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Created February 19, 2024 20:31
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CREATE (n0:Object { name: "monopile", description: "A generic monopile." }),
(n1:Object { name: "geared drive train", description: "A generic geared drive train" }),
(n2:Object { name: "substructure", description: "A generic substructure." }),
(n3:Object { name: "gravity base", description: "A generic gravity base." }),
(n4:Variable { name: "WT position", description: "The spatial position of a turbine, expressed as a longitude and latitude or in another coordinate system." }),
(n5:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "wind speed at hub height", description: "This expressed the speed of the wind at hub height of a given turbine.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n6:Variable { name: "steel price", description: "This variable is used to express the price of steel.", type: "real" }),
(n7:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "free stream wind direction", description: "This variable expresses the direction of the free stream wind as a north-based azimuth, so N=0°, E=90°, S=180°, and W=270°.", unit: "°′″", type: "real" }),
(n8:Object { name: "WT", description: "A generic wind turbine." }),
(n9:Object { description: "A generic horizontal axis wind turbine.", name: "HAWT" }),
(n10:Object { description: "A generic vertical axis wind turbine.", name: "VAWT" }),
(n11:Object { name: "jacket", description: "A generic jacket space frame." }),
(n12:Object { name: "tripod", description: "A generic tripod space frame." }),
(n13:Object { name: "tri-pile", description: "A generic tri-pile space frame." }),
(n14:Object { description: "The whole of the off-shore wind energy system", name: "OWES" }),
(n15:Procedure { name: "OWF decommissioning", description: "Decommissioning of the whole wind farm. The OWES is reverted into the environment." }),
(n16:Object { name: "gearbox", description: "A generic gearbox." }),
(n17:Object { description: "A generic rotor.", name: "rotor" }),
(n18:Object { name: "RNA", description: "A generic rotor-nacelle assembly." }),
(n19:Object { name: "nacelle", description: "A generic nacelle." }),
(n20:Object { description: "A generic tower.", name: "tower" }),
(n21:Object { name: "drive train", description: "A generic drive train." }),
(n22:Object { name: "generator", description: "A generic generator." }),
(n23:Object { description: "A generic blade.", name: "blade" }),
(n24:Object { description: "A generic brake.", name: "brake" }),
(n25:Object { name: "low-speed shaft", description: "A generic low-speed shaft." }),
(n26:Object { name: "high-speed shaft", description: "A generic high-speed shaft." }),
(n27:Object { name: "generator stator", description: "A generic generator stator." }),
(n28:Object { name: "floating", description: "A generic floating support structure." }),
(n29:Object { name: "support structure", description: "A generic support structure." }),
(n30:Object { name: "generator rotor", description: "A generic generator rotor." }),
(n31:Object { description: "A generic rotor hub.", name: "hub" }),
(n32:Attribute { name: "rotor state" }),
(n33:Object { name: "electrical collection system", description: "electrical system used to gather electricity within farm" }),
(n34:Object { name: "electrical transmission system", description: "The electrical system used to transmit the generated electrical power to the grid connection. (This grid connection may be on-shore or off-shore.)" }),
(n35:Object { name: "AC electrical transmission system", description: "alternating current transmission system" }),
(n36:Object { name: "DC electrical transmission system", description: "direct current transmission system" }),
(n37:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "air density", description: "The density of air particles in the atmosphere", unit: "kg/m³", type: "real" }),
(n38:Variable { name: "rotor radius", description: "distance between the center of the turbine's shaft and the blade tip on the rotor plane", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n39:Variable { name: "WT available power", description: "The wind power available at the wind turbine hub.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n40:Model { description: "The wind power available to a turbine is equal to f*v, where f is the dynamic force and v is the wind speed.", name: "WT available power" }),
(n41:Object { description: "The platform at the base of the tower.", name: "transition piece" }),
(n42:Object { name: "cooling system", description: "cooling system to remove heat created from friction and electromagnetic losses" }),
(n43:Variable { name: "wind speed time series", description: "A time series of wind speed data, which may be obtained by measurement or generated synthetically." }),
(n44:Object { name: "rotor bearing", description: "A generic bearing of the rotor." }),
(n45:Object { name: "active yaw system", description: "The active yaw systems are equipped with some sort of torque producing device able to rotate the nacelle of the wind turbine against the stationary tower based on automatic signals from wind direction sensors or manual actuation (control system override)." }),
(n46:Object { name: "yaw bearing", description: "A generic yaw bearing." }),
(n47:Object { name: "yaw controller", description: "A generic yaw controller." }),
(n48:Object { name: "yaw drive", description: "A generic yaw drive." }),
(n49:Object { name: "yaw motor", description: "A generic yaw motor." }),
(n50:Variable { name: "yaw angle", description: "The yaw angle of the rotor-nacelle assembly.", unit: "rad", type: "real" }),
(n51:Variable { name: "pitch angle", description: "The pitch angle of a blade.", unit: "rad", type: "real" }),
(n52:Object { description: "A generic converter to increase the frequency of the generated alternating current.", name: "converter" }),
(n53:Object { name: "hub cover", description: "A generic hub cover." }),
(n54:Object { name: "nacelle cover", description: "A generic nacelle cover." }),
(n55:Object { description: "A metocean mast, providing wind, wave, water current, and other meteorological measurements.", name: "met mast" }),
(n56:Variable { name: "tower height", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n57:Variable { name: "generator speed", description: "The speed of a generator in revolutions per second (1 Hz = 60 rpm).", unit: "Hz", type: "real" }),
(n58:Variable { name: "WT potential power output", description: "The power generated by a wind turbine assuming it is available, which may not be the case.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n59:Model { description: "The simple model for generating power output from wind speed based on the assumption that reality conforms to the power curve.", name: "power curve conformity" }),
(n60:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT rated power", description: "The rated power of a wind turbine.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n61:Variable { name: "power curve", description: "A wind turbine power curve." }),
(n62:Model { description: "A generic model for an algorithm that creates a power curve given wind speed and power output pairs (for a given or fixed range of wind speeds).", name: "power curve algorithm" }),
(n63:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "hub height", description: "The height of the hub of the wind turbine.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n64:Variable { type: "real, between 0 and 1", description: "The ratio of the farm's power output to its potential, rated, output.", name: "capacity factor" }),
(n65:Variable { name: "OWF availability factor", type: "real, between 0 and 1", description: "The relative availability of a wind farm to produce electricity; e.g., if a quarter of its turbines are off-line, the availability factor is 75%. This is an adimensional quantity." }),
(n66:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT availability", description: "The availability of the wind turbine, i.e., its capability of producing power.", type: "bool" }),
(n67:Object { description: "A chassis to mount objects on, such as drive train", name: "chassis" }),
(n68:Object { description: "A pitch system that controls the pitch angle of the wind turbine blades", name: "pitch system" }),
(n69:Object { name: "pitch controller", description: "A controller, analog or digital, possibly integrated in a larger control unit, that adjusts the pitch angle of the blades." }),
(n70:Object { description: "A motor that drives the baldes and bring them to the set pitch angle", name: "pitch motor" }),
(n71:Object { description: "A housing for hub component, pitch system component and blades attachments", name: "hub housing" }),
(n72:Object { name: "pitch bearing", description: "A bearing for the pitch system" }),
(n73:Object { description: "A brake system to stop and fix the the yaw angle", name: "yaw brake" }),
(n74:Variable { name: "blade length", description: "The length of the blade from tip to root", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n75:Variable { name: "blade taper", description: "The taper of the blade", unit: "%", type: "real" }),
(n76:Object { name: "composite blade", description: "A blade made out of composite" }),
(n77:Object { name: "aluminum blade", description: "A blade made out of aluminum" }),
(n78:Object { description: "The site of an off-shore wind farm.", name: "site" }),
(n80:Object { name: "existing infrastructure", description: "The existing infrastructure at or near to the site of the off-shore wind farm." }),
(n81:Variable { name: "distance to coast", description: "The distance of the wind farm from the shore", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n83:Attribute { name: "site regulations", description: "The whole of the applicable regulations (e.g., environmental legislation) applicable in the geographical area of the off-shore wind farm site." }),
(n84:Variable { type: "bool", name: "human activities", description: "Interaction with other human activities such as socioeconomy and military." }),
(n85:Variable { name: "twist angle", description: "The blade twist angle from root to tip", unit: "rad", type: "real" }),
(n86:Variable { name: "LPC", description: "The levelized production cost for electricity produced at the off-shore wind farm.", unit: "¤/J", type: "real" }),
(n87:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "costs for year t", description: "Total cost of the plant for a certain year.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n88:Variable { name: "total revenue", description: "total revenue outside sales of electricity ", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n89:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "real interest rate", description: "The relative amount of interest due per year. This is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n90:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "annual energy production", description: "total energy produced in a year", unit: "J", type: "real" }),
(n91:Variable { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "sieve size of rock or soil" }),
(n92:Model { description: "equation to calculate the levelised production costs. Eq. 4-2 in Great Expectations", name: "LPC" }),
(n93:Variable { description: "Is it a military exercise are?", name: "military area", type: "bool" }),
(n94:Variable { description: "Is it in the vicinity of 500 m from an underwater cabel location?", name: "underwater cabel", type: "bool" }),
(n95:Variable { type: "bool", description: "Is the site located near a harbour or is it a navigational area?", name: "harbour and navigation" }),
(n96:Variable { description: "Is the site located in a fishing zone?", name: "fishing zone", type: "bool" }),
(n97:Variable { type: "bool", description: "Is there any oil, gas or mining activity in the site area?", name: "oil and mining zone" }),
(n98:Variable { description: "Is there any recreational activities in the site area?", name: "recreational zone", type: "bool" }),
(n99:Model { name: "human activity model", description: "This model tells if there is any human activity at the proposed site area or not" }),
(n100:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of WTs", description: "Number of wind turbines in the off-shore wind farm.", type: "integer" }),
(n101:Variable { name: "array efficiency", description: "The ratio of power produced by the farm to the power that would be produced should all turbines be in isolation. So, crudely put, the array efficiency characterizes the wake losses at the farm level.", type: "real" }),
(n102:Object { name: "ocean", description: "the ocean as object of the OWES" }),
(n103:Object { name: "atmosphere", description: "The whole of the atmospheric conditions relevant to the wind farm." }),
(n104:Attribute { name: "waves", description: "ocean waves" }),
(n105:Object { name: "substation", description: "Substations (or substation hubs) can perform various functions within the electrical connections system of the off-shore wind farm: power collection, voltage transformation, conversion between AC and DC, reactive compensation, etc. They will usually be located off-shore (on an off-shore platform) as well, but may also include on-shore substations for some farms." }),
(n106:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "substation transformer procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n107:Attribute { name: "electrical collection system layout", description: "The layout of the electrical collection system consists of the connection network of the electric devices (generators, transformer, etc.) in the collection system. It may include the exact position of these devices and the route of the connecting cables." }),
(n108:Attribute { name: "WT cost" }),
(n109:Object { description: "The grout used to create the connection between the tower and the monopile.", name: "grout" }),
(n110:Attribute { name: "radial network with single hub", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: radial network with single hub.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n111:Attribute { name: "single return with single hub", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: single return with single hub.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n112:Attribute { name: "single sided ring with single hub", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: single sided ring with single hub.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n113:Attribute { name: "double sided ring with single hub", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: double sided ring with single hub.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n114:Attribute { name: "star cluster with single hub", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: star cluster with single hub.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n115:Attribute { name: "multi hub ring", description: "Topology of the cables in electrical collection system: multi hub ring.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009"] }),
(n116:Object { name: "monopile substructure", description: "A monopile substructure." }),
(n117:Object { name: "transformer", description: "A transformer within the electrical system. It steps up voltage to limit resistive losses in further stages of the collection system or in the transmission system." }),
(n118:Object { name: "reactive compensation device", description: "devices to compensate reactive power" }),
(n119:Variable { description: "transformers are used to step up voltages in collection system", name: "number of transformers at each voltage rating", type: "integer" }),
(n120:Variable { name: "electrical cable length", description: "The length of the electrical cable.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n121:Variable { name: "number of cable terminations", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009, page 116."], type: "integer" }),
(n122:Variable { name: "number of switchboard panel sections", description: "Each voltage has a switchboard including switchgear.", references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009, page 116."], type: "integer" }),
(n123:Variable { name: "number of substation hubs", description: "a plant can have several hubs, perhaps each connected to shore with redundancy", type: "integer" }),
(n124:Variable { name: "electrical efficiency", description: "total electrical efficiency of the collector system", type: "real" }),
(n125:Variable { name: "production losses due to failures", description: "The amount of energy lost due to failures in the collection system.", unit: "J", type: "real" }),
(n126:Attribute { name: "ocean currents", description: "currents are a factor to be assessed for site selection. has impact on foundation" }),
(n127:Variable { name: "wind speed Weibull distribution", description: "Wind speed as a Weibull distribution random variable V, incorporating a model of its time-variability. The defining property of this distribution is that P(V>v)=exp(-(v/c)^k), i.e., the probability of exceedance decreases exponentially with a power of the scaled velocity. Here, c is called the scale parameter and k is called the shape parameter.", references: [""] }),
(n128:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Weibull shape parameter", description: "A parameter that influences the shape of the Weibull distribution; in particular it determines its peakedness (higher values correspond to more peaked density functions). Often k is used as a symbol.", type: "positive real", value: "around 2" }),
(n129:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Weibull scale parameter", description: "A parameter that influences the scale of the Weibull distribution; in particular higher values correspond to more stretched-out probability density functions. Often c is used as a symbol; λ and A are also used.", type: "positive real" }),
(n130:Attribute { name: "wind shear", description: "Change of wind speed with height in near-neutral conditions." }),
(n131:Variable { name: "surface roughness", description: "a measure of the height of the surface roughness (z_0)", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n132:Variable { name: "friction speed", description: "A representation of shear stress in units of speed. Also called shear speed, and actually ‘velocity’ is often used instead of ‘speed’.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n133:Variable { name: "Kármán's constant", description: "A dimensionless constant characterizing the logarithic wind shear profile; often denoted by κ (kappa).", type: "real", value: "approximately 0.4" }),
(n135:Phenomenon { description: "Region behind a structure with reduced wind speed and increased turbulence.", name: "wake" }),
(n136:Variable { name: "downwind distance", description: "distance from structure downstream", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n137:Model { name: "WTs installation cost", description: "The cost for the installation of the wind turbines is the sum of the installation costs for each wind turbine." }),
(n138:Variable { name: "crosswind distance", description: "distance from structure in the crosswind direction", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n139:Variable { name: "wake deficit", description: "difference between wind speed before the structure and at some distance downstream", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n140:Variable { name: "TI", description: "Turbulence intensity is the ratio of the 10-minute wind speed standard deviation to the 10-minute wind speed mean.", type: "real" }),
(n141:Object { name: "DC generator", description: "A direct current generator" }),
(n142:Object { name: "AC synchronous generator", description: "An alternating current (AC) synchronous generator." }),
(n143:Object { name: "AC asynchronous generator", description: "An alternating current (AC) asynchronous generator." }),
(n144:Variable { type: "integer", description: "The number of blades that form the rotor.", name: "number of blades" }),
(n145:Object { description: "A type of rotor that the rotor speed is a constant for all wind speeds.", name: "fixed speed rotor" }),
(n146:Object { name: "variable speed rotor", description: "A type of rotor that the rotor speed changes by the wind speed to keep the tip speed ratio around the optimum tip speed ratio." }),
(n147:Object { description: "A horizontal axis wind turbine whose rotor is upstream of the turbine tower.", name: "upwind HAWT" }),
(n148:Object { description: "A horizontal axis wind turbine whose rotor is downstream of the turbine tower.", name: "downwind HAWT" }),
(n149:Object { description: "The yaw system of wind turbines is the component responsible for the orientation of the wind turbine rotor towards the wind.", name: "yaw system" }),
(n150:Object { name: "passive yaw system", description: "The passive yaw systems utilize the wind force in order to adjust the orientation of the wind turbine rotor into the wind." }),
(n151:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "project development investment costs", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n152:Attribute { name: "efficiency" }),
(n153:Variable { name: "area of the site", description: "The area of the site represents the area in which the wind turbine farm will be created", unit: "m²", type: "real" }),
(n154:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "met mast procurement cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 2.05⋅10⁶ EUR(2003)" }),
(n155:Attribute { name: "off-shore platform cost" }),
(n156:Attribute { name: "turbulence", description: "concept of turbulence in the atmosphere" }),
(n157:Variable { description: "The pair of endpoints of this cable, usually listed using cable endpoint identifiers.", name: "cable endpoint pair" }),
(n158:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "OWES on-shore premises procurement cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 1.5⋅10⁶ EUR(2003)" }),
(n159:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "WTs installation cost" }),
(n160:Model:MBZ13 { references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 99, Table 4-7."], name: "cable layer thickness", description: "Equations used to determine thicknesses of layers in the cable." }),
(n161:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "average wind speed", description: "The average wind speed as determined by a Weibull distribution with shape and scale parameters k and c is c⋅Γ(1+1/k)" }),
(n162:Attribute { name: "tower cost" }),
(n163:Attribute { name: "generator rotor state" }),
(n164:Object { description: "One of the two endpoints of this cable.", name: "cable endpoint" }),
(n165:Attribute { name: "OWF layout", description: "The layout of the off-shore wind farm, i.e., the (relative) position of its turbines." }),
(n166:Attribute { name: "cable endpoint state" }),
(n167:Variable { description: "The power flowing through this cable endpoint. The direction of the power flow is endoded using the sign of this quantity. A consistent choice of power flow directions should be chosen for all cables to make sure power balances add up.", name: "cable endpoint power flow" }),
(n168:Attribute { description: "The movement of air in the atmosphere", name: "wind" }),
(n169:Variable { name: "thrust force", description: "The force exerted by the wind on the rotor.", unit: "N", type: "real" }),
(n170:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "switch gear procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n171:Attribute { name: "OWF state" }),
(n172:Attribute { name: "blade geometry" }),
(n173:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "tower procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n174:Attribute { name: "blade state" }),
(n175:Attribute { name: "hub structure" }),
(n176:Attribute { name: "rotor structure" }),
(n177:Attribute { name: "WT structure" }),
(n178:Attribute { name: "WT state" }),
(n179:Attribute { name: "material of tower", description: "Material of which the tower is made" }),
(n180:Attribute { name: "material of tri-pile", description: "Material of which the tri-pile is made" }),
(n181:Attribute { name: "material of tripod", description: "Material of which the tripod is made" }),
(n182:Attribute { name: "material of monopile", description: "Material of which the monopile is made" }),
(n183:Attribute { name: "material of jacket", description: "Material of which the jacket is made" }),
(n184:Attribute { name: "material of transition piece", description: "Material of which the transition piece is made" }),
(n185:Model:MBZ13 { name: "LPC alternative", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, Expr. 5.2, p. 136"], description: "Alternative model to calculate LPC." }),
(n186:Object { name: "decommission crew", description: "The team responsible of removal of the wind farm." }),
(n187:Object { name: "OWF installation team", description: "The team responsible of installing the wind farm." }),
(n188:Procedure { name: "OWF installation", description: "The installation of the off-shore wind farm. The off-shore wind farm is created." }),
(n189:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "thrust coefficient", description: "The thrust coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the thrust of the wind on a turbine. It is usually denoted C_T and called ‘CT’.", type: "real" }),
(n190:Model:MBZ13:ArrayEfficiency { name: "Katić mixed wake model", description: "The Katić-Højstrup-Jensen wake model is a basic model to calculate the effect on the wind speed at a turbine from the farm upstream turbines: ε = 1-U_wake/U_upstream = sum_i(ε_i^2) with ε_i = (1-sqrt(1-C_T))/(1+2k(x_i/D))², where D is the diameter of the rotor, C_T is the thrust coefficient, k is the wake decay coefficient, and x_i is the distance parallel to the wind direction to the upstream turbine i.", references: ["I. Katić, J. Højstrup, and N. O.Jensen. A simple model for cluster efficiency. In Proceedings of EWEC’86, volume 1, pages 407–410. Rome, 1987.", "John Twidell (ed.) Offshore Wind Power, Chapter 4, Eq. 21.", "PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 237."] }),
(n191:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "wake expansion factor", description: "Linear coefficient with which the wake diameter increases downwind according to the Jensen model. Also called wake decay coefficient. Denoted k.", type: "real" }),
(n192:Attribute { name: "site location", description: "The geographic location of the site and related aspects." }),
(n193:Model { references: ["John Twidell, Gaetano Gaudiosi (eds.) “Offshore Wind Power”, Multi-Science Publishing Company, 2009. Chapter 4, Eq. 20."], description: "Relation expressing the wake speed deficit as the difference of the freestream and the perturbed wind speed: Delta_U = U_freestream - U_wake.", name: "wake speed deficit" }),
(n194:Variable { name: "rotor rotational speed", description: "The rotational speed of the rotor.", unit: "rad/s", type: "real" }),
(n195:Object { name: "cylinder segment" }),
(n196:Model { name: "thrust coefficient", description: "The thrust coefficient C_T is equal to the ratio T/f, where T is the thrust force and f the dynamic force f.", references: ["Wind Energy Explained (2nd edition), Equation (3.17)"] }),
(n198:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "free stream wind speed at hub height", description: "This variable expresses the speed of the free stream—or undisturbed—wind at the height of the hub of the turbine.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n199:Variable { name: "free stream wind velocity", description: "This variable expresses the velocity of the free stream wind at reference height, which is assumed to be constant over the off-shore wind farm." }),
