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Last active January 18, 2023 13:40
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Naive implementation of version 4 uuid generator
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
function v4_uuid() {
let rand_bytes = crypto.randomBytes(16);
let rand_bytes_int = Uint8Array.from(rand_bytes);
// replace 7th byte with 4 (0100)
// & 0b00001111 replaces the first 4 bits with 0s
// | 0b01000000 replaces the first 4 bits with 0100
rand_bytes_int[6] = (rand_bytes_int[6] & 0b00001111) | 0b01000000;
// set 2 significant bits of 9th byte to 2 (10)
// & 0b00111111 replaces the first 2 bits with 0s
// | 0b10000000 replaces the first 2 bits with 10
rand_bytes_int[8] = (rand_bytes_int[8] & 0b00111111) | 0b10000000;
let output = '';
const hyphen_points = [2, 4, 6, 8];
for (let i = 0; i < rand_bytes_int.length; i++) {
output += rand_bytes_int[i].toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
if (hyphen_points.includes(i)) {
output += '-';
return output;
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