summarized [[201809291404-Ghoussoub]]
• The speaker expresses gratitude to the scientific community in Canada for their respect and admiration, highlighting the importance of material science due to the " acceleration in the mathematization of all aspects of the sciences, but also of society. "
• The speaker explains the rationale behind BIRS (Banff International Research Station), emphasizing the goal to " multiply the opportunities " and " democratize " access to talent and opportunities in mathematics and related fields.
• BIRS aims to facilitate interaction among scientists, described as " getting people together to live together for a week, eat and drink, and sleep mathematics if they can, and do mathematics together collaboratively. "
• The speaker notes the historical context of BIRS, mentioning that the first institute of this form started in Germany post-World War II and that BIRS was inspired by similar models in Europe, such as one near Marseille, Fra