(n200:Model { description: "The rotor swept area A as a function of the rotor radius r is given by A = πr^2.", name: "rotor swept area" }),
(n201:Variable { name: "rotor swept area", description: "The area swept by the rotor; often denoted by A.", unit: "m²", type: "real" }),
(n202:Model { description: "The dynamic force f of the wind at the rotor as a function of wind speed v, air density ρ, and rotor swept area A is given by f = ρv²A/2.", name: "dynamic force" }),
(n203:Variable { name: "dynamic force", description: "The dynamic force f of the wind at the rotor.", unit: "N", type: "real" }),
(n204:Model { description: "The power coefficient C_P is equal to the ratio P/P_a, where P is the power generated by the rotor and P_a is the power available in the wind.", name: "power coefficient" }),
(n205:Variable { type: "real", description: "The power coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the power extraction of the rotor from the wind. It is usually denoted C_P and called ‘CP’.", name: "power coefficient" }),
(n206:Variable { name: "rotor power", description: "The power extracted by the rotor from the wind.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n207:Model { name: "CP from axial induction factor", description: "The relationship between the power coefficient C_P and the axial induction factor a according to one-dimensional momentum theory: C_P = 4a(1-a)². Note that not all roots are physical when solving for a.", references: ["Wind Energy Explained (2nd edition), Equation (3.14)"] }),
(n208:Variable { name: "axial induction factor", description: "The fractional, so adimensional, decrease in wind velocity between free stream and the rotor plane; typically denoted by a.", references: ["Wind Energy Explained (2nd edition), Section 3.2"], type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n209:Model { name: "CT from axial induction factor", description: "The relationship between the thrust coefficient C_T and the axial induction factor a according to one-dimensional momentum theory: C_T = 4a(1-a). Note that not all roots are physical when solving for a.", references: ["Wind Energy Explained (2nd edition), Equation (3.17)"] }),
(n210:Attribute { name: "OWF structure" }),
(n211:Variable { name: "cut-in wind speed", description: "The lowest wind speed for which the turbine produces power.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n212:Variable { name: "cut-out wind speed", description: "The highest wind speed for which the turbine produces power.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n213:Variable { name: "OWF availability configuration", description: "The sets of available and unavailable turbines in the off-shore wind farm." }),
(n214:Procedure { description: "Maintenance of the off-shore wind farm, i.e., the global procedure for maintaining all its parts.", name: "OWF maintenance" }),
(n215:Object { description: "The party responsible for the maintenance of the off-shore wind farm.", name: "OWF maintenance crew" }),
(n216:Attribute { description: "The general ‘health’ of the off-shore wind farm.", name: "OWF health" }),
(n217:Attribute { description: "The cost of maintaining the off-shore wind farm.", name: "OWF maintenance cost" }),
(n218:Attribute { description: "The general ‘health’ of the wind turbine.", name: "WT health" }),
(n219:Variable { description: "A value (e.g., an integer or a string) that uniquely identifies the wind turbine within the off-shore wind farm.", name: "WT identifier" }),
(n220:Attribute { description: "The reliability of a turbine, i.e., how prone it is to breaking down and so becoming unavailable and needing repair.", name: "WT reliability" }),
(n221:Attribute { description: "The cost of decommissioning the off-shore wind farm.", name: "decommissioning cost" }),
(n222:Attribute { description: "The cost of installing the off-shore wind farm.", name: "installation cost" }),
(n223:Variable { name: "OWF power output", description: "The power generated by the off-shore wind farm.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n224:Variable { name: "WT MTBF", description: "The mean time between failure of a wind turbine.", unit: "h", type: "real" }),
(n225:Variable { name: "WT TBF", description: "The time between failure of a wind turbine.", unit: "h", type: "real" }),
(n226:Procedure { description: "Maintenance of a wind turbine, i.e., the global procedure for maintaining all its parts.", name: "WT maintenance" }),
(n227:Variable { type: "real", description: "The tip-speed ratio.", name: "TSR" }),
(n228:Attribute { name: "OWF maintenance structure", description: "The structure of the maintenance procedure for the off-shore wind farm. It reflects the choices made when designing the maintenance procedure and could perhaps also be called ‘maintenance strategy’. The strucure may include such things as what mix of preventative and corrective maintenance is used." }),
(n229:Variable { name: "WT MTTR", description: "The mean time-to-repair of a broken wind turbine.", unit: "h", type: "real" }),
(n230:Variable { name: "WT TTR", description: "The time-to-repair of a broken wind turbine.", unit: "h", type: "real" }),
(n231:Variable { description: "A wind turbine thrust curve, which gives the thrust coefficient as a function of wind speed.", name: "thrust curve" }),
(n232:Model { description: "The simple model for generating thrust coefficients from wind speed, based on the assumption that reality conforms to the thrust curve.", name: "thrust curve conformity model" }),
(n233:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "OWF rated power", description: "The rated power of the off-shore wind farm, i.e., the sum of the rated powers of each of its constituent wind turbines.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n234:Model { name: "OWF rated power", description: "The rated power of the off-shore wind farm is the sum of the rated powers of its constituent wind turbines." }),
(n235:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "transition piece procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n236:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "OWF design life", description: "The design life—or (economic) lifetime—of the off-shore wind farm. Note that this could be longer than the design life of the individual turbines, as turbine replacments can be foreseen.", unit: "year", type: "real" }),
(n237:Variable { name: "WT design life", description: "The design life of the wind turbine.", unit: "year", type: "real" }),
(n238:Variable { name: "OWF age", description: "The age of the off-shore wind farm.", unit: "year", type: "real" }),
(n239:Variable { name: "WT age", description: "The age of the wind turbine.", unit: "year", type: "real" }),
(n240:Attribute { name: "site structure" }),
(n241:Attribute { name: "monopile cost" }),
(n242:Model { name: "TSR", description: "The tip-speed ratio λ = ωR / v, where ω is the rotor rotational speed, R is its radius, and v is the wind speed at hub height." }),
(n243:Attribute { name: "transition piece cost" }),
(n244:Attribute { name: "grout cost" }),
(n245:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "amplitude of seabed orbital motion", description: "Amplitude of seabed orbital motion: A_w = U_w⋅T/(2⋅π)", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 233."] }),
(n246:Attribute { name: "electrical collection system structure" }),
(n247:Object { name: "boat landing" }),
(n248:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance of outer serving", description: "A model for the thermal resistance per unit length of the external serving of the cable.", references: ["G. F. Moore (ed.) “Electric Cables Handbook” 3rd ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997; Equations (8.15) on page 129."] }),
(n249:Attribute { name: "tower structure" }),
(n250:Attribute { name: "tri-pile structure" }),
(n251:Attribute { name: "tripod structure" }),
(n252:Attribute { name: "monopile structure" }),
(n253:Attribute { name: "jacket structure" }),
(n254:Attribute { name: "transition piece structure" }),
(n255:Attribute { name: "atmospheric state" }),
(n256:Attribute { name: "OWES structure" }),
(n257:Attribute { name: "blade structure" }),
(n258:Attribute { name: "ocean state" }),
(n259:Variable { name: "OWF available wind power", description: "The wind power available in the off-shore wind farm at the wind turbine hubs.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n260:Model { name: "OWF available wind power", description: "The wind power available in the off-shore wind farm is the sum of the available powers at its constituent wind turbines' hubs.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n261:Model { name: "OWF power output", description: "The off-shore wind farm power output is a fraction of the available power." }),
(n262:Variable { type: "real, between 0 and 1", name: "OWF power conversion factor", description: "The conversion factor that expresses the efficiency of the off-shore wind farm in converting the available wind power into produced power." }),
(n263:Model { name: "conversion impact on WT power", description: "The wind turbine power output is a fraction of the available power." }),
(n264:Variable { type: "real, between 0 and 1", name: "WT power conversion factor", description: "The conversion factor that expresses the efficiency of the wind turbine in converting the available wind power into produced power." }),
(n265:Object { description: "The whole of the electrical components that link the turbines within the farm to the grid connection with the purpose of delivering the produced electrical power to the grid. This includes cables, substations, etc.", name: "electrical connection system" }),
(n266:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "RNA procurement cost without warranty", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n267:Attribute { name: "yaw system state" }),
(n268:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "off-shore platform procurement and installation cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n269:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "shunt reactor procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n270:Model { name: "electromechanical conversion impact on WT power", description: "The wind turbine power output is a fraction of the rotor power." }),
(n271:Variable { name: "WT electromechanical power loss factor", type: "real, between 0 and 1", description: "The conversion factor that expresses the efficiency of the wind turbine in converting the rotor power into electrical power output. So it characterizes electromechanical losses." }),
(n272:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "grout procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n273:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "boat landing procurement cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.229."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 60⋅10³ USD(2003)" }),
(n274:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "scour protection procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n275:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "monopile procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n277:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n278:Variable { description: "The set of all wind turbines that are part of the off-shore wind farm. Typically represented as a set of turbine identifiers.", name: "set of WTs" }),
(n279:Attribute { name: "electrical cable structure" }),
(n280:Object { description: "A cable that transfers electrical power generated in the off-shore wind farm, ultimately to the grid connection point.", name: "electrical cable" }),
(n281:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable rated voltage", description: "The (peak) line(-to-line) voltage the electrical cable is rated at. N.B.: line-to-line voltage is higher than phase(-to-neutral) voltage.", unit: "V", type: "real" }),
(n282:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable burial depth", description: "The depth at which the electrical cable is buried beneath the sea bed.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n283:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable cross section", description: "The electrical cable cross section area.", unit: "m²", type: "real" }),
(n284:Model:MBZ13 { references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 88, Eq. (4-13)."], description: "t_pile = 0.0635 + 0.01⋅D_pile", name: "monopile wall thickness" }),
(n285:Attribute { name: "electrical connection system structure" }),
(n286:Attribute { name: "electrical cable state" }),
(n287:Attribute { name: "boat landing cost" }),
(n288:Object { name: "scour protection" }),
(n289:Model { name: "electrical cable power transfer", description: "The electrical cable power output is a fraction of the electrical cable power input (or the other way around). This model becomes invalid when the capacity of the cable cannot be neglected, e.g., when no power is delivered by the off-shore wind farm." }),
(n290:Variable { type: "real, between 0 and 1", name: "electrical cable power loss factor", description: "The conversion factor that expresses the efficiency of the electrical cable in transferring power. So it characterizes electrical (resistive) losses." }),
(n291:Attribute { name: "support structure cost" }),
(n292:Attribute { name: "OWES cost" }),
(n293:Attribute { name: "met mast cost" }),
(n294:Variable { type: "real", unit: "m", name: "insulation thickness" }),
(n295:Attribute { name: "scour protection cost" }),
(n296:Attribute { name: "electrical transmission system structure" }),
(n297:Variable { name: "set of transmission cable grid endpoints", description: "The set of all grid-side transmission cable endpoints. Typically represented as a set of cable endpoint identifiers." }),
(n298:Model { name: "OWF power sum", description: "The power delivered to the grid by the off-shore wind farm is the sum of the power delivered to the grid by its constituent transmission cables." }),
(n299:Attribute { name: "substation structure" }),
(n300:Object { name: "OWES on-shore premises" }),
(n301:Variable { name: "set of substation cable endpoints", description: "The set of electrical cable (endpoints) that is connected to this substation. (This is normally at least two.)" }),
(n302:Attribute { name: "substation state" }),
(n303:Variable { name: "substation power loss", description: "The electrical power losses of this substation.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n304:Model { description: "The balance of power flowing through a substation consists of the power flowing in through collection cables, flowing out through further collection (system) cables and/or transmission cables, and being lost in the substation, e.g., through resistive losses. By giving the power terms involved a consistent sign (e.g., positive for inflow and negative for outflow and losses), the balance corresponds to the sum of all signed power terms being zero.", name: "substation power balance" }),
(n305:Object { description: "The switchgear of this wind turbine, which enables its connection to the electrical collection system. It is usually located in the base of the tower. It allows connection of the turbine itself, ‘upstream’ wind turbines, auxiliary circuits (e.g., for control systems), etc. of which some or all may be disconnected (to avoid, e.g., losses due to cable capacity).", name: "WT switchgear" }),
(n306:Object { description: "Switchgear allows connection of cables and auxiliary circuits (e.g., for control systems), etc. of which some or all may be disconnected (to avoid, e.g., losses due to cable capacity).", name: "switchgear" }),
(n307:Object { description: "Switchgear of this substation, which enables its connection to the electrical collection system. It allows connection of ‘upstream’ wind turbines, auxiliary circuits (e.g., for control systems), etc. of which some or all may be disconnected (to avoid, e.g., losses due to cable capacity).", name: "substation switchgear" }),
(n308:Variable { name: "switchgear power loss", description: "The electrical power losses of this set of switch gear.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n309:Attribute { name: "switchgear state" }),
(n310:Model { name: "electrical cable power balance", description: "The balance of power flowing through an electrical cable consists of the power flowing in, out, and being lost. By giving the power terms involved a consistent sign (e.g., positive for inflow and negative for outflow and losses), the balance corresponds to the sum of all three signed power terms being zero." }),
(n311:Variable { name: "electrical cable power loss", description: "The electrical power loss in this electrical cable. The loss is typically connected to cable resistance.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n312:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "foundations installation cost" }),
(n313:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "RNA on-shore transport cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n314:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "RNA installation off-shore works cost" }),
(n317:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "dune crossing installation cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 1.2⋅10⁶ EUR(2003)" }),
(n318:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "met mast installation cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 550⋅10³ EUR(2003)" }),
(n319:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "harbour use for installation cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n320:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", name: "repairs consumables cost", type: "real" }),
(n321:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "preventive maintenance consumables cost", unit: "¤/year" }),
(n322:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", name: "access vessel cost", type: "real" }),
(n323:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", type: "real", name: "maintenance personnel cost" }),
(n324:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "maintenance lifting equipment rental cost", unit: "¤/year" }),
(n325:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "maintenance subsea inspection cost", unit: "¤/year" }),
(n326:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", type: "real", name: "insurance cost" }),
(n327:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", type: "real", name: "grid charge cost" }),
(n328:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", name: "bottom lease cost", type: "real" }),
(n329:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "operations administration cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.231."], unit: "¤/year", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 10⁶ EUR(2012)" }),
(n330:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "decommissioning cost excluding management" }),
(n331:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "RNA removal cost" }),
(n332:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "foundation removal cost" }),
(n333:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "collection cable removal cost" }),
(n334:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "transmission cable removal cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n335:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "removal costs offshore platform and met mast", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.231."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 665⋅10³ USD(2010)" }),
(n336:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "scour protection removal cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n337:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "site clearance cost", description: "The (per-turbine) cost to clear the site after removal of the wind turbine from the site.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.231."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 16⋅10³ USD(2010)" }),
(n338:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "RNA disposal cost" }),
(n339:Attribute { name: "shunt reactor cost" }),
(n340:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "area occupied by wind farm", description: "The area covered by the wind farm relevant for lease costs", unit: "m²", type: "real" }),
(n341:Model { name: "electrical cables procurement cost", description: "The cost of the procurement of the electrical cables is the sum of the cost for each electrical cable." }),
(n342:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "Factor by which the velocity of fluid particles increases due to the presence of a monopile.", type: "real", name: "amplification of wave water particle velocity" }),
(n343:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "amplitude of seabed orbital motion", description: "Symbol: A_w.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n344:Variable:MBZ13 { value: "2.3", type: "real", name: "exponent of storm fraction function" }),
(n345:Variable:MBZ13 { value: "-1.5", type: "real", name: "exponent of storm length function" }),
(n346:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "F/m", type: "real", name: "capacitance of electrical cable per unit length" }),
(n347:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "actualised total bottom lease costs" }),
(n348:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "OWES CAPEX excluding management", description: "Investment cost of the whole OWES, excluding management costs.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n349:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "decommissioning cost" }),
(n350:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "costs of foundation installation" }),
(n351:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "actualised total infield cable costs" }),
(n352:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤/year", type: "real", name: "O&M cost" }),
(n353:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "¤", type: "real", name: "costs of consumables per maintenance visit" }),
(n355:Variable { unit: "¤", name: "electrical connection system procurement cost", type: "real" }),
(n356:Model { name: "second moment of area of tower", description: "The second moment of area is I = π⋅D³⋅t/8, where D is the diameter and t is the wall thickness, i.e., we assume the wall thickness is small relative to the diameter." }),
(n357:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "costs of consumables per repair of WT failure", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n358:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "actualised costs without bottom lease and infield cable costs", description: "Total levelised costs of the plant without bottom lease and infield cable costs.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n359:Attribute { name: "switchgear cost" }),
(n360:Attribute { name: "monopile state" }),
(n361:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "costs of access vessel rental", description: "Cost of access vessel rental for maintenance purposes.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n362:Attribute { name: "transformer structure" }),
(n363:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "drag coefficient of the support structure", type: "real" }),
(n364:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "inertia coefficient of the support structure", type: "real" }),
(n365:Model { name: "tower wall cross section area", description: "The tower wall cross section area is (π⋅D)⋅t, i.e., we assume t is small relative to D." }),
(n366:Variable { name: "OWES procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n367:Attribute { name: "electrical connection system cost" }),
(n368:Model { name: "total length of collection cables", description: "The total collection cable length is the sum of the length of all collection cables" }),
(n369:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "Dimensionless quantity that characterises the size of the particles of the ocean seabed.", type: "real", name: "dimensionless grain size" }),
(n370:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the armour" }),
(n371:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "cylinder segment base outer diameter", description: "The outer diameter of the base of the cylinder segment; in case the cylinder is not tapered, this is the diameter over the whole length of the cylinder (segment).", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n372:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the binder" }),
(n373:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the conductor" }),
(n374:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the conductor screen" }),
(n375:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the insulation" }),
(n376:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of the insulation screen" }),
(n377:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "diameter of outer serving" }),
(n378:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "outer diameter of monopile" }),
(n379:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "rotor diameter", description: "The rotor diameter D is twice the rotor radius.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n380:Variable { name: "set of collection cables", description: "The set of electrical cables used for collection within the off-shore wind farm. This is usually represented as a set of cable identifiers." }),
(n381:Variable { name: "set of electrical cables", description: "The set of electrical cables within the off-shore wind energy system. This is usually represented as a set of cable identifiers." }),
(n382:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostElectricalSystem:CostInstallation { name: "transmission cables installation cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], description: "The costs of the installation of the electrical transmission cables is the sum of a fixed cost and a per-cable cost, for each transmission cable." }),
(n383:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "outer diameter of tower" }),
(n384:Variable { name: "electrical cables procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n385:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "15 percentile sieve size of rock" }),
(n386:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "15 percentile sieve size of rock in armour layer" }),
(n387:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "15 percentile sieve size of rock or soil below filter layer" }),
(n388:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "15 percentile sieve size of rock in filter layer" }),
(n389:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "50 percentile sieve size of soil or rock" }),
(n390:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "50 percentile sieve size of rock or soil below filter layer" }),
(n391:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "50 percentile sieve size of rock in filter layer" }),
(n392:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "85 percentile sieve size of rock" }),
(n393:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "85 percentile sieve size of rock or soil below filter layer" }),
(n394:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "85 percentile sieve size of rock in filter layer" }),
