Save blowsie/15f8fe303383e361958bd53ecb7294f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$fa-font-path: "~font-awesome/fonts"; | |
@import '~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome'; | |
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&.glyphicon-euro, | |
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&.glyphicon-music { | |
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&.glyphicon-heart { | |
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&.glyphicon-star { | |
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&.glyphicon-zoom-out { | |
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&.glyphicon-check { | |
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&.glyphicon-arrow-right { | |
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&.glyphicon-plane { | |
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&.glyphicon-calendar { | |
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&.glyphicon-chevron-down { | |
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&.glyphicon-retweet { | |
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&.glyphicon-resize-horizontal { | |
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&.glyphicon-hdd { | |
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&.glyphicon-thumbs-down { | |
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&.glyphicon-hand-right { | |
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&.glyphicon-hand-left { | |
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&.glyphicon-hand-up { | |
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&.glyphicon-hand-down { | |
@extend .fa-hand-o-down; | |
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&.glyphicon-circle-arrow-right { | |
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&.glyphicon-circle-arrow-left { | |
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&.glyphicon-circle-arrow-up { | |
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&.glyphicon-circle-arrow-down { | |
@extend .fa-arrow-circle-down; | |
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&.glyphicon-globe { | |
@extend .fa-globe; | |
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&.glyphicon-wrench { | |
@extend .fa-wrench; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-tasks { | |
@extend .fa-tasks; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-filter { | |
@extend .fa-filter; | |
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&.glyphicon-briefcase { | |
@extend .fa-briefcase; | |
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&.glyphicon-fullscreen { | |
@extend .fa-expand; | |
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&.glyphicon-dashboard { | |
@extend .fa-dashboard; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-paperclip { | |
@extend .fa-paperclip; | |
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&.glyphicon-heart-empty { | |
@extend .fa-heart-o; | |
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&.glyphicon-link { | |
@extend .fa-link; | |
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&.glyphicon-phone { | |
@extend .fa-phone; | |
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&.glyphicon-pushpin { | |
@extend .fa-thumb-tack; | |
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&.glyphicon-usd { | |
@extend .fa-usd; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-gbp { | |
@extend .fa-gbp; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sort { | |
@extend .fa-sort; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet { | |
@extend .fa-sort-alpha-asc; | |
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&.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet-alt { | |
@extend .fa-sort-alpha-desc; | |
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&.glyphicon-sort-by-order { | |
@extend .fa-sort-numeric-asc; | |
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&.glyphicon-sort-by-order-alt { | |
@extend .fa-sort-numeric-desc; | |
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&.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes { | |
@extend .fa-sort-amount-asc; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt { | |
@extend .fa-sort-amount-desc; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-unchecked { | |
@extend .fa-square-o; | |
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&.glyphicon-expand { | |
@extend .fa-caret-square-o-right; | |
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&.glyphicon-collapse-down { | |
@extend .fa-caret-square-o-down; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-collapse-up { | |
@extend .fa-caret-square-o-up; | |
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&.glyphicon-log-in { | |
@extend .fa-sign-in; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-flash { | |
@extend .fa-flash; | |
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&.glyphicon-log-out { | |
@extend .fa-sign-out; | |
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&.glyphicon-new-window { | |
@extend .fa-external-link; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-record { | |
@extend .fa-dot-circle-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-save { | |
@extend .fa-save; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-open { | |
@extend .fa-upload; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-saved { | |
@extend .fa-check; | |
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&.glyphicon-import { | |
@extend .fa-upload; | |
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&.glyphicon-export { | |
@extend .fa-download; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-send { | |
@extend .fa-paper-plane-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-floppy-disk { | |
@extend .fa-save; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-floppy-saved { | |
@extend .fa-check; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-floppy-remove { | |
@extend .fa-remove; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-floppy-save { | |
@extend .fa-download; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-floppy-open { | |
@extend .fa-upload; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-credit-card { | |
@extend .fa-credit-card; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-transfer { | |
@extend .fa-exchange; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-cutlery { | |
@extend .fa-cutlery; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-header { | |
@extend .fa-header; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-compressed { | |
@extend .fa-file-archive-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-earphone { | |
@extend .fa-phone; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-phone-alt { | |
@extend .fa-phone-square; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-tower { | |
@extend .fa-building; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-stats { | |
@extend .fa-bar-chart; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sd-video { | |
@extend .fa-film; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-hd-video { | |
@extend .fa-film; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-subtitles { | |
@extend .fa-cc; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sound-stereo { | |
@extend .fa-music; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sound-dolby { | |
@extend .fa-music; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sound-5-1 { | |
@extend .fa-music; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sound-6-1 { | |
@extend .fa-music; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sound-7-1 { | |
@extend .fa-music; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-copyright-mark { | |
@extend .fa-copyright; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-registration-mark { | |
