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Created January 5, 2018 23:09
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Final App.js file for background task and queue integration.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import BackgroundTask from 'react-native-background-task'
import queueFactory from 'react-native-queue';
BackgroundTask.define(async () => {
// Init queue
queue = await queueFactory();
// Register job worker
queue.addWorker('pre-fetch-image', async (id, payload) => {
// Start the queue with a lifespan
// IMPORTANT: OS background tasks are limited to 30 seconds or less.
// NOTE: Queue lifespan logic will attempt to stop queue processing 500ms less than passed lifespan for a healthy shutdown buffer.
// IMPORTANT: Queue processing started with a lifespan will ONLY process jobs that have a defined timeout set.
// Additionally, lifespan processing will only process next job if job.timeout < (remainingLifespan - 500).
await queue.start(25000); // Run queue for at most 25 seconds.
// finish() must be called before OS hits timeout.
export default class App extends Component<{}> {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
queue: null,
showImages: false
.then(queue => {
componentDidMount() {
BackgroundTask.schedule(); // Schedule the task to run every ~15 min if app is closed.
createPrefetchJobs() {
// Create the prefetch job for the first <Image> component.
{ imageUrl: '' }, // Supply the image url we want prefetched in this job to the payload.
{ attempts: 5, timeout: 15000 }, // Retry job on failure up to 5 times. Timeout job in 15 sec (prefetch is probably hanging if it takes that long).
false // Must pass false as the last param so the queue starts up in the background task instead of immediately.
// Create the prefetch job for the second <Image> component.
{ imageUrl: '' }, // Supply the image url we want prefetched in this job to the payload.
{ attempts: 5, timeout: 15000 }, // Retry job on failure up to 5 times. Timeout job in 15 sec (prefetch is probably hanging if it takes that long).
false // Must pass false as the last param so the queue starts up in the background task instead of immediately.
// Create the prefetch job for the third <Image> component.
{ imageUrl: '' }, // Supply the image url we want prefetched in this job to the payload.
{ attempts: 5, timeout: 15000 }, // Retry job on failure up to 5 times. Timeout job in 15 sec (prefetch is probably hanging if it takes that long).
false // Must pass false as the last param so the queue starts up in the background task instead of immediately.
render() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<Button title={"Toggle Screen"} onPress={ () => { this.setState({ showImages: !this.state.showImages}) } } />
{this.state.queue && <Button title={"Pre-fetch Images"} onPress={ this.createPrefetchJobs.bind(this) } />}
{! this.state.showImages && <Text style={styles.welcome}>Home Screen</Text> }
{this.state.showImages && <Text style={styles.welcome}>Image Screen</Text> }
{this.state.showImages && <Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: ''}} permanent={false} /> }
{this.state.showImages && <Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: ''}} permanent={false} /> }
{this.state.showImages && <Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: ''}} permanent={false} /> }
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
padding: 10
welcome: {
fontSize: 20,
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 10,
image: {
height: 204
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