(n395:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "85 percentile sieve size of rock in filter layer i" }),
(n396:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "90 percentile sieve size of soil" }),
(n397:Attribute { name: "electrical connection system state" }),
(n398:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "pile clamping depth below mudline" }),
(n400:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "distance from harbour to boundary of wind farm" }),
(n401:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "50% passing nominal diameter" }),
(n402:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", name: "water depth", type: "real" }),
(n404:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "modulus of elasticity cylinder segment" }),
(n405:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "annual loss in electrical infrastructure", description: "Annual energy losses in the whole electrical connection system.", unit: "J", type: "real" }),
(n406:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "J", type: "real", name: "actualised total energy yield without electrical and array losses" }),
(n409:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable reactive current", description: "A model for the reactive current at a specific location in the cable.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.237."] }),
(n410:Attribute { name: "cylinder segment state" }),
(n411:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "equivalent geometrical imperfection" }),
(n412:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "aerodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", unit: "N", type: "real" }),
(n413:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "N", type: "real", name: "hydrodynamic drag force on cylinder segment" }),
(n414:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "gravity force on cylinder segment", unit: "N", type: "real" }),
(n415:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "N", name: "hydrodynamic inertia force on cylinder segment", type: "real" }),
(n416:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "N", name: "force in wind direction parallel to horizontal on support structure", type: "real" }),
(n417:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "vertical force on support structure", description: "The vertical force acting on the support structure. Also called axial force.", unit: "N", type: "real" }),
(n418:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Hz", type: "real", name: "frequency of alternating current" }),
(n419:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "storm fraction", type: "real" }),
(n420:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "storm fraction for reference access method" }),
(n421:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", description: "An adimensional quantity.", name: "wave friction factor" }),
(n422:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "RNA procurement cost warranty percentage", type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n425:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "cylinder segment yield stress" }),
(n427:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "free stream wind speed probability mass function conditional on direction" }),
(n429:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "factor on wage for shift length" }),
(n430:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "factor on wage for number of shifts per day" }),
(n431:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "gravitational acceleration at sea level", description: "The gravitational acceleration at sea level, which is approximately 9.8 m/s².", unit: "m/s²", type: "real" }),
(n432:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "total structure height" }),
(n433:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "wave height" }),
(n434:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "m", name: "breaking wave height" }),
(n435:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "significant wave height" }),
(n436:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "significant wave height for accessibility with reference access method" }),
(n437:Object { name: "off-shore platform", description: "The support structure of the off-shore substation." }),
(n439:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { type: "real", unit: "Hz", name: "WT failure hazard rate" }),
(n440:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "reference height" }),
(n441:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m⁴", name: "second moment of area of tower", type: "real" }),
(n442:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable active current", unit: "A", type: "real" }),
(n444:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable reactive current", unit: "A", type: "real" }),
(n445:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "A", type: "real", name: "reactive current in shunt reactor" }),
(n446:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable total current", unit: "A", type: "real" }),
(n448:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "active soil pressure coefficient" }),
(n449:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "passive soil pressure coefficient" }),
(n450:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Keulegan-Carpenter number", description: "the Keulegan–Carpenter number, also called the period number, is a dimensionless quantity describing the relative importance of the drag forces over inertia forces for bluff objects in an oscillatory fluid flow. Or similarly, for objects that oscillate in a fluid at rest. For small Keulegan–Carpenter number inertia dominates, while for large numbers the (turbulence) drag forces are important.", references: [""], type: "real" }),
(n452:Model { description: "Whereas the plain Katić mixed wake model returns the wind speed as found at the position of the wind turbine hub, this model calculates the wind speed as the average of the wind speeds found over the rotor plane. No additional input parameters are needed.", name: "Katić mixed wake model with overlap", references: ["K. Attias & S.P. Ladany, Optimal economic layout of turbines on windfarms. Wind Engineering, 2006. 30(2): p. 141-151.", "PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 237."] }),
(n453:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "rad/m", name: "wavenumber", type: "real" }),
(n455:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Weibull shape factor for storm length" }),
(n457:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "H", type: "real", name: "inductance" }),
(n458:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "transportation distance onshore" }),
(n459:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "total length of transmission cables" }),
(n460:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "total length of collection cables", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n461:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "transmission cables installation fixed cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 500⋅10³ EUR(2003)" }),
(n462:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", name: "length of overlap between monopile and transition piece", type: "real" }),
(n464:Attribute { name: "shunt reactor state" }),
(n466:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "moment due to aerodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", unit: "N⋅m" }),
(n467:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "moment due to hydrodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", unit: "N⋅m" }),
(n468:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "moment due to hydrodynamic inertia force on cylinder segment", unit: "N⋅m" }),
(n470:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "bending moment on support structure", description: "The moment due to forces parallel to the horizontal plane acting on the support structure.", unit: "N⋅m", type: "real" }),
(n472:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "s", name: "WT failure MTBF", type: "real" }),
(n473:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "electrical cable copper mass" }),
(n474:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "grout mass" }),
(n475:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "electrical cable insulation mass" }),
(n477:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "nacelle mass" }),
(n478:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "monopile mass" }),
(n479:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "RNA mass" }),
(n480:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "rotor mass" }),
(n481:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "tower mass" }),
(n482:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "kg", type: "real", name: "transition piece mass" }),
(n483:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of sub-batches of repair batch i" }),
(n485:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of crews per shift" }),
(n486:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of switchgear cubicles at infield side of platform" }),
(n487:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of switchgear cubicles at grid connection point" }),
(n488:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of switchgear cubicles at transmission side of platform" }),
(n489:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of switchgear cubicles in WTs" }),
(n490:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Euler force for cantilever beam according to theory of elasticity" }),
(n491:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of failures of type j during repair batch i" }),
(n492:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of failures of type j , after storm" }),
(n493:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of failures of type j during storm and catch-up period" }),
(n494:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of failures of type j during steady state" }),
(n495:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of failures of type j" }),
(n496:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of failures that require lifting equipment" }),
(n497:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of mobilisations of lifting equipment per year" }),
(n498:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of mobilisations of lifting equipment for n repairs" }),
(n499:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of people per crew" }),
(n500:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of passengers per vessel" }),
(n501:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "integer", name: "lifetime number of preventive maintenance actions" }),
(n503:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of shifts per day" }),
(n504:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of storms during lifetime of wind farm" }),
(n505:Variable { description: "This variable indicates whether or not the wind turbine failure repair requires lifting (equipment).", name: "WT failure repair lifting requirement", type: "bool" }),
(n506:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of WTs in branch upstream of the position in the cable" }),
(n507:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of turbines with failures of type j at start of repair batch i" }),
(n508:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of operational turbines during the steady state" }),
(n509:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "number of vessels" }),
(n510:Model { name: "WTs procurement cost", description: "The cost of the wind turbines is the sum of the cost for each wind turbine." }),
(n511:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "number of individuals" }),
(n512:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The number of phase lines in the cable; this will typically be 3. (The current and therefore losses in any grounding conductor are assumed to be negligible.)", type: "integer", name: "number of lines" }),
(n513:Attribute { name: "project development cost" }),
(n515:Procedure { name: "project development" }),
(n516:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "loaded power loss in electrical infrastructure at rated power", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n517:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "no-loaded power loss in electrical infrastructure", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n518:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", type: "real", name: "power loss in shunt reactor" }),
(n519:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", name: "loaded power loss in transformer at rated power", type: "real" }),
(n520:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "no-loaded power loss in transformer", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n521:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", type: "real", name: "power rating of shunt reactor" }),
(n522:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", type: "real", name: "power rating of offshore shunt reactor" }),
(n523:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", type: "real", name: "power rating of onshore shunt reactor" }),
(n524:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W", type: "real", name: "power rating of transformer" }),
(n525:Attribute { name: "transformer cost" }),
(n526:Variable { name: "OWES CAPEX", description: "The investment costs for procuring the off-shore wind energy system.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n527:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "amplitude of seabed orbital velocity", description: "Amplitude of seabed orbital velocity: U_w = π⋅H / (T⋅sinh(kd)).", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 233."] }),
(n528:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "Keulegan-Carpenter number", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "Keulegan-Carpenter number" }),
(n529:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "probability of being down and on the waiting list during steady state" }),
(n530:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "probability of mobilising hoisting equipment for n repairs" }),
(n531:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "OWES installation cost" }),
(n532:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Ω/m", type: "real", name: "resistance per unit length" }),
(n533:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Ω/m", name: "resistance per unit length at 20°C", type: "real" }),
(n534:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Ω/m", name: "resistance per unit length excluding sheath and armour loss", type: "real" }),
(n535:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "revenues for year t (outside sales of electricity)" }),
(n537:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT transformer procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n538:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostElectricalSystem { name: "WT transformer procurement cost", description: "A model for the investment costs for the procurement of a turbine step up transformer: (3.06⋅P_turbine,rated[kW] + 810)⋅e^(0.039⋅r_winding).", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230, split off from global transformer cost model."] }),
(n539:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "OWES auxiliaries installation cost" }),
(n540:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The winding ratio of a transformer in a substation. (The winding ratios of different substation transformers may differ.)", type: "rational", name: "winding ratio substation transformer" }),
(n542:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "investment costs procurement transformer" }),
(n543:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The winding ratio of a transformer in a wind turbine. (The winding ratios of different turbine transformers may differ.)", type: "rational", name: "winding ratio turbine transformer" }),
(n546:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "wave period", description: "The time interval between arrival of consecutive crests at a stationary point.", unit: "s", type: "real" }),
(n548:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance between conductor and sheath", description: "The thermal resistance between conductor and sheath per unit length.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n549:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance between sheath and armour", description: "The thermal resistance between sheath and armour per unit length.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n550:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance of outer serving", description: "The thermal resistance of outer serving per unit length.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n551:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance of soil", description: "The thermal resistance of soil per unit length.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n552:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "duration of repair batch i" }),
(n553:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time of catch-up period" }),
(n554:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime of turbines that fail during batch i" }),
(n555:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime due to waiting for lifting equipment" }),
(n556:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "downtime due to waiting for lifting equipment to do n repairs" }),
(n557:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime during preventive maintenance" }),
(n558:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime due to preparation for type j in storm and catch-up period" }),
(n559:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime during preparations for failures of type j in steady state" }),
(n560:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime of failures of type j that happen during a storm" }),
(n561:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime due to failures of type j during storm and catch-up period" }),
(n562:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "total downtime", description: "The total downtime of all wind turbines in the off-shore wind farm combined.", unit: "s", type: "real" }),
(n563:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "total downtime assigned to failures of type j" }),
(n564:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime of previously failed turbines during batch i" }),
(n565:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime due to waiting list in steady state" }),
(n566:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime during work in progress for failures of type j in steady state" }),
(n567:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time in a day", unit: "s", type: "integer", value: "86400" }),
(n568:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT failure diagnosis time", unit: "s", type: "real" }),
(n569:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT failure repair time", unit: "s", type: "real" }),
(n570:Model { name: "breaking wave limit", description: "A model for the breaking wave limit" }),
(n572:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "total time that lifting equipment is in the wind farm per year" }),
(n573:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time needed for mobilising lifting equipment" }),
(n574:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "waiting time before ordering lifting equipment" }),
(n575:Variable { unit: "¤", name: "WTs procurement cost", type: "real" }),
(n576:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { unit: "s", name: "time to process diagnosis information of WT failure", type: "real" }),
(n577:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "s", name: "working hours per preventive maintenance action", type: "real" }),
(n578:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "work in progress time of all preventive maintenance actions" }),
(n579:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "downtime during preparation of repair of a WT failure", unit: "s", type: "real" }),
(n580:Variable { type: "real", name: "relative wall thickness", description: "This is a dimensionless quantity." }),
(n581:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "s", type: "real", name: "shift duration" }),
(n582:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "s", name: "WT service interval", type: "real" }),
(n583:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "s", name: "time for ordering of spare parts for WT failure", type: "real" }),
(n584:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "total steady state time" }),
(n585:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "storm length" }),
(n586:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { unit: "s", type: "real", name: "travel time in wind farm" }),
(n587:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { unit: "s", type: "real", name: "travel time to and from wind farm" }),
(n588:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "total time of access vessel rental per year" }),
(n589:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { unit: "s", name: "time of work in progress for repair of WT failure", type: "real" }),
(n590:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "average work in progress time for lifting activities" }),
(n591:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { unit: "s", name: "work in progress time per preventive maintenance action", type: "real" }),
(n592:Attribute { name: "electrical cable cost" }),
(n593:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "cylinder segment wall thickness", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n594:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance { description: "The overview Model for Zaaijer's maintenance model", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, pp. 239-243."], name: "Zaaijer maintenance model" }),
(n595:Variable { type: "real", unit: "m", name: "sieve size of rock" }),
(n596:Variable { unit: "N⋅m", name: "moment due to eccentricity RNA center of mass", type: "real" }),
(n597:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "armour thickness" }),
(n598:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "bedding thickness" }),
(n599:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time at beginning of catch up of repairs in storm cycle s" }),
(n600:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time at beginning of storm in storm cycle s" }),
(n601:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "binder thickness" }),
(n602:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "conductor screen thickness" }),
(n603:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "downtime turbine i , failure type j , storm cycle s and failure k" }),
(n604:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time at end of catch up of repairs in storm cycle s" }),
(n605:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time at end of storm in storm cycle s" }),
(n606:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time of failure number k of turbine i with failure type j" }),
(n607:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "insulation screen thickness" }),
(n608:Object { name: "jacket off-shore platform", description: "An off-shore platform with a jacket suport structure." }),
(n609:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "outer serving thickness" }),
(n610:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "monopile wall thickness" }),
(n611:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "polyethylene sheath thickness" }),
(n612:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "time of repair of failure number k of turbine i with failure type j" }),
(n613:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "thickness of other cable layers" }),
(n614:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m", type: "real", name: "sheath thickness" }),
(n615:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "depth averaged current velocity", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n616:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "amplitude of seabed orbital velocity", description: "Symbol: U_w.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n617:Object { name: "monopile segment" }),
(n618:Object { name: "tower segment" }),
(n619:Attribute { name: "grout structure" }),
(n620:Variable { unit: "s", name: "shift interval", type: "real" }),
(n622:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "V", type: "real", name: "grid cable rated voltage" }),
(n623:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "V", name: "infield cable rated voltage" }),
(n624:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "V", name: "transmission cable rated voltage" }),
(n625:Model { name: "shift interval", description: "The shift interval is the time between shift starting moments, i.e., the time in a day divided by the number of shifts." }),
(n626:Model { name: "relative wall thickness", description: "The relative wall thickness is 2⋅t/D, so relative to the tower radius." }),
(n627:Variable { type: "real", unit: "m²", name: "tower wall cross section area" }),
(n628:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m/s", type: "real", name: "free stream wind speed at reference height" }),
(n629:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m³", type: "real", name: "volume of scour protection" }),
(n630:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "m/s", type: "real", name: "speed of vessel" }),
(n631:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "average wind speed", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n632:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W/m", type: "real", name: "dielectric cable loss per unit length" }),
(n633:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W/m", type: "real", name: "resistive cable loss per unit length" }),
(n634:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "W/m", type: "real", name: "total cable loss per unit length" }),
(n635:Attribute { name: "cylinder segment structure" }),
(n636:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "position in cable", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n637:Variable { name: "electrical connection system installation cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n638:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "hydraulic roughness length", description: "Denoted z_0.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n639:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "collection cables installation cost" }),
(n640:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "cylinder segment base height", description: "The height (‘z-coordinate’) of the cylinder base; in models where the absolute height plays a role, this height is interpreted as relative to the ‘still water level’ with positive values upwards in the air and negative values downwards in the water and seafloor.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n641:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostElectricalSystem:CostInstallation { name: "collection cables installation cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], description: "The costs of the installation of the electrical collection (‘infield’) cables is the sum of a fixed cost and a per-cable cost, for each collection cable." }),
