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Ben Moss benmoss

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benmoss /
Last active August 28, 2019 18:17 — forked from gab-satchi/
PKS Windows stemcell upgarde investigation


PKS 1.5's Windows support defines the minimum required Windows stemcell as version 2019.7, however if you provide a greater version (eg 2019.8), cluster creation will fail. Full details of this bug are detailed in this Tracker story. The root of the problem was that the PKS service adapter had 2019.7 hardcoded and therefore always would try to deploy that stemcell when deploying Windows clusters.

On-demand service broker (ODB) does not allow using latest for stemcell version, so we had to find a way to send the currently uploaded Windows stemcell version from OpsManager to the broker. The Linux stemcell version was always passed using the [tile metadata](

benmoss / ci.html
Last active May 23, 2016 19:53 — forked from mavenraven/ci.html
CI monitor
iframe { border:0; }
setInterval(function() {
var x = document.getElementById("appveyor");
x.src = x.src;
benmoss / gist:6858141
Last active December 24, 2015 20:29 — forked from 1dolinski/gist:6858110
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Show page" do
subject { page }
describe "show page" do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
before { visit user_home_path}
it do