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Stephan Bönnemann-Walenta boennemann

View GitHub Profile
Verifying that +boennemann is my blockchain ID.
boennemann /
Created January 7, 2016 21:52
Simply semantic-release config and increase flexibilty

The current plugin system aims to make every step of semantic-release customizeable. There is a lot of overhead to this though.


  1. Remove verifyConditions.
  2. Hardcode one check that implements every CI server out there. (Mappings for each service are trivial to add, much like in
  3. Add an option to surpass this check.

With this it would "just work™" on any CI server. If there is custom behavior required this can simply be run before the semantic-release command: e.g. verify-unicorns && semantic-release pre && npm publish && semantic-release post.

boennemann /
Last active October 26, 2015 21:54
semantic-release setup
curl -Lo
export $(cat $(pwd)/.to_export_back 2> /dev/null) &> /dev/null
rm .to_export_back
boennemann /
Last active August 26, 2024 07:42
Pushing new releases of a legacy version with semantic-release

If you have a package where a lot of people are still using a legacy version of it you might want to keep pushing (security-)fixes to that "branch".

Let's say the "latest" version of your package is "5.4.0", but there is as significant amount of people still using "4.7.4" – the last version you released before doing "5.0.0".

You found a critical bug in "5.4.0" and push it as out as "5.4.1", but it applies to "4.7.4" as well and so you want to do "4.7.5".

Assuming you have semantic-release already set up, you can follow these steps to get that "4.7.5" legacy support release out.

  1. Go to the relevant commit: git checkout v4.7.4
  2. Create a new branch from it: git checkout -b 4.x (You can choose any branch name, just make sure to use the same in step 3)
"scripts": {
"preparepublish": "changelog",
"prepublish": "transpile && minify && docs",
"mypublsih": "npm run preparepublish && npm publish"

guys, dudes, bros

I think you mean team...

I think you mean squad..

I think you mean gang...

I think you mean pals...

boennemann / hybird.js
Created June 10, 2015 19:05
Using Babel while keeping individual commits and branches installable
var main
try {
main = require('../dist/main')
} catch (e) {
main = require('../src/main')
// do your thing

Triage new issues/PRs on github

This document illustrates the steps the Hoodie community is taking to triage issues. The labels are used later on for planning releases. If you want to help by sorting issues please leave a comment here asking to join the triaging team.

Triaging Process

This process based on the idea of minimizing user pain from this blog post.

  1. Open the list of non triaged issues

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am boennemann on github.
  • I am boennemann ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F70C B400 09DB A932 CE78 80E2 FC69 316C 9866 3CFE

To claim this, I am signing this object:

boennemann / test.cs
Created October 16, 2013 19:52 — forked from d8ta/gist:7013675
using System;
namespace bsp11
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
/* 1.(2P) Schreibe ein Programm, das die Fü̈llmenge eines liegenden Kreiszylinders berechnet (Formel siehe Wikipedia, Tank-Problem).