@extend .fa-registered; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-cloud-download { | |
@extend .fa-cloud-download; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-cloud-upload { | |
@extend .fa-cloud-upload; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-tree-conifer { | |
@extend .fa-tree; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-tree-deciduous { | |
@extend .fa-tree; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-cd { | |
@extend .fa-dot-circle-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-save-file { | |
@extend .fa-save; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-open-file { | |
@extend .fa-folder-open-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-level-up { | |
@extend .fa-level-up; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-copy { | |
@extend .fa-copy; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-paste { | |
@extend .fa-paste; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-alert { | |
@extend .fa-exclamation-triangle; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-equalizer { | |
@extend .fa-bar-chart; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-king { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-queen { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-pawn { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-bishop { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-knight { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-baby-formula { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-tent { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-blackboard { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-bed { | |
@extend .fa-bed; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-apple { | |
@extend .fa-apple; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-erase { | |
@extend .fa-eraser; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-hourglass { | |
@extend .fa-hourglass; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-lamp { | |
@extend .fa-lightbulb-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-duplicate { | |
@extend .fa-files-o; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-piggy-bank { | |
@extend .fa-money; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-scissors { | |
@extend .fa-scissors; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-bitcoin { | |
@extend .fa-bitcoin; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-btc { | |
@extend .fa-btc; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-xbt { | |
@extend .fa-btc; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-yen { | |
@extend .fa-yen; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-jpy { | |
@extend .fa-jpy; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-ruble { | |
@extend .fa-ruble; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-rub { | |
@extend .fa-rub; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-scale { | |
@extend .fa-balance-scale; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-ice-lolly { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-ice-lolly-tasted { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-education { | |
@extend .fa-graduation-cap; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-option-horizontal { | |
@extend .fa-ellipsis-h; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-option-vertical { | |
@extend .fa-ellipsis-v; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-menu-hamburger { | |
@extend .fa-bars; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-modal-window { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-oil { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-grain { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-sunglasses { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-text-size { | |
@extend .fa-font; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-text-color { | |
@extend .fa-font; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-text-background { | |
@extend .fa-font; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-top { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-bottom { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-horizontal { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-left { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-vertical { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-object-align-right { | |
@extend .fa-question; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-triangle-right { | |
@extend .fa-caret-right; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-triangle-left { | |
@extend .fa-caret-left; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-triangle-bottom { | |
@extend .fa-caret-down; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-triangle-top { | |
@extend .fa-caret-up; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-console { | |
@extend .fa-terminal; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-superscript { | |
@extend .fa-superscript; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-subscript { | |
@extend .fa-subscript; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-menu-left { | |
@extend .fa-chevron-left; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-menu-right { | |
@extend .fa-chevron-right; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-menu-down { | |
@extend .fa-chevron-down; | |
} | |
&.glyphicon-menu-up { | |
@extend .fa-chevron-up; | |
} | |
} |
@CanKattwinkel yes! good find, and also a lot of semi colons.
@CanKattwinkel , @taitems, thanks fixed.
One more:
&.glyphicon-transfer {
@extend .fa-exchange
I have tried to add it to your answer at stack but it's been rejected. Thanks for that list.
@maszynka thanks! I updated SO
nice one. thanks @blowsie
I created a LESS version, as I'm compiling bootstrap from LESS: https://gist.github.com/richardlampitt/527f2a6f0a561d51644c3dbe186e45f0
I couldn't get the extends to work properly, so instead I opted to copy the fontawesome CSS, and use the mapping that you'd done as mixins to replace the ::before content for the appropriate glyphicon style.
I'm certain that this can be done much more robustly, but it works just fine for what I need it for, and if someone else wants to fork this and make it better they are most welcome to do so!
I like this idea but pardon my stupidity: Can I simply copy and paste this in my CSS after the @font-face{font-family:'Glyphicons Halflings'; declaration or is there anything special I need to consider?
No you can't. No browser has native support of SASS / LESS and probably such support isn't even planned. You have to compile these sheets with sass / less compiler, which runs in node.js.
I myself do not like a lot that tons of web stuff these days has to be transpiled, I think it's the step into the wrong direction - interpreted languages should run directly in browser like it was before, but the huge crowd disagrees. It's not C++ to be compiled, in fact I do not like compiled languages and usually try to avoid them.
Imagine that to run Python 3 scripts you had to "transpile" these with Python 2. Absolutely misleading path, but the majority supports such things with browser and node.js.
There are some duplicate selectors here?
352:3 × Unexpected duplicate selector ".glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-left", first used at line 15 no-duplicate-selectors
356:3 × Unexpected duplicate selector ".glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-right", first used at line 11 no-duplicate-selectors
476:3 × Unexpected duplicate selector ".glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-up", first used at line 7 no-duplicate-selectors
1068:3 × Unexpected duplicate selector ".glyphicon.glyphicon-transfer", first used at line 732 no-duplicate-selectors
@drewfreling thanks, not sure how this happened but ive cleaned it up, thanks for reporting
Isn't the "&" missing for all items after line 15?