(n642:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "collection cables installation fixed cost", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."], unit: "¤", type: "real", value: "Zaaijer suggests 500⋅10³ EUR(2003)" }),
(n643:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "Denoted α. (This is an adimensional quantity.)", type: "real", name: "wind profile power law exponent" }),
(n644:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "temperature difference of resistance", description: "The temperature difference of resistance α is a material-specific parameter that determines the temperature-dependence of the material's resistance (α=d(ln(R))/dT is the typical assumed law).", unit: "1∕K", type: "real" }),
(n645:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "phase angle between charging and capacitive current", description: "Denoted δ.", unit: "rad", type: "real" }),
(n646:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "stress reduction factor", description: "Denoted ε. (This is an adimensional quantity.)", type: "real" }),
(n647:Variable { unit: "¤", name: "WT procurement cost", type: "real" }),
(n648:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "axial force stress reduction factor", description: "Denoted ε_a. (This is an adimensional quantity.)", type: "real" }),
(n649:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "bending moment stress reduction factor", description: "Denoted ε_b. (This is an adimensional quantity.)", type: "real" }),
(n651:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "permittivity of insulation material", description: "Written ε, the permittivity of a material relates to a material's ability to resist an electric field.", unit: "F/m", type: "real" }),
(n652:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "rad", type: "real", name: "angle between waves and current" }),
(n653:Variable { type: "rational", name: "winding ratio of transformer" }),
(n654:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "N/m³", type: "real", name: "soil submerged unit weight" }),
(n655:Variable { name: "RNA procurement cost", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n656:Variable { name: "support structure procurement cost", type: "real", unit: "¤" }),
(n657:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT array efficiency", description: "The factor that expresses the loss in power production of the turbine due to wake effects. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n658:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "equivalent availability factor", description: "The farm-average availability factor η_available over the lifetime of the off-shore wind farm. This is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n659:Variable { name: "OWES auxiliaries procurement cost", type: "real", unit: "¤" }),
(n660:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The efficiency of crew deployment η_crew (not of the crew itself) expresses that various circumstances and choices can lead to the crew not working full−time. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1", name: "crew deployment efficiency" }),
(n661:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "efficiency of electrical network", description: "The efficiency of the electrical network expresses all the electrical losses incurred throughout the off-shore wind system, assuming no array losses and 100% availability of the turbines. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1" }),
(n662:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The shunt reactor has a certain efficiency η_shunt. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real, between 0 and 1", name: "shunt reactor efficiency" }),
(n663:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The armour loss factor is the ratio of losses in the armouring to total losses in all conductors. It is an adimensional quantity, sometimes denoted λ_1.", type: "real", name: "sheath loss factor" }),
(n664:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The armour loss factor is the ratio of losses in the armouring to total losses in all conductors. It is an adimensional quantity, sometimes denoted λ_2.", type: "real", name: "armour loss factor" }),
(n665:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The relative slenderness ratio for buckling stability is often denoted λ_a. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real", name: "relative slenderness ratio for buckling" }),
(n666:Variable:MBZ13 { description: "The relative slenderness ratio for global stability is often denoted λ_r. It is an adimensional quantity.", name: "relative slenderness ratio for global stability", type: "real" }),
(n668:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Poisson's ratio of cylinder segment", description: "Poisson's ratio, also known as the coefficient of expansion on the transverse axial, is the negative ratio of transverse to axial strain. It is an adimensional quantity.", type: "real" }),
(n669:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "kinematic viscosity of water", description: "The kinematic viscosity (also called ‘momentum diffusivity’) is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity μ to the density of the fluid ρ. It is usually denoted by the Greek letter ν.", unit: "m²/s", type: "real" }),
(n670:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "conductor temperature rise", description: "The rise in temperature due to heat generated in the conductor, insulation, sheath, and armor.", unit: "°C", type: "real" }),
(n671:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable ambient temperature", description: "The ambient temperature at the location of the cable.", unit: "°C", type: "real" }),
(n672:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "critical Shields parameter" }),
(n673:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable insulation maximal temperature", description: "The maximal temperature within the cable's insulation layer. This corresponds to the temperature at the interface with the conductor and therefore the temperature of the conductor, which is assumed to be constant over the conductor cross section.", unit: "°C", type: "real" }),
(n674:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "material density", description: "The density of the material the object is made of.", unit: "kg/m³", type: "real" }),
(n675:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable resistivity at 20°C", description: "The electrical resistivity of the electrical cable at the standard 20°C temperature.", unit: "Ω⋅m", type: "real" }),
(n676:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "bedding thermal resistivity", description: "The thermal resistivity of the bedding of the electrical cable.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n677:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "insulation thermal resistivity", description: "The thermal resistivity of the insulation of the electrical cable.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n678:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "outer serving thermal resistivity", description: "The thermal resistivity of the outer serving of the electrical cable.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n679:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "soil density", description: "The density of soil in the seabed", unit: "kg/m³", type: "real" }),
(n680:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "sheath thermal resistivity", description: "The thermal resistivity of the sheath of the electrical cable.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n681:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "soil thermal resistivity", description: "The resistivity of the soil in the ocean seabed.", unit: "K⋅m/W", type: "real" }),
(n682:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "water density", description: "The density of water in the ocean at the off-shore wind farm site.", unit: "kg/m³", type: "real" }),
(n683:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "wave amplitude", description: "The surface-elevation amplitude (or water-elevation amplitude) of the sea wave.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n684:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "normal stress due to axial load", description: "Denoted σ_a.", unit: "Pa", type: "real" }),
(n685:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "normal stress due to bending moment", description: "Denoted σ_b.", unit: "Pa", type: "real" }),
(n686:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "critical compressive stress" }),
(n687:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", name: "critical compressive stress according to theory of elasticity", type: "real" }),
(n688:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "total normal stress in monopile" }),
(n689:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "shear stress due to current" }),
(n690:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "mean shear stress due to current and waves" }),
(n691:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", name: "maximum shear stress due to current and waves", type: "real" }),
(n692:Variable:MBZ13 { unit: "Pa", type: "real", name: "shear stress due to waves" }),
(n693:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "wave frequency", unit: "Hz", type: "real" }),
(n695:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 233."], description: "The wind profile power law gives the ratio of wind speeds at different heights as a power of the corresponding ratio of the heights: v/v_ref = (h/h_ref)^α", name: "wind profile power law" }),
(n696:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { references: ["“Rules for Regulations IV – Non-Marine Technology, Part 2 – Offshore Wind Energy”, 1995, Germanischer Lloyd: Hamburg.", "PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 233."], description: "The wave period is a function of the wave height and gravitational accelleration: T=11.1⋅√(h/g).", name: "wave period" }),
(n697:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "gravity wave dispersion relation", description: "The gravity wave dispersion relation ω² = k g tanh(k d), where ω is the wave frequency, k is the wave number, g is the gravitational acceleration, and d is the water depth.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n698:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "breaking wave limit (shallow water)" }),
(n699:Attribute { name: "structure of monopile substructure" }),
(n700:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { description: "amplification of wave water particle velocity due to horse shoe vortex around monopile", name: "amplification of wave water particle velocity", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n701:Model:MBZ13:GravityLoading { name: "gravity force on cylinder segment", description: "gravity on tapered cylinder of constant thickness", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 233-234."] }),
(n702:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "transmission cables installation cost" }),
(n703:Model:MBZ13:AerodynamicLoading { description: "Moment due to drag force on tapered cylinder in wind shear; its value is relative to a chosen reference height (‘z-coordinate’).", name: "moment due to aerodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n704:Model:MBZ13:HydrodynamicLoading { name: "wave amplitude", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "amplitude of water elevation" }),
(n705:Model:MBZ13:HydrodynamicLoading { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "hydrodynamic inertia force on cylinder segment", description: "inertia force on uniform cylinder" }),
(n706:Object { description: "A generic off-shore wind farm.", name: "OWF" }),
(n707:Object { description: "All external conditions", name: "environment" }),
(n708:Model:MBZ13:HydrodynamicLoading { name: "hydrodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "drag force on uniform cylinder" }),
(n709:Model:MBZ13:HydrodynamicLoading { description: "Moment due to inertia force on uniform cylinder; its value is relative to a chosen reference height (‘z-coordinate’).", name: "moment due to hydrodynamic inertia force on cylinder segment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n710:Object { name: "direct drive train", description: "A generic gearless drive train" }),
(n711:Model:MBZ13:HydrodynamicLoading { description: "Moment due to drag force on uniform cylinder; its value is relative to a chosen reference height (‘z-coordinate’).", name: "moment due to hydrodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n712:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.235."], description: "The total structure height is the hub height plus the water depth.", name: "total structure height" }),
(n713:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "cylinder segment wall thickness at which Euler buckling would occur", description: "A model for the wall thickness at which Euler buckling would occur." }),
(n714:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "axial force normal stress in monopile", description: "stress in monopile due to axial load" }),
(n715:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "bending moment normal stress in monopile", description: "stress in monopile due to bending" }),
(n716:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "maximum stress in monopile", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n717:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "normal stress due to axial load", description: "stress in tower and transition piece due to axial load" }),
(n718:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "normal stress due to bending moment", description: "stress in tower and transition piece due to bending" }),
(n719:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { references: ["Det Norske Veritas and Risø, Guidelines for design of wind turbines. 2nd ed. 2002, page 177."], description: "A model for the stress reduction factor: ε=(ε_a⋅σ_a+ε_b⋅σ_b)/(σ_a+σ_b), ε_a=0.83/√(1+0.01⋅D/(2⋅t)), ε_b=0.1887+0.8113⋅ε.", name: "stress reduction factor" }),
(n720:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "relative slenderness ratio for buckling", description: "A model for the relative slenderness ratio for local buckling: λ_a=√(f_yd/(ε⋅σ_el)).", references: ["Det Norske Veritas and Risø, Guidelines for design of wind turbines. 2nd ed. 2002."] }),
(n721:Variable { name: "set of transmission cables", description: "The set of electrical cables used for transmission of power from the off-shore wind farm to the grid. This is usually represented as a set of cable identifiers." }),
(n722:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "critical compressive stress", description: "A model for critical compressive stress.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 235."] }),
(n723:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { description: "Euler force for cantilever beam, according to theory of elasticity", name: "Euler force for cantilever beam according to theory of elasticity" }),
(n724:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "relative slenderness ratio for global stability", description: "A model for the relative slenderness ratio for global stability: λ_r=√(σ_cr/(N_el/(π⋅D⋅t))).", references: ["Det Norske Veritas and Risø, Guidelines for design of wind turbines. 2nd ed. 2002."] }),
(n726:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "equivalent geometrical imperfection", description: "A model for the equivalent geometrical imperfection", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.236"] }),
(n728:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "combined stress for comparison with critical stress" }),
(n729:Model:MBZ13:Geophysics { name: "pile clamping depth below mudline", description: "An implicit model for the clamping depth for lateral force. The bending moment reference height is the mudline.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.236."] }),
(n730:Model:MBZ13:Rocks { name: "m39", description: "d15 and d85 of armour layer as function of d50", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n731:Model:MBZ13 { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "m40" }),
(n732:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { references: ["R. J. S. Whitehouse, “Scour at marine structures”. London: Thomas Telford Publications, 1998.", "R. L. Soulsby, “Dynamics of marine sands”. London: Thomas Telford Publications, 1997."], description: "A model for the dimensionless grain size.", name: "dimensionless grain size" }),
(n733:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { name: "critical Shields parameter", description: "A model for the critical Shields parameter as a function of the dimensionless grain size.", references: ["R. J. S. Whitehouse, “Scour at marine structures”. London: Thomas Telford Publications, 1998.", "R. L. Soulsby, “Dynamics of marine sands”. London: Thomas Telford Publications, 1997."] }),
(n734:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { references: ["R. L. Soulsby, “Dynamics of marine sands”. London: Thomas Telford Publications, 1997.", "PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 236."], description: "A model for the wave friction factor.", name: "wave friction factor" }),
(n735:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { name: "shear stress due to current", description: "shear stress due to current" }),
(n736:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { name: "shear stress due to waves", description: "shear stress due to waves" }),
(n737:Model:MBZ13:Hydrology { description: "the combined characteristic shear stress of current and waves", name: "maximum shear stress due to current and waves" }),
(n738:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "cylinder segment taper slope", description: "The slope of a tapered cylinder is the change in diameter per unit of height; so the unit is m/m, i.e., dimensionless.", type: "real" }),
(n739:Attribute { name: "nacelle structure" }),
(n740:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "WT installation cost" }),
(n741:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable active current", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "active current in cable" }),
(n742:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "capacitance per unit length", name: "capacitance of electrical cable per unit length" }),
(n744:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "electrical cable total current", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "total current in cable" }),
(n745:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "m54", description: "geometrical factor", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n747:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance between conductor and sheath", description: "A model for the thermal resistance per unit length between one conductor and the sheath, including a model for the geometrical and screening factors.", references: ["G. F. Moore (ed.) “Electric Cables Handbook” 3rd ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997; maximum of Equations (8.10)–(8.12) on pages 128–129.", "PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.238."] }),
(n748:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { description: "A model for the thermal resistance per unit length of the bedding between sheath and armor. Valid for single-core and multicore cables, not necessarily for SL and SA type cables.", name: "thermal resistance between sheath and armour", references: ["G. F. Moore (ed.) “Electric Cables Handbook” 3rd ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997; Equation (8.13) on page 129."] }),
(n749:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "thermal resistance of soil", description: "A model for the thermal resistance per unit length between the cable surface and the surrounding medium. Valid for single isolated buried cables.", references: ["G. F. Moore (ed.) “Electric Cables Handbook” 3rd ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997; Equations (8.17) on page 130."] }),
(n750:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "conductor temperature rise", description: "The rise in temperature in the conductor is due to a combination of resistive and dielectric losses in the cable's materials.", references: ["G. F. Moore (ed.) “Electric Cables Handbook” 3rd ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997; Equation (8.1) on page 124."] }),
(n751:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { description: "The rise in temperature in the cable, and therefore the maximum emperature in the insulation of the cable is the sum of the ambient temperature and the rise in temperature due to current-induced losses.", name: "electrical cable insulation maximal temperature", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n752:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "resistance per unit length at 20°C", description: "The electrical resistance per unit length R of an electrical cable is the ratio if its resistivity and cross section: R=ρ/A.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n753:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "resistance per unit length excluding sheath and armour loss", description: "A model for the resistance of a conductor at operating temperature, excluding sheath and armour loss.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 238."] }),
(n754:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "resistance per unit length", description: "resistance of conductor at operating temperature, including sheath and armour loss", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n755:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "resistive cable loss per unit length", description: "A model for the resistive loss in the cable per unit length.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 238."] }),
(n756:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "dielectric cable loss per unit length", description: "A model for the dielectric loss in the cable per unit length.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 238."] }),
(n757:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "total cable loss per unit length", description: "A model for the total loss in the cable per unit length.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 238."] }),
(n758:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "m68" }),
(n759:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "power rating of shunt reactor", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "power rating of shunt reactor" }),
(n760:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "reactive current in shunt reactor", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "reactive current in shunt reactor" }),
(n761:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "power loss in shunt reactor", description: "power loss in shunt reactor" }),
(n762:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "m72", description: "no-load loss in the transformer", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n763:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "m73", description: "loaded loss in the transformer", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n764:Model:Electricity:MBZ13 { name: "m74", description: "annual loss in electrical infrastructure" }),
(n765:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "storm fraction", description: "storm fraction", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n766:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "Weibull scale factor for storm length", description: "scale factor of storm length" }),
(n767:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "probability density function of storm length", name: "m77" }),
(n768:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "storm length", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "average storm length" }),
(n769:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "number of storms during lifetime of wind farm", description: "number of storms during lifetime" }),
(n770:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "WT failure hazard rate", description: "The hazard rate is the inverse of the mean time between failures.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n771:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "time to process diagnosis information of WT failure", description: "The time needed to process the diagnosis information of a wind turbine failure is the time of a single shift, or zero if the diagnosis time is zero", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 240."] }),
(n772:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "downtime during preparation of repair of a WT failure", description: "A model for the downtime during preparation of repair of a wind turbine failure.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 240."] }),
(n773:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "travel time to and from wind farm", description: "A model for the travel time to and from the off-shore wind farm.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 240."] }),
(n774:Model:Maintenance:Internal { description: "The travel time within the off-shore wind farm depends on the farm layout and the positions of the turbines.", name: "travel time in wind farm" }),
(n775:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "time of work in progress for repair of WT failure", description: "A model for the time of work in progress for the repair of a wind turbine failure (without preparation and waiting for crew).", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 240."] }),
