any minimization techniques, the following 58 bytes worked well for me:

main {
  max-width: 38rem;
  padding: 2rem;
  margin: auto;
bhameyie / SourceCodeGenerator.scala
Last active July 1, 2020 20:47
Only generate tables for a single schema
import slick.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator
import slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile
import slick.model.Model
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
object SourceCodeGenerator {
croxton /
Last active December 24, 2024 05:55 — forked from leevigraham/Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on
Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names

Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on OSX

Open ssl.conf in a text editor.

Edit the domain(s) listed under the [alt_names] section so that they match the local domain name you want to use for your project, e.g.

DNS.1   =

Additional FQDNs can be added if required:

Scaling your API with rate limiters

The following are examples of the four types rate limiters discussed in the accompanying blog post. In the examples below I've used pseudocode-like Ruby, so if you're unfamiliar with Ruby you should be able to easily translate this approach to other languages. Complete examples in Ruby are also provided later in this gist.

In most cases you'll want all these examples to be classes, but I've used simple functions here to keep the code samples brief.

Request rate limiter

This uses a basic token bucket algorithm and relies on the fact that Redis scripts execute atomically. No other operations can run between fetching the count and writing the new count.

calippo / Mappable.scala
Created July 27, 2016 21:51
Convert case class to map in shapeless
object Mappable {
implicit class ToMapOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
import shapeless._
import ops.record._
def toMap[L <: HList](implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L],
tmr: ToMap[L]
): Map[String, Any] = {
val m: Map[tmr.Key, tmr.Value] = tmr(
rrodseth / UnfoldPages.scala
Last active June 14, 2021 18:36
Create akka-stream Source from a pagination, using Source.unfoldAsync
// Inspired by a tweet from @trautonen 1/13/2016
// Use Source.unfoldAsync to turn paginated database results into an akka-streams Source
// unfold is the inverse of fold
case class Page[T](pageNumber:Long, totalPages:Long, contents:List[T])
case class Thing(id: Long, name: String = "foo")
val totalPages = 5 //
val pageSize = 3
spalladino /
Created December 22, 2015 13:47
Backup and restore a mysql database from a running Docker mysql container
# Backup
docker exec CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=root DATABASE > backup.sql
# Restore
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=root DATABASE
ipedrazas / gist:2c93f6e74737d1f8a791
Created September 18, 2014 22:13
List Docker Container Names and IPs
function drips(){
docker ps -q | xargs -n 1 docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }} {{ .Name }}' | sed 's/ \// /'