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Created May 8, 2021 02:04
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FSharp.Data.Adaptive example in linqpad
<Query Kind="FSharpProgram">
// F# - what the F* is this sorcery?! :-)
// create a temporary directory
let foo = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "foo")
let bar = Path.Combine(foo, "bar.txt")
if not (Directory.Exists(foo)) then
Directory.CreateDirectory(foo) |> ignore
// commands
let openFoo () = Process.Start("explorer", foo).Dispose()
let appendToBarTxt () = File.AppendAllLines(bar, [DateTime.Now.ToString("s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)])
let deleteFoo () =
Directory.Delete(foo, true)
with ex -> ()
new Hyperlinq(openFoo,"Explore"),
new Hyperlinq(deleteFoo,"Delete"),
new Hyperlinq(appendToBarTxt,"AppendLine(bar.txt, now)")
) |> Dump
// calculate adaptive list of all lines in all files
let example1 () =
let dc = new DumpContainer()
dc.Dump("All lines in all files")
let content =
AdaptiveDirectory.GetFiles(foo, true)
|> ASet.sortBy (fun info -> info.Name)
|> AList.collect (fun info ->
AdaptiveFile.ReadAllLinesAList info.FullName
|> (fun line -> info.FullName + " => " + line) // cannot get line number - dunno how
content.AddCallback (fun oldState delta ->
let (newList, _) = IndexList.applyDelta oldState delta
dc.Content <- newList
) |> ignore
// calculate adaptive value of largest datetime from all lines in all files
let example2 () =
let dc = new DumpContainer()
dc.Dump("Largest date in all files")
let content =
AdaptiveDirectory.GetFiles(foo, true)
|> ASet.sortBy (fun info -> info.Name)
|> AList.collect (fun info -> AdaptiveFile.ReadAllLinesAList info.FullName)
|> (fun line -> DateTime.Parse(line))
|> AList.tryMax
content.AddCallback (fun value ->
dc.Content <- value
) |> ignore
// show examples
// keep adaptive computations running
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