(n776:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of steady state downtime due to preparation", name: "downtime during preparations for failures of type j in steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n777:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of steady state downtime due to work in progress", name: "downtime during work in progress for failures of type j in steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n778:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "probability of a turbine being down in the steady state and not waiting for preparation", name: "probability of being down and on the waiting list during steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n779:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of steady state downtime due to waiting list", name: "downtime due to waiting list in steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n780:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "estimated number of operational turbines during the steady state", name: "number of operational turbines during the steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n781:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected downtime of failures of type j that happen during a storm", name: "downtime of failures of type j that happen during a storm", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n782:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of number of failures of type j, after a storm", name: "number of failures of type j , after storm", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n783:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "number of turbines with failures of type j at start of repair batch i for i=1", name: "number of turbines with failures of type j at start of repair batch i", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n784:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "duration of repair batch i", description: "duration of batch i to repair all failures of type j", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n785:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "downtime of turbines that fail during batch i", name: "downtime of turbines that fail during batch i", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n786:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "downtime of previously failed turbines during batch i", description: "downtime of previously failed turbines that are waiting to be repaired in the catch-up period (excluding downtime due to preparation time)", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n787:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "m97", description: "downtime of previously failed turbines that are waiting to be repaired in the catch-up period (excluding downtime due to preparation time)", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n788:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of failures during repair batch i", name: "number of failures of type j during repair batch i", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n789:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "number of turbines with failures of type j at start of repair batch i for i>1", name: "number of failures of type j during repair batch i 2", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n790:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total number of failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", name: "number of failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n791:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total downtime due to preparation for failures of type j in catch-up period", name: "downtime due to preparation for type j in storm and catch-up period", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n792:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total downtime due to failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", name: "downtime due to failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n793:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "expected number of failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", description: "expected total downtime for failures of type j in storm and catch-up period", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n794:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "expected downtime due to failures of type j during storm and catch-up period", description: "expected total downtime for failures of type j in storm and catch-up period", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n796:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "total steady state time", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "total steady state time" }),
(n797:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected value of steady state total number of failures of type j", name: "expected number of failures of type j during steady state", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n798:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "average work in progress time for lifting activities", name: "average work in progress time for lifting activities", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n799:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "probability of mobilising hoisting equipment for n repairs", name: "probability of mobilising hoisting equipment for n repairs", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n800:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total number of failures that require lifting equipment", name: "number of failures that require lifting equipment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n801:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "expected number of mobilisations of lifting equipment for n repairs", name: "number of mobilisations of lifting equipment for n repairs", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n802:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "downtime due to waiting for lifting equipment", name: "downtime due to waiting for lifting equipment", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n803:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "A model for the time to perform preventive maintenance once.", name: "work in progress time per preventive maintenance action", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 242."] }),
(n804:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "lifetime number of preventive maintenance actions", description: "A model for the total number of preventive maintenance actions on wind turbines during the lifetime of the off-shore wind farm.", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 242."] }),
(n805:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "time needed to perform all preventive maintenance", name: "work in progress time of all preventive maintenance actions", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n806:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "condition that needs to be met in order to have enough crew for preventive maintenance", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], name: "crew for preventive maintenance sufficiency condition" }),
(n807:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "downtime during preventive maintenance", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "downtime during preventive maintenance" }),
(n808:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "number of failures of type j", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "total number of failures of type j" }),
(n809:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total downtime assigned to failures of type j", name: "total downtime assigned to failures of type j", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n810:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "total downtime", description: "total downtime", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n811:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "equivalent availability factor", description: "The equivalent availability factor depends on the total downtime and the combined lifetime of the wind turbines: η_available=1-T_d,total/(N_t⋅T_life).", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n812:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "number of vessels", description: "number of vessels", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n813:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { name: "total time of access vessel rental per year", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "total time of access vessel rental per year" }),
(n814:Model:MBZ13:Maintenance:Internal { description: "total time that lifting equipment is in the farm per year (excluding the mobilisation times)", name: "total time that lifting equipment is in the wind farm per year", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n815:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment { references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"], description: "Management adds 3% overhead to the capital costs for the off-shore wind energy system.", name: "OWES CAPEX" }),
(n816:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProjectDevelopment { name: "project development investment costs", description: "A model for the project development costs that assesses them as 37⋅P_farm,rated[kW] [2003 USD].", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.229."] }),
(n818:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostRotorNacelle { name: "RNA procurement cost", description: "The ‘raw’ rotor-nacelle assembly investment costs need to be increased by a certain percentage to account for warranty costs.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.229."] }),
(n819:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostSupportStructure { name: "m129", description: "investment costs procurement support structure tower", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n820:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostSupportStructure { name: "m130", description: "investment costs procurement support structure transition piece", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n822:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostSupportStructure { name: "m132", description: "investment costs procurement support structure grout", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n823:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostSupportStructure { name: "m133", description: "investment costs procurement support structure monopile", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n824:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostSupportStructure { name: "m134", description: "investment costs procurement support structure scour protection", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n825:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostElectricalSystem { name: "electrical cable procurement cost", description: "A model for the investment costs for the procurement of an electrical cable: 50 + 2.3⋅(5⋅m_copper + 15⋅m_insulation).", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p. 230."] }),
(n827:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostElectricalSystem { name: "m137", description: "investment costs procurement electrical system shunt reactor", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n828:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostElectricalSystem { name: "substation transformer procurement cost", description: "A model for the investment costs for the procurement of a substation transformer: (1.16⋅P_farm,rated[W]^0.7513)⋅e^(0.039⋅r_winding).", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230, split off from global transformer cost model."] }),
(n829:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostProcurement:CostElectricalSystem { name: "m139", description: "investment costs procurement electrical system switch gear", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n830:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostInstallation:CostAuxiliary { name: "m142", description: "investment costs procurement installation auxiliary offshore platform", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n831:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostInstallation { name: "m143", description: "investment costs installation foundations", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n832:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostRotorNacelle:CostInstallation { name: "m144", description: "investment costs installation RNA onshore transport", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n833:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostRotorNacelle:CostInstallation { name: "m145", description: "investment costs installation RNA offshore works", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n836:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostInvestment:CostInstallation:CostAuxiliary { name: "m150", description: "investment costs installation auxiliary harbour use", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n837:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "m152", description: "operation and maintenance costs consumables repairs", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n838:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "preventive maintenance consumables cost", description: "operation and maintenance costs consumables preventive", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n839:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "m154", description: "operation and maintenance costs access vessels", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n840:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "m155", description: "operation and maintenance costs personnel", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n841:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "m156", description: "operation and maintenance costs lifting equipment rental", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n842:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostMaintenance { name: "m157", description: "operation and maintenance costs subsea inspection", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n843:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostOperation { name: "m158", description: "operation and maintenance costs insurance", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n844:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostOperation { name: "m159", description: "operation and maintenance costs grid charge", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n845:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostOperationMaintenance:CostOperation { name: "m160", description: "operation and maintenance costs bottom lease", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n846:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning { name: "decommissioning cost", description: "Management adds 3% overhead to the decommissioning costs for the off-shore wind energy system.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.231."] }),
(n847:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostRemoval { name: "m163", description: "decommissioning costs removal RNA", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n848:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostRemoval { name: "m164", description: "decommissioning costs removal foundations", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n849:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostRemoval { name: "m165", description: "decommissioning costs removal infield cable", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n850:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostRemoval { name: "m166", description: "decommissioning costs removal transmission cable", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n851:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostRemoval { name: "m168", description: "decommissioning costs removal scour protection", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n853:Model:MBZ13:Cost:CostDecommissioning:CostDisposal { name: "m170", description: "decommissioning costs disposal RNA", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n854:Model:MBZ13:SiteConditions { name: "breaking wave limit (deep water)" }),
(n855:Model:MBZ13:AerodynamicLoading { name: "aerodynamic drag force on cylinder segment", description: "drag force on tapered cylinder in wind shear", references: ["PhD Thesis 'Great expectations for offshore wind turbines'. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013"] }),
(n856:Model:MBZ13:Mechanics { name: "critical compressive stress according to theory of elasticity", description: "A model for critical compressive stress according to theory of elasticity: σ=E_d/(√(3⋅(1−ν²))⋅D/(2⋅t)).", references: ["Det Norske Veritas and Risø, Guidelines for design of wind turbines. 2nd ed. 2002."] }),
(n857:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", unit: "Pa", name: "axial force normal stress in monopile" }),
(n858:Variable { type: "real", unit: "Pa", name: "bending moment normal stress in monopile" }),
(n859:Object { name: "seabed", description: "The bottom of the ocean." }),
(n860:Attribute { name: "seabed structure" }),
(n861:Attribute { name: "jacket off-shore platform cost" }),
(n862:Attribute { name: "OWES on-shore premises cost" }),
(n863:Attribute { name: "ocean structure" }),
(n865:Attribute { name: "storm" }),
(n866:Attribute { name: "OWF cost" }),
(n867:Attribute { name: "substructure cost" }),
(n868:Attribute { name: "electrical collection system cost" }),
(n869:Object { name: "RNA assembly team", description: "The crew responsible for the assembly of the rotor nacelle assembly." }),
(n870:Procedure { name: "RNA assembly", description: "The action of putting the rotor and nacelle together to form the RNA." }),
(n871:Attribute { name: "RNA cost" }),
(n872:Attribute { name: "O&M cost", description: "Operations and Maintenance total costs." }),
(n873:Attribute { name: "OWES state" }),
(n874:Variable:MBZ13:Internal { name: "Weibull scale factor for storm length", type: "real" }),
(n875:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "Weibull scale factor for storm length for reference access method", type: "real" }),
(n876:Attribute { name: "structure of the support structure" }),
(n877:Attribute { name: "shunt reactor structure" }),
(n878:Object { description: "A shunt reactor is a device for reactive power compensation.", name: "shunt reactor" }),
(n879:Model { name: "wake effect on WT power", description: "The actual wind turbine power output is a fraction of the power output without wake effects." }),
(n880:Variable { name: "WT wakeless power output", description: "The power output of the wind turbine were there no wake effects.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n881:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "WT power output", description: "The power effectively generated by the wind turbine.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n882:Model { description: "The effective power output of the wind turbine is the product of its power output under the assumption that it is available multiplied by the availability.", name: "WT potential to available power output" }),
(n883:Variable { name: "OWF power output limit", description: "The power production of an off-shore wind farm may be (temporarily) externally limited; the farm is then operating in ‘partial dispatch’. This can be the case when the farm in curtailed because of, e.g., general overproduction (underconsumption), which may be imposed or chosen, in case the farm acts as a grid stability provider; it may also be done to limit loads in the farm's turbines.", unit: "W", type: "real" }),
(n884:Model { name: "hydraulic roughness length", description: "The hydraulic roughness length can be expressed as a fraction of the 50 percentile sieve size of soil or rock: z_0=d_50/12." }),
(n885:Attribute { name: "RNA structure" }),
(n886:Variable:MBZ13 { name: "cylinder segment length", description: "The length (or height) of the cylinder segment.", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n887:Variable { type: "real", unit: "m", name: "transition piece outer diameter" }),
(n888:Variable { name: "transition piece wall thickness", type: "real", unit: "m" }),
(n889:Variable { name: "tower wall thickness", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n890:Variable { name: "cylinder segment wall thickness at which Euler buckling would occur", unit: "m", type: "real" }),
(n891:Variable { description: "The set of failures currently plagueing this turbine; typically given as a set of failure identifiers.", name: "WT set of failures" }),
(n892:Variable { description: "The set of failure modes or failure types that exist for this turbine.", name: "set of WT failures" }),
(n893:Attribute { description: "A possible way for the wind turbine to fail.", name: "WT failure" }),
(n894:Model { name: "total length of transmission cables", description: "The total transmission cable length is the sum of the length of all transmission cables" }),
(n895:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "RNA installation cost" }),
(n896:Model { name: "WTs decommissioning cost", description: "The cost to decommission the wind turbines is the sum of the cost for decommissioning each wind turbine." }),
(n897:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "WT decommissioning cost" }),
(n899:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "electrical connection system removal cost" }),
(n900:Variable { name: "WTs decommissioning cost", type: "real", unit: "¤" }),
(n901:Model:MBZ13 { name: "O&M cost", description: "Management adds 3% overhead to the operations and maintenance costs for the off-shore wind energy system.", references: ["PhD Thesis ‘Great expectations for offshore wind turbines’. Michiel Zaaijer, 2013, p.230."] }),
(n902:Variable { unit: "¤/year", name: "O&M cost excluding management", type: "real" }),
(n903:Variable { unit: "¤/year", name: "operations cost", type: "real" }),
(n904:Variable { unit: "¤/year", name: "maintenance cost", type: "real" }),
(n905:Model { name: "lifetime O&M cost", description: "The total O&M cost is the sum of the O&M costs for each year of the lifetime of the off-shore wind farm." }),
(n906:Variable { type: "real", unit: "¤", name: "lifetime O&M cost" }),
(n1907:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "OWF installation plan", description: "A list of the all the steps involved in the installation of an off-shore wind farm.", type: "string" }),
(n1908:Model:ECNInstall { name: "ECN Install", description: "ECN's off-shore wind farm installation planning tool. Given information about the farm, its location, the harbors involved, their weather climate, and a stepwise plan of the farm installation, it can calculate durations of the installation steps both with and without weather delays and aggregate the stepwise results in overviews for the whole installation process to arrive at, e.g., total weather delays and time of first power generation." }),
(n1909:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "OWF installation plan step" }),
(n1931:Attribute:ECNInstall { name: "OWF installation structure" }),
(n2926:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "price of electricity", unit: "¤/kWh", type: "real" }),
(n2927:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "fixed installation costs", description: "The fixed installation costs, associated with, e.g., consultancy, monitoring.", unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n2928:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "ECN Install set of WTs", description: "The set of all wind turbines that are part of the off-shore wind farm. Represented as a set of turbine type and number pairs." }),
(n2929:Variable:ECNInstall { name: "ECN Install WT type", description: "A description of wind turbine type for use in ECN Install." }),
(n3090:Model { description: "A model that calculates the downwind and crosswind distances between a wake-generating ‘source’ turbine and a possibly waked ‘target’ turbine.", name: "wind-aligned coordinates" }),
(n3153:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Capital Expenditures (CapEx) cost", description: "All installed costs incurred prior to commercial operations date (COD). CapEx components include turbine, BOS, and soft costs.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3154:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wind Turbine cost", description: "Converts kinetic energy from wind into three phase AC electrical energy.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3155:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drivetrain Module - Wind Turbine cost", description: "Main power conversion system in the wind turbine, where energy captured by the rotor is transferred to drive the generator via the main shaft system, with or without a gearbox ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3156:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Gearbox cost", description: "Provides speed and torque conversion between the rotor and the generator. Only applicable for geared designs.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3157:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Gears cost", description: "Planet carrier, planet gear, ring gear, sun gear, spur gear, hollow shaft", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3158:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bearings cost", description: "Planet bearing, carrier bearing, shaft bearing", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3159:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Housing cost", description: "Bushing, case, mounting, torque arm system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3160:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sensors - Gearbox cost", description: "Debris sensors, oil level sensors, pressure 1 & pressure 2 sensors, and temperature sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3161:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Lube System cost", description: "Primary filter, secondary filter, primary motor, primary pump, hose/fitting, seal, and reservoir", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3162:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Cooling System - Gearbox cost", description: "Pump, radiator, hoses", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3163:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Generator cost", description: "Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3164:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Cooling System - Generator cost", description: "Hoses, filter, cooling fan, motor, radiator", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3165:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Lubrication System cost", description: "Pump, pump motor, reservoir", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3166:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Rotor cost", description: "Commentator, exciter, resistance controller, rotor lamination, rotor winding, slip ring, rotor magnets, brush", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3167:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sensors - Generator cost", description: "Core temperature sensor, encoder, watt meter", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3168:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Stator cost", description: "Stator magnets, stator lamination, stator windings", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3169:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Structural & Mechanical cost", description: "Front bearing, rear bearing, silent block, housing, and shaft", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3170:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Low Speed Shaft and Main Bearing System cost", description: "Transfers torque from the rotor to the gearbox (if applicable) or generator if dirrect drive", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3171:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Low Speed Shaft cost", description: "Low speed shaft, compression coupling, rotor lock, connector plate, and slip ring assembly", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3172:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Main Bearing cost", description: "Main bearing upwind, main bearing downwind, main bearing seals, ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3173:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sensors - Low Speed Shaft and Main Bearing System cost", description: "Main bearing temperature sensor, low speed shaft rpm, and position sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3174:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "High Speed Shaft and Braking System cost", description: "High speed shaft, coupling, rotor lock, and transmission shaft", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3175:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "High Speed Shaft cost", description: "High speed shaft, coupling, rotor lock, and transmission shaft", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3176:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Braking System cost", description: "Brake disc, brake calipers, brake pads, and transmission lock", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3177:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sensors - High Speed Shaft and Braking System cost", description: "High speed shaft rpm sensor, position sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3178:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Rotor Module - Wind Turbine cost", description: "System to capture wind energy and transfer to the drive train (through the low speed shaft). ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3179:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Blade cost", description: "Captures the kinetic energy in the wind and transfer torque and other unwanted loads to the drive train module and rest of the turbine.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3180:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Root Structure cost", description: "Interface between the main composite section of the blade and the blade bearing", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3181:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sandwich Core cost", description: "Low-density core material between laminates", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3182:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Spar/ Spar Box cost", description: "Spar cap and spar web", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3183:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bond cost", description: "Bonds for leading edge and trailing edge", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3184:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fasteners - Blade cost", description: "T-bolt/Root Insert, others", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3185:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Laminates cost", description: "Internal structural laminates and skin laminates", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3186:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Paint and coatings cost", description: "Coatings to protect from erosion", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3187:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Lightening protection cost", description: "Termination and down-conductor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3188:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "De-icing system cost", description: "Sensors, heaters, wiring, thermal conductors", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3189:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Aerodynamic Accessories - Blade cost", description: "Active and passive blade accessories: aileron, tip bakes, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3190:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pitch System cost", description: "Adjusts the pitch angle of the blades to control power output from the turbine, minimize loads, and start/stop turbine as needed. Blades are attached to the hub through the pitch systems ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3191:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pitch Drive cost", description: "Motor, motor cooling fan, pitch bearing, motor brake, pitch gear, gear reducer, pinion, power electronics/drive, cabling, contractor/circuit breaker fuse, encoder, power supply, heater, accumulator, pump", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3192:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pitch Cabinet cost", description: "Switchboard/limit switch, battery, battery charger, heater, position controller, load controller", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3193:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sensors - Pitch System cost", description: "Temperature sensor, voltmeter, position sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3194:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Miscellaneous cost", description: "Seals, auto lube system, pitch cylinder linkage, bushing, proportional valve, hose/fitting", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3195:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Hub System cost", description: "The hub connects the blades and pitch system to the low speed shaft within the drivetrain module", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3196:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Hub cost", description: "Connects the blades and pitch system to the low speed shaft within the drivetrain module", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3197:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nose Cone cost", description: "Protective cap fitted on the hub, largely aesthetic", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3198:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Exit Hatch cost", description: "Provides access to and exit from the hub system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3199:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electrical Module cost", description: "Power off-take system for the wind turbine, connects the drivetrain module to the array cable system through the main transformer in the tower", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3200:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Frequency Converter cost", description: "Coverts variable frequency from asynchronous generator to grid-compliant power of the right ‘quality' and with a stable frequency of either 50 Hz or 60 Hz", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3201:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Converter Auxiliaries cost", description: "Power supply, cabinet, heating system, cabinet sensor, communication & interface unit, control board, generator side fan, grid side fan, measurement unit, power supply, power supply 24 V, tachometer adapter, thermostat", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3202:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Converter Power Bus cost", description: "Branching unit, capacitors, contactors, generator side converter, generator side power module, grid side converter, grid side power module, inductor, load switch, pre-charge unit", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3203:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Power Conditioning cost", description: "Common mode filter, crowbar system, DC chopper, generator side filter, line filter assembly, voltage limit unit", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3204:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Power Electrical System cost", description: "System to covert generator voltage to array cable system voltage for collection", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3205:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Power Circuit cost", description: "IGBT module, rectifier bridge, crowbar system, driver/control board, cables, machine contractor, Mv Busbar/Isolator/Circuit Breaker, Mv Switchgear/Disconnect, motor contractor, soft starter, grounding system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3206:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Main Transformer cost", description: "Main transformer within tower, nacelle-mounted transformer", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3207:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Measurements cost", description: "Equipment to measure the function of the power electric system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3208:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Control & Communication System - Electrical Module cost", description: "Connects the wind turbines with an onshore operations center, provides wind project operator with information about the status of wind turbine systems and allows remote control of some functions", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3209:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wind Turbine Controller cost", description: "Rotor controller, nacelle controller, tower controller (all comprised of numerous level 6 components)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3210:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Communication System cost", description: "Analog I/O unit, digital I/O unit, Ethernet module, field bus master, field bus slave, frequency unit, controller internal communication system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3211:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Condition Monitoring System cost", description: "Sensors, cables, data logger, protocol adapter card for data logger", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3212:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Equipment - Control & Communication System cost", description: "Cables, connectors, contactor/circuit breaker fuse", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3213:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Auxiliary Electrical System cost", description: "Other equipment necessary for the function of the electrical system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3214:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drop Cable cost", description: "Cables to off-take power from drivetrain and transport to main transformer (in tower base)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3215:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electrical Services cost", description: "24 DC feeder, auxiliary transformer, breaker, cabinet, fan, fuse, grid protection relay, light, mechanical switch, power point/supply, protection cabinet, push button, relay, space heater, surge arrester, thermal protection, UPS", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3216:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Lightning Protection System cost", description: "Air termination, bonding element, earth connector & termination, sliding contact, spark gap system, surge arrester", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3217:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electrical Module IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the electrical module before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3218:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Module - Wind Turbine cost", description: "Nacelle module provides structural interface between tower module, drivetrain module, and rotor module. Provides shelter to sensitive electrical and mechanical components and equipment for access by maintenance personnel. ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3219:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Structure cost", description: "Nacelle structure provides the structure interface between the tower, drivetrain, and rotor and shelters sensitive equipment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3220:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Enclosure cost", description: "Structure, Exit hatch, hatch, latches, and helicopter landing pad.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3221:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drivetrain Support Structure cost", description: "Bedplate generator frame (can be a single unit), including welded steel and fasteners", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3222:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Coatings cost", description: "Coatings to protect from corrosion in marine environment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3223:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Auxiliaries cost", description: "Other equipment within the nacelle necessary for the necessary for the function of the wind turbine ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3224:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Sensors cost", description: "Anemometer, wind vane, temperature sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3225:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Internal Environment cost", description: "Nacelle heater, nacelle vent, nacelle lighting", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3226:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "External Lighting cost", description: "Navigational lighting lights (requirements set by FAA in United States)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3227:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Walking/Climbing Infrastructure cost", description: "Cat walks, cables, ladders, landing, people hatch, crane hatch,", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3228:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Safety System cost", description: "Tie-off system, firefighting system, fall arrester, down conductor, service crate, beacon, nacelle cover metallic mesh, lighting protection", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3229:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onboard Crane cost", description: "Davit crane to lift small components (<2 mt) from support structure or maintenance vessel into nacelle", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3230:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Internal Maintenance Hoist cost", description: "Hoist within the tower used to hoist tools and supplies during maintenance activities", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3231:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Yaw System cost", description: "Yaw system orients the nacelle to the wind direction during operation.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3232:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Brake cost", description: "Yaw brake calipers, disc, path, hoses", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3233:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drives & Bearings cost", description: "Motor, gear, pinion, bearing, damper", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3234:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Hydraulics cost", description: "Accumulator, pump, hoses and valves, motor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3235:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Yaw Sensors cost", description: "Wind-up counter, yaw encoder, position sensor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3236:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Module IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Nacelle module before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3237:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower Module - Wind Turbine cost", description: "Support structure element that connects the nacelle, drive train and rotor modules with the substructure & foundation, can house electrical conversion equipment and provide emergency shelter", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3238:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower System cost", description: "Tower system is the primary structural component", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3239:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower Structure cost", description: "Tower sections, generally consists of rolled steel sections though other options are being considered", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3240:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fasteners - Tower System cost", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3241:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Coating cost", description: "Coatings to protect from corrosion in marine environment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3242:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Equipment - Tower Module cost", description: "Other equipment within the tower necessary for the necessary for the function of the wind turbine", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3243:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Personnel Access and Survival Equipment cost", description: "Climb assist, hatches, ladders, landings, lighting, doors, food and fresh water storage,", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3244:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electrical System cost", description: "Wiring to support tower auxiliaries", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3245:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower Internal Lighting cost", description: "Lighting within the tower to provide a safe working environment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3246:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Equipment Support cost", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3247:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Aerodynamic Accessories - Ancillary Equipment cost", description: "Passive accessories on tower to improve energy capture (likely applicable only for downwind deigns)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3248:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Damping System cost", description: " Tower mounted damping system to reduce transfer of unwanted torque from nacelle through tower", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3249:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Tower Module before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3250:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Wind Turbine cost", description: " Financial costs for wind turbine supply contract, including warranty cost, G&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3251:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Warranty cost", description: " Expected costs of providing guarantee that turbine will operate above a set availability and that power production matches or exceeds advertised power curve for a fixed period", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3252:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Profit Margin cost", description: " Profit margin on sale of wind turbine equipment and warranty", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3253:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "General and Administrative cost", description: "Overhead for supplying turbine including administrative salaries and benefits, rent, utilities, depreciation, insurance, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3254:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Wind Turbine cost", description: "Transportation of all turbine modules to the staging port. ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3255:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drivetrain & Nacelle cost", description: "Transportation of drivetrain and nacelle from the manufacturing facility to the staging site.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3256:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Rotor Module - Transportation cost", description: "Transportation of the rotor module from the manufacturing facility to the staging site.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3257:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower Module - Transportation cost", description: "Transportation of the tower module from the manufacturing facility to the staging site.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3258:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Turbine Commissioning cost", description: " Process of assuring that all wind turbine systems and components are operational through predefined series of tests and checks. ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3259:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "Balance of equipment, labor, and material costs (other than wind turbine) incurred prior to COD", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3260:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Development cost", description: "All activities from project inception to financial close (where financial close is the date where project and financing agreements have been signed and all the required conditions have been met)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3261:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Permitting & Leasing cost", description: "Acquisition of permits and leases required for site assessment, construction, and operation at the project site", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3262:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Siting & Scoping cost", description: "Initial desktop-level studies to select project location, develop a conceptual design, identify regulatory requirements, and create preliminary business case", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3263:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Studies & Surveys cost", description: "Environmental and social surveys/studies required by regulators or otherwise necessary for the project.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3264:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Permit Acquisition Activities cost", description: "Activities necessary to obtain permits from relevant authorities ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3265:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Lease Acquisition Activities cost", description: "Activities necessary to obtain commercial or research lease to operate the project from relevant authorities", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3266:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Public Outreach cost", description: "Stakeholder education, marketing, and other efforts to facilitate public acceptance of a project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3267:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Professional Advisory Services - Development cost", description: "Legal support, external consulants, accounting, etc, during development", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3268:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Engineering cost", description: "Engineering studies to specify the design of the project (e.g., technology, layout) and understand economics and risks associated with the design", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3269:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pre-FEED cost", description: "Preliminary engineering design studies to develop general design of project, identify a short list of technologies for further evaluation, and identify fatal flaws ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3270:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "FEED cost", description: "Engineering activities to develop final design specification, address areas of risk/uncertainty, determine technical & economic feasibility, and develop necessary specifications to begin procurement process", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3271:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Engineering Certification cost", description: "Review by 3rd party, ind. verification agent to assess feasibility of design basis, resulting in Certification Report", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3272:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Site Characterization cost", description: "Equipment, material and labor costs required for collecting/analysis of wind resource, ocean conditions, and geological data at project site. Defines parameters for engineering assessments as data becomes available", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3273:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Met Station cost", description: "meteorological tower including substructure (fixed or floating), instrumentation (meteorological and oceanographic), and data acquisition system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3274:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Met Station Installation cost", description: "Vessels, labor, and equipment required to install met station, instrumentation and data acquisition system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3275:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wind Resource Analysis cost", description: "Collection, cleaning, analysis of data to develop wind resource profile and power production estimates for a selection of turbine types at project site. Might include array layout optimization surveys", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3276:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ocean Monitoring cost", description: "Equipment (benthic node, buoys) and installation costs for characterization of ocean conditions (e.g., currents)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3277:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Geotechnical & Geophysical Surveys cost", description: "Vessels, labor, and equipment required to establish bathymetry, sea bed features, water depth, stratigraphy, and identify hazards on seafloor. Performed for project site and potential cable routes to interconnection", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3278:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Interconnection & Power Marketing cost", description: "Activities to gain access to the transmission grid and negotiate contracts to sell or otherwise market power ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3279:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Interconnection Studies & Fees cost", description: "Activities required to obtain a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement from FERC, prepared in coordination with transmission system operator. Studies cover technical considerations of interconnecting project with grid, while maintaining system balance and within grid operating limits", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3280:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transmission rights of way cost", description: "Costs of obtaining or expanding transmission rights of way for any onshore electric infrastructure (e.g., overhead transmission lines), includes any costs to permit onshore transmission", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3281:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Power Marketing cost", description: "Efforts to develop power marketing strategy, forecast pricing, and negotiate Power Purchase Agreements", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3282:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Project Management during Development cost", description: "Project Management from the start of the Development Phase through Financial Close", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3283:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Procurement cost", description: "Preparation of tenders for each work package, evaluation of bids, negotiations with suppliers", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3284:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Salaries - Project Management during Development cost", description: "Salaries for management and support staff on payroll of developer, some overlap with categories above is expected, depending on amount of work that is completed internally vs. contracted", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3285:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sales, General, & Administrative - Project Management during Development cost", description: "Overhead for the project company including administrative salaries and benefits, rent, utilities, depreciation, insurance, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3286:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Profit (if private developer) cost", description: "Any margin earned by the developer upon sale of the project at financial close, does