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Last active October 7, 2021 10:59
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  • Save blowdart/1cb907b68ed56bcf8498c16faff4221c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blowdart/1cb907b68ed56bcf8498c16faff4221c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IIS Express certs (for now) don't contain SAN strings. This makes Chrome unhappy. Make Chrome happy again with a new organic, artisanal, gluten free HTTPS certificate.
# Create a new self signed HTTPS Certificate for IIS Express
# Crafted with all organic, GMO, gluten free ingreditations
# with an artisinal SAN to make Chrome 58 onwards happy.
# See
# Run this at an administrative PowerShell prompt.
# You will be prompted to trust a new certificate via a windows dialog.
# Click yes otherwise Visual Studio will not be able to determine your
# process ID when you launch your web application/
$certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate `
-Subject localhost `
-DnsName localhost `
-KeyAlgorithm RSA `
-KeyLength 2048 `
-NotBefore (Get-Date) `
-NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(5) `
-CertStoreLocation "cert:CurrentUser\My" `
-FriendlyName "IIS Express Development Certificate" `
-HashAlgorithm SHA256 `
-KeyUsage DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment `
-TextExtension @("{text}")
$certificatePath = 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My\' + ($certificate.ThumbPrint)
# Now export the certificate to a pfx
$pfxPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()) -Force -AsPlainText
$pfxFilePath = []::GetTempFileName()
$cerFilePath = []::GetTempFileName()
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certificatePath -FilePath $pfxFilePath -Password $pfxPassword
Export-Certificate -Cert $certificatePath -FilePath $cerFilePath
# Delete the cert we created from the user store now we've exported it
Remove-Item $certificatePath
# Now pull in the PFX to the two places it needs to be.
# First to the machine personal store, so netsh can bind
Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $pfxFilePath Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Password $pfxPassword -Exportable
# Now to the user root store so trust is enabled
# This will cause Windows to throw up a dialog, so click yes, otherwise VS is going to be very unhappy and unable to determine your app process ID.
Import-Certificate -FilePath $cerFilePath -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\Root
# Now bind using netsh. The app ID is the IIS Express app ID.
for ($port = 44300; $port -lt 44400; $port++)
$command = "http delete sslcert ipport=$port"
Write-Output $command
$command | netsh
$command = "http add sslcert ipport=$port certhash="+$($certificate.Thumbprint)+" appid={214124cd-d05b-4309-9af9-9caa44b2b74a}"
Write-Output $command
$command | netsh
# Clean up the temporary PFX
Remove-Item $pfxFilePath
Remove-Item $cerFilePath
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Thank you- Add guac plz.

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I can't add guac, I believe Chrome is deprecating avocado support :D

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(I had to change '–AsPlainText' to '-AsPlainText' (replaced the en-dash with the hyphen) for the script to run -- and it works!)

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Oops, dunno what happened there. Cut and paste hiccup maybe? Updated.

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MiroJ commented May 17, 2017

Worked as a charm! Thanks, blowdart!

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May the mountains bless you.. Resolves my issue on VS2015

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Thank you so much for the script. It worked for me.

My application was working normally in my localhost but after few days it started showing me "net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET". I have tried multiple solutions found in internet but did not solve. Your script helped me.

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