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Last active November 30, 2018 11:52
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Shift/Reset Java
package builders;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Cont {
interface K<A, B, C> extends Function<Function<A, B>, C>{ }
* Step 1:
* ---> just transforming continuations of type (a->r)->r to polymorphic (a->b)->c
* Step 2: (chapter 3.1)
* */
static class Shift<A, B, C> {
K<A, B, C> s;
* (previous and not parametric on the return types)
* cont :: ((a -> b) -> c) -> Shift a b c
public Shift(K<A, B, C> s) {
this.s = s;
* (previous and not parametric on the return types)
* bind :: ((a -> b) -> c) -> (a -> ((a1 -> b1) -> c1)) -> ((a1 -> b1) -> c)
* bind s f = \k -> s $ \x -> f x $ k
public <A1, B1, C1 extends B> Shift<A1, B1, C> bind(Function<A, K<A1, B1, C1>> f) {
return new Shift<A1, B1, C>((Function<A1, B1> k) -> s.apply((A x) -> (f.apply(x)).apply(k)));
* map (essentially bind + unit)
* */
public <A1> Shift<A1, B, C> map (Function<A, A1> f) {
return new Shift<A1, B, C>((Function<A1, B> k) -> s.apply((A x) -> k.apply(f.apply(x))));
static <A, C> void reset(Shift<A, A, C> c) {
c.s.apply(x -> x);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Shift<Integer, Integer, Integer> ctx = new Shift<Integer, Integer, Integer>((Function<Integer, Integer> k) -> k.apply(k.apply(k.apply((7)))))
.map(x -> {
int res = x + 1;
return res;
Shift.reset(ctx); // 10
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