not include the cost to a new owner of any stake that a developer might retain in the project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3287:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Financial Closing Costs cost", description: "Efforts to arrange and secure equity and/or non-recourse debt facilities at the project level", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3288:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Due Diligence cost", description: "Activities performed by potential investors to investigate technical and economic aspects of the project and estimate value prior to executing a financial commitment. Typically conducted by 3rd party technical consultant hired by investor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3289:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Closing Costs cost", description: "Administrative costs incurred by investors (debt and equity) during the evaluation of the investment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3290:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Legal Support cost", description: "Developer's legal support to during negotiations to arrange financing", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3291:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Construction Management cost", description: "Construction Management refers to management activities from Financial Close through COD", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3292:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Project Management during Construction cost", description: "Project Management from Financial Close through COD", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3293:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Salaries - Project Management during Construction cost", description: "Salaries for management and support staff on payroll of project owner and/or construction manager", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3294:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sales, General, & Administrative - Project Management during Construction cost", description: "Overhead for the project company and/or construction manager including administrative salaries and benefits, rent, utilities, depreciation, insurance, etc", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3295:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Profit cost", description: "Any margin earned by an independent construction management firm", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3296:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Project Certification cost", description: "Review by a 3rd party, independent verification agent to assure that project is in compliance with design basis as well as technical standards and regulatory requirements, results in Project Certificate", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3297:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Health, Safety, & Environmental Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with HSE requirements during construction", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3298:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Health and Safety Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements during construction", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3299:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Environmental Monitoring - Health, Safety, & Environmental Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with environmental requirement during construction", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3300:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Port & Staging cost", description: "Activities and physical aspects of a staging port; elements needed to support the delivery, storage, handling, and deployment of offshore wind farm components", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3301:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Facilities cost", description: "Port facilities or space leased to support the installation of the project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3302:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Laydown Area cost", description: "Leased space at staging port to store turbine components and foundations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3303:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Assembly Areas cost", description: "Leased space at staging port with high load bearing capacity to perform onshore assembly activities", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3304:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fabrication Facilities cost", description: "Workshops to support fabrication, construction or assembly of components", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3305:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Cranage cost", description: "Cranage fees to use and operate crawler cranes, tower cranes, self-propelled modular transporters (SMPTs) used for land-based assembly of components and load out onto installation vessels", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3306:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Port Improvements cost", description: "Any improvement to existing port infrastructure paid for by project owner (e.g., quayside reinforcement)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3307:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Port Fees cost", description: "Fees for vessel access, docking and loading/unloading", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3308:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Entrance/Exit Fees cost", description: "Charges levied upon entry of vessels into the port, generally calculated on standard formula basis upon Gross Registered Ton (GRT)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3309:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Quayside Docking Fees cost", description: "Charges levied for the use of a berth either occupied by a vessel or by pre-assembly activities", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3310:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wharfage Fees cost", description: "Charges for loading or unloading cargo from vessels, generally calculated by tonnage and equipment requirements for loading/unloading the cargo", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3311:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure & Foundation - Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "All elements of offshore wind turbine support structure below point of connection with tower ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3312:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Foundation - Substructure & Foundation cost", description: "Main structural interface that transfers loads into seabed ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3313:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Piles cost", description: "Steel pipes driven into seabed to provide support and transfer loads acting on structure into seabed", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3314:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Anchors cost", description: "Anchors are installed below mudline and transfer loads from floating platforms into the seabed", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3315:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Mooring Lines cost", description: "Chain, wire, or synthetic fiber ropes to connect floating platforms with anchors on the seabed", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3316:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Connecting Hardware cost", description: "Connectors required to attach the mooring lines/tendons to anchors and to the platform ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3317:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Messenger lines & buoys cost", description: "Ancillary equipment used during the installation of the mooring system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3318:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure - Substructure & Foundation cost", description: "Main structure that connects the foundation to the tower", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3319:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Primary Structure cost", description: "Structural steel or concrete (e.g., jacket, tripod, floating platform, gravity base)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3320:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transition Piece cost", description: "Main structural interface between the primary structure and point of connection with the tower", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3321:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fasteners - Substructure cost", description: "Hardware to secure connections between substructure & foundation elements ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3322:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Grout, Grout Lines, & Seals cost", description: "Grout and ancillary equipment to secure connections between substructure & foundation elements ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3323:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Marine Coatings - Substructure cost", description: "Anti-corrosion marine coatings applied to substructure elements", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3324:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Outfitting Steel - Substructure & Foundation cost", description: "Additional non-structural elements attached to substructure elements", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3325:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Vessel Landing cost", description: "Provides interface between maintenance vessels and substructure to enable safe personnel access", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3326:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Deck cost", description: "Provides access to the inside of the turbine and a work platform for maintenance", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3327:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "J-tube cost", description: "Routes array cable from trench to point of connection with turbine, protects cable from dynamic loads", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3328:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ladders cost", description: "Provides access from the vessel landing to the deck", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3329:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Railings cost", description: "Encloses the deck to provide a safe working environment for personnel", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3330:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Marine Coatings - Outfitting Steel cost", description: "Anti-corrosion marine coatings applied to any outfitting steel elements", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3331:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Marine Systems cost", description: "Ancillary systems for marine operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3332:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "On-board Crane cost", description: "Davit crane installed on deck to lift small components, used for maintenance", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3333:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Personnel Access System cost", description: "Equipment installed on vessel landing, ladders, and deck to facilitate safe access to turbine", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3334:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ballast System cost", description: "Ballast to control draft/stability of floating systems, ballast can be fixed or variable (active or passive)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3335:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Condition Monitoring cost", description: "Systems to monitor and control substructure systems (e.g., variable ballast)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3336:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Scour protection cost", description: "Rock fill or concrete mattresses to protect substructures from scouring (caused by currents)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3337:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure & Foundation IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Substructure & Foundation before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3338:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Substructure & Foundation cost", description: " Financial costs for substructure supply contract, including warranty cost, SG&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3339:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Substructure & Foundation cost", description: "Cost to transport substructure and foundation elements from manufacturer to staging port", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3340:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure & Foundation Commissioning cost", description: "Process of assuring that all substructure & foundation systems and components are operational through a predefined series of tests and checks.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3341:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Array Cable System - Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "Collects power generated by the turbines and transports to the offshore substation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3342:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Array Cables - Array Cable System cost", description: "Cable to connect turbines with offshore substation, includes IATC", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3343:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Equipment and materials used to protect cable from damage (strikes, overbending, etc.)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3344:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Scour Protection - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Rock fill, sand bags, or concrete mattresses to protect from scouring, used where burial is not possible", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3345:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Seabed Protection Mats - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Concrete, sand bags, polyurethane mats to route cables over existing electric/telecommunications cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3346:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ducting System - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Protective sheath that can be fitted around cables where burial is not an option", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3347:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "J-tube Seals - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Used to seal the ends of the J-Tube and keep sea water out, can be active or passive", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3348:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bend Restrictors - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Prevents the overbending of static cables during installation and operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3349:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bend Stiffeners - Protection Array Cable cost", description: "Limit bending stresses and maintain acceptable curvature for dynamic cables at hang off point and touch down", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3350:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Other elements providing necessary functions to the array cable system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3351:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Termination Kit - Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Necessary components to for connection of array cable to each turbine transformer", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3352:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Connectors - Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Equipment to connect individual sections of cable together, in the event of long cable runs or damage", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3353:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Buoyancy Modules - Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Used to manage buoyancy in some dynamic cable configurations and control load transfer", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3354:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Anchorage - Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Used to maintain the station of dynamic cable at touchdown point", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3355:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Messenger Lines & Buoys - Ancillary Equipment Array Cable cost", description: "Ancillary equipment used during the installation of static and dynamic cable systems", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3356:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Array Cable System cost", description: " Financial costs for array cable supply contract, including warranty cost, SG&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3357:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Array Cable System cost", description: "Costs to transport array cable elements from manufacturer to staging port", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3358:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Array Cable System Commissioning cost", description: " Process of assuring that all array cable systems and components are operational through a predefined series of tests and checks.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3359:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Export Cable System - Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "Transports power from offshore substation to point of connection with onshore electric infrastructure (landfall point)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3360:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Export Cables - Export Cable System cost", description: "Cable to connect offshore substation with onshore electric infrastructure, includes IATC", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3361:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Equipment and materials used to protect cable from damage (strikes, overbending, etc.)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3362:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Scour Protection - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Rock fill, sand bags, or concrete mattresses to protect from scouring, used where burial is not possible", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3363:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Seabed Protection Mats - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Concrete, sand bags, polyurethane mats to route cables over existing electric/telecommunications cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3364:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ducting System - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Protective sheath that can be fitted around cables where burial is not an option", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3365:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "J-tube Seals - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Used to seal the ends of the J-Tube and keep sea water out, can be active or passive", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3366:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bend Restrictors - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Prevents the overbending of static cables during installation and operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3367:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Bend Stiffeners - Protection Export Cable cost", description: "Limit bending stresses and maintain acceptable curvature for dynamic cables at hang off point and touch down", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3368:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Other elements providing necessary functions to the export cable system ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3369:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Termination Kit - Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Necessary components for connection of cable to substation and to onshore electric infrastructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3370:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Connectors - Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Equipment to connect individual sections of cable together, in the event of long cable runs or damage", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3371:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Buoyancy Modules - Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Used to manage buoyancy in some dynamic cable configurations and control load transfer", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3372:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Anchorage - Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Used to maintain the station of dynamic cable at touchdown point", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3373:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Messenger Lines & Buoys - Ancillary Equipment Export Cable cost", description: "Ancillary equipment used during the installation of static and dynamic cable systems", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3374:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Export Cable System cost", description: " Financial costs for export cable supply contract, including warranty cost, G&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3375:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Export Cable System cost", description: "Costs to transport export cable elements from manufacturer to staging port", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3376:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Export Cable System Commissioning cost", description: "Process of assuring that all export cable systems and components are operational through a predefined series of tests and checks.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3377:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Offshore Substation - Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "Electric conversion equipment required to step-up or convert power for export to the onshore grid and support structure, also onboard work platforms, accommodation, equipment storage, helicopter access, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3378:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Topside - Offshore Substation cost", description: "Structure that provides support and climate controlled housing for electrical conversion equipment, also can provide work platforms, accommodation, equipment storage, helicopter access, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3379:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Structure cost", description: "Material, equipment, and labor costs of fabricating structural steel or concrete structure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3380:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Helicopter Deck cost", description: "Onboard helicopter landing platform", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3381:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Accommodations cost", description: "Refuge, temporary, or permanent accommodations for project personnel", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3382:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Outfitting Steel - Topside cost", description: "Additional non-structural elements attached to the primary structure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3383:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Topside Marine Systems cost", description: "Ancillary systems required for marine operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3384:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substation Topside & Foundation IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Substation Topside before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3385:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Topside cost", description: "Costs to transport substation topside from manufacturer to staging port", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3386:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure & Foundation Offshore substation cost", description: "All elements of the offshore substation below the point of connection with the topside", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3387:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Foundation - Substructure & Foundation Offshore substation cost", description: "Main structural interface that transfers the loads into the seabed", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3388:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure - Substructure & Foundation Offshore substation cost", description: "Main structure that connects the foundation to the substation topside", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3389:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure Marine Systems cost", description: "Ancillary systems for marine operations, major element is the ballast system for floating offshore substations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3390:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Scour Protection - Substructure & Foundation Offshore substation cost", description: "Rock fill or concrete mattresses to protect substructures from scouring at point of connection to seafloor", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3391:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substation Substructure & Foundation IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Substation Substructure & Foundation before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3392:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electrical Conversion Equip. cost", description: "Equipment to step up power from array cable voltage to the export voltage and/or to convert power to DC ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3393:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "AC Transformers cost", description: "Power convertors that step up generated power from array cable voltage to export voltage", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3394:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "High Voltage Switchgear cost", description: "Equipment used to control, protect and disconnect the high voltage connection,", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3395:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Medium Voltage Switchgear cost", description: "Equipment used to control, protect and disconnect the medium voltage connection", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3396:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Shunt Reactors cost", description: "Onboard reactive compensation equipment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3397:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "DC Convertor cost", description: "Equipment to convert power from HVAC to HVDC for export to shore", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3398:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Filtering System cost", description: "Filters to address harmonics generated by HVDC convertors", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3399:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substation Electrical Conversion Equip IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Substation Topside before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3400:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Systems - Offshore Substation cost", description: "Other elements providing necessary functions to offshore substation during operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3401:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Diesel Generator Back Up cost", description: "Generators to provide power to substation if grid connection is lost", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3402:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fire Protection System cost", description: "Fire alarms and fire response equipment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3403:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Water Tanks cost", description: "Fresh water tanks and pumping equip.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3404:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Fuel Tanks cost", description: "Fuel tanks and pumping equip. for generator and possibly emergency fueling of service/crew transfer vessels", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3405:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Control & Communication System - Ancillary Systems cost", description: "Connects the substation with an onshore operations center, provides project operator with information about the status of substation systems and allows remote control of some functions", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3406:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Safety and Security Systems cost", description: "Systems including access control, to safeguard personnel from hazards arising from the installation, maintenance, or operation of substation equipment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3407:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Offshore Substation cost", description: " Financial costs for substation supply contract, including warranty cost, SG&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3408:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substation Commissioning cost", description: "Process of assuring that all offshore substation systems and components are operational through a predefined series of tests and checks.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3409:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Electric Infrastructure cost", description: "Any onshore transmission or conversion equipment required to connect project to onshore grid", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3410:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Underground Cable System - Onshore Electric Infrastructure cost", description: "Any underground cables required for the connection of export cables to the onshore substation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3411:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Underground Cables cost", description: "Connect export cables to the onshore substation directly or via overhead lines", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3412:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Self-Supporting Towers with Insulators cost", description: "Structures to support any overhead lines required for the connection of export cables to the onshore substation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3413:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Foundations cost", description: "Support tower structures, typically reinforced concrete", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3414:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transmission Towers cost", description: "Structures to support overhead transmission lines", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3415:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Insulators cost", description: "insulating supports used to attach overhead transmission lines to the towers", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3416:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Overhead Lines cost", description: "Lines that transmit power and enable communications with the offshore wind project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3417:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Conductors cost", description: "Conductors that transmit power between export cable and onshore substation (three phase system)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3418:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Communications cost", description: "Fiber optic wire routed to the control center, transmits information from DAS, CMS, and allows land-based control of project systems", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3419:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Shield Wire cost", description: "Grounded conductor to protect phase conductors from surges (lightning)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3420:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Substations cost", description: "Facility to house electric conversion equipment to transform or convert power from the export voltage to the onshore grid voltage", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3421:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Buildings/Facilities cost", description: "Structures to house electric conversion equipment, climate controlled", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3422:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Civil Infrastructure cost", description: "Improvements to construction site (e.g., roads) necessary for substation construction and operation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3423:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electric Conversion Equipment cost", description: "Equipment to transform generated power from export cable voltage to interconnection voltage and/or convert from DC to AC (e.g., AC transformers, switchgears, shunt reactors, DC convertors)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3424:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Ancillary Systems - Onshore Substations cost", description: "Other elements providing necessary functions to substation during operations (e.g., metering equipment, Safety and Security Systems, fire protection, gas detection )", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3425:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Substation IATC cost", description: "Activities performed by manufacturer to integrate, assemble, test, and verify the Substation Substructure & Foundation before delivery to customer (does not include commissioning activities)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3426:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transportation - Onshore Substations cost", description: "Costs to transport onshore substation components from manufacturing facilities to construction site", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3427:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Pricing Effects - Onshore Electric Infrastructure cost", description: " Financial costs for onshore electric supply contract, including warranty cost, SG&A expenses, and profit margin ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3428:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Electric Infra. Commissioning cost", description: "  Process of assuring that all onshore substation systems and components are operational through a predefined series of tests and checks.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3429:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Other Infrastructure - Balance of Station (BOS) cost", description: "Other capital investments made by the project company prior to COD", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3430:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Offshore Accommodations Platform - Other Infrastructure cost", description: "Permanent platform at the project site to house project personnel during operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3431:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Dedicated O&M Vessel cost", description: "New build vessels owned by the project company that will be used exclusively to support operations at project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3432:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore O&M Facilities cost", description: "Facilities on land, owned by the project company, to support the operation of the project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3433:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "O&M Equipment Purchases cost", description: "Other purchases necessary for the operation of the wind project after COD. Examples include: safety equipment (e.g., harnesses, floatation devices), equipment to store replacement parts (e.g., climate control for spare electric cables), vehicles to support operations (e.g., fork trucks)", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3434:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Assembly and installation activities conducted at the staging port and at the project site. Assume that financial costs related to warranties, contractor insurance, SG&A, profit margin, etc, are loaded in day rates for vessels, labor, and equipment", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3435:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Foundations & Substructures Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Costs to complete installation of foundations and substructures", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3436:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Foundation - Foundations & Substructures Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to complete foundation installation procedures", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3437:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure - Foundations & Substructures Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to complete substructure installation procedures", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3438:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Scour Protection - Foundations & Substructures Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to complete scour protection installation procedures", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3439:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Turbines cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to complete turbine installation procedures for the entire project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3440:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Array Cables - Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Installation of subsea array cable system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3441:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Laying/Trenching - Array Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to lay and bury array cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3442:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Protection - Array Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to protect array cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3443:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Terminations - Array Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to pull array cables through J-Tubes and connect to transformers", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3444:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Export Cables - Assembly & Installation cost", description: "installation of subsea export cable system", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3445:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Laying/Trenching - Export Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to lay and bury export cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3446:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Protection - Export Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to protect export cables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3447:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Terminations - Export Cables cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to pull export cables through J-Tubes and connect to transformers", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3448:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Landfall Operations cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to transition export cable from subsea trench to onshore jointing pit ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3449:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Offshore Substation Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Costs of installing offshore substations at the project site", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3450:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure - Offshore Substation Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to install substation substructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3451:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Topside - Offshore Substation Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to install substation topside", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3452:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Offshore Accommodations Platform - Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Costs of installing offshore accommodations platforms at the project site", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3453:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure - Offshore Accommodations Platform cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to install offshore accommodations platform substructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3454:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Topside - Offshore Accommodations Platform cost", description: "Vessel, labor and equipment costs to install offshore accommodations platform topside", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3455:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Electric Infrastructure Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Onshore Electric Infrastructure: costs of installing onshore electric infrastructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3456:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Underground Cable System - Onshore Electric Infrastructure Assembly & Installation cost", description: "Labor and equipment costs to install underground cables onshore", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3457:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Overhead Transmission Lines cost", description: "Labor equipment costs to install overhead transmission lines", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3458:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Substation cost", description: "labor and equipment costs to install onshore substation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3459:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Soft Costs cost", description: "Financial expenditures for which the project owner is responsible prior to COD, related to either payments for financial products, carrying charges on loans, or setting up financial instruments ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3460:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Insurance During Construction (IDC) cost", description: "Insurance policies held by owner during construction period, can include construction all risk, marine cargo, commercial general liability, workers compensation, environmental site liability, pollution liability, etc. Does not include insurance held by contractors", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3461:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Surety Bond (Decommissioning) cost", description: "Financial vehicle to cover the anticipated costs of decommissioning the project at end of operational life ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3462:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Reserve Accounts (MRA, DSRA) cost", description: "Payments into reserve accounts set up to cover major maintenance expenditures (MRA) and debt service (DSRA), often required by debt finance providers", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3463:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Project Contingency Budget cost", description: "Liquid financial instrument set up to respond to ‘known unknown’ costs that arise during construction, does not include contingences set by manufactures and contractors as part of supply contract pricing", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3464:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Construction Financing Costs cost", description: "Carrying charges of expenditures on equipment and services incurred before COD", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3465:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Operational Expenditures (OpEx) cost", description: "Expenditures required to operate the project and maintain availability, generally annualized", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3466:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Maintenance cost", description: "Vessel, labor, and equipment costs of operations for the project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3467:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Long Term Service Agreement cost", description: "Annualized cost of a contract, generally between the owner and turbine OEM or Third Party, to maintain the offshore wind project at a guaranteed level of availability for a defined period, will likely replace scheduled and unscheduled maintenance categories below for duration of contract", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3468:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wind turbine scheduled maintenance cost", description: "Activities to ensure that Turbine systems are operating correctly and to minimize unscheduled breakdowns/ downtime, includes cost of vessels, labor, equipment, spare parts and consumables. Also known as preventative maintenance", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3469:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Wind turbine unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Activities to respond to random failures of turbine equipment including costs of vessels, labor, equipment, replacement parts, and consumables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3470:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Drivetrain Module - Wind turbine unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Drivetrain Modules", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3471:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Electric Module cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Electric Modules", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3472:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Rotor Module - Wind turbine unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Rotor Modules", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3473:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Nacelle Module - Wind turbine unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Nacelle Modules", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3474:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Tower Module - Wind turbine unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Tower Modules", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3475:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "BOS scheduled maintenance cost", description: "Activities to ensure that BOS systems are operating correctly and to minimize unscheduled breakdowns/ downtime, includes cost of vessels, labor, equipment, spare parts and consumables. Also known as preventative maintenance", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3476:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Activities to respond to random failures of BOS equipment including costs of vessels, labor, equipment, replacement parts, and consumables", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3477:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Substructure & Foundation - BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Substructure & Foundations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3478:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Array Cable System - BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Array Cable System", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3479:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Export Cable System - BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Export Cable System", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3480:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Offshore Substation - BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Offshore Substation", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3481:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Onshore Electric Infra. cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Onshore Electric Infrastructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3482:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Other Infrastructure - BOS unscheduled maintenance cost", description: "Unscheduled maintenance related to Other Infrastructure", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3483:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Operations cost", description: "Operations: non-equipment costs of operations for the project", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3484:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Annual Lease Payments cost", description: "Payments to regulatory body for permission to operate at project site, terms defined within lease", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3485:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Project Management during Operations cost", description: "Project Management from COD to up until decommissioning ", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3486:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Salaries - Project Management during Operations cost", description: "Salaries for management and support staff on payroll of project owner and/or operations manager", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3487:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Sales, General, & Administrative - Project Management during Operations cost", description: "Overhead for the project company and/or operations manager including administrative salaries and benefits, rent, utilities, depreciation, insurance, etc.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3488:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Profit (if private operator) cost", description: "Any margin earned by an independent operations management company", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3489:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Transmission Charges cost", description: "Any payments to Transmissions Systems Operators or Transmission Asset Owners for rights to transport generated power.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3490:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Operating Insurance cost", description: "Insurance policies held by project company or operations manager during operational period", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3491:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Operating Equipment & Facilities Lease cost", description: "Costs of leasing equipment and facilities to support operations. Could include expenditures for warehouse, fork trucks, etc after COD.", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3492:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Professional Advisory Services - Operations cost", description: "Legal support, external consulants, accounting, etc, during construction", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3493:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Health, Safety and Environmental Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with HSE requirements during construction", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3494:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Health, Safety Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements during operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3495:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Environmental Monitoring - Health, Safety and Environmental Monitoring cost", description: "Coordination and monitoring to ensure compliance with environmental requirement during operations", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n3496:Variable:NRELCostBreakdown { name: "Total cost of OWF", description: "Total cost of the OWF", references: ["Moné, C., Smith, A., Maples, B., and Hand, M. (2015) 2013 cost of wind energy review, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-63267, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Appendix F"], unit: "¤", type: "real" }),
(n4503:Model { name: "wake model", description: "A generic wake model that captures the common inputs and outputs." }),
(n4504:Model { name: "FarmFlow", description: "FarmFlow is an ECN wake model. It is a simplified CFD solver, i.e., based on 10 minute-averaged parabolized Navier–Stokes equations. It furthermore uses a K-ε turbulence model. The input turbulence intensity is also used to estimate wind shear. It assumes twelve 30° wind directions and outputs speeds with a resolution of 1 m/s. Usually, rotor-averaged wind speed at hub height is output, but arbitrary cell wind speeds can be requested." }),
(n4505:Variable { name: "effective TI at hub height", description: "The turbulence intensity due to both the ambient turbulence and the wake turbulence.", type: "real" }),
(n4506:Variable { name: "ambient TI", description: "The ambient turbulence intensity of the free stream wind.", type: "real" }),
(n4508:Variable { name: "free stream wind speed at height of interest", description: "This variable expresses the speed of the free stream—or undisturbed—wind at the height of interest.", unit: "m/s", type: "real" }),
(n4509:Variable { name: "height of interest", type: "real", unit: "m" }),
(n4511:Model { name: "sum for bending moment on support structure" }),
(n4512:Model { name: "union for set of electrical cables" }),
(n4513:Model { name: "sum for force in wind direction parallel to horizontal on support structure" }),
(n4514:Variable:MBZ13 { type: "real", name: "maximum stress in monopile", unit: "Pa" }),
(n4515:Model { name: "cardinality of set of WTs" }),
(n4516:Model { name: "average for OWF availability factor" }),
(n4517:Model { name: "union for OWF availability configuration" }),
(n4518:Attribute { name: "wake wind" }),
(n4519:Attribute { name: "wake turbulence" }),
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