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Created July 5, 2023 17:25
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OWID helper
let global: {
[entity: string]: {
[year: number]: {
[col: string]: string
} = {}
async function pCSV(fName: string) {
const f: string[][] = (await Bun.file(fName + ".csv").text()).split("\n").map(l => l.split(','));
const headings = f.shift()!
f.forEach((l,i) => {
let entity: string, year: string, value: string
l.forEach((e,i) => {
if (headings[i] == "Entity") entity = e
if (headings[i] == "Year") year = e
if (headings[i] == fName) value = e
if (year == undefined || entity == undefined) return
if (global[entity!] == undefined) global[entity!] = {}
if (global[entity!][year!] == undefined) global[entity!][year!] = {}
global[entity!][year!][fName] = value!
let wanted = [/*list of column headers*/]
for (let f of wanted) {
await pCSV(f)
let headings = ["Entity","Year",...wanted]
let str = headings.join(',')
Object.entries(global).forEach(([country, v]) => {
Object.entries(v).forEach(([year, v]) => {
let workingStr: string[] = [];
wanted.forEach(k => {
str += "\n" + workingStr.join(',')
Bun.write("output.csv", str)
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