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Last active August 2, 2016 23:40
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open Core.Std
module MiniTypeChecker = struct
type t = U | Int | Bool | A of t * t
type e = Var of string | Abs of string * t * e | App of e * e
let compose_types x y = match (x,y) with (_,U) -> U | (U,_) -> U | _ -> A (x,y)
let apply_types x y = match x with A (a,b) -> if a = y then b else U | _ -> U
let get_type ctx = function
| "T" -> Bool | "F" -> Bool
| x -> try int_of_string x |> ignore ; Int
with _ -> (match List.Assoc.find ctx x with Some t -> t | None -> U)
let rec infer ctx = function
| Var x -> get_type ctx x
| Abs (x,t,e) -> compose_types t @@ infer (List.Assoc.add ctx x t) e
| App (e,e') -> apply_types (infer ctx e) (infer ctx e')
let rec to_str = function
| U -> "" | Int -> "int" | Bool -> "bool"
| A (t,u) -> "("^(to_str t)^" -> "^(to_str u)^")"
let type_check x = match to_str @@ infer [] x with "" -> None | s -